I finally started written my home page (not that interesting)
It’s written in ruby (ok I’m listening)
Now I’m looking for a host that supports modruby since my home page is
written using modruby. I can’t seem to find any in my country (Belgium)
Hello Geiregat,
I finally started written my home page (not that interesting)
It's written in ruby (ok I'm listening)
Now I'm looking for a host that supports modruby since my home page is
written using modruby. I can't seem to find any in my country (Belgium)
Go and get a virtual server if you have less traffic or a dedicated
server if you expect a lot. There is nothing like a working shared modruby
Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz http://www.ruby-ide.com
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's
Lothar Scholz wrote:
Hello Geiregat,
I finally started written my home page (not that interesting)
It’s written in ruby (ok I’m listening)
Now I’m looking for a host that supports modruby since my home page is
written using modruby. I can’t seem to find any in my country (Belgium)Go and get a virtual server if you have less traffic or a dedicated
server if you expect a lot. There is nothing like a working shared modruby
Linode.com is a great option.
Lothar Scholz wrote:
Hello Geiregat,
I finally started written my home page (not that interesting)
It’s written in ruby (ok I’m listening)
Now I’m looking for a host that supports modruby since my home page is
written using modruby. I can’t seem to find any in my country (Belgium)Go and get a virtual server if you have less traffic or a dedicated
server if you expect a lot. There is nothing like a working shared modruby
rootr.net might get you started…they are in hong kong.
Hello Lothar,
Hello Geiregat,
I finally started written my home page (not that interesting)
It’s written in ruby (ok I’m listening)
Now I’m looking for a host that supports modruby since my home page is
written using modruby. I can’t seem to find any in my country (Belgium)
Go and get a virtual server if you have less traffic or a dedicated
server if you expect a lot. There is nothing like a working shared modruby
Replying to myself:
I recommend this because they have low priced Vservers which are
sometimes slow but “you get what you pay for”. The OP send me a email
saying that he doesn’t have so much money. Maybe someone else knows a
better service.
But everyone who develop web applications must keep in mind that
hosting something that is written in ruby is of course more expensive
that a simple common PHP application. It better to look for this
before you start writing your home page.
Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz http://www.ruby-ide.com
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's
Paul Vudmaska <paul@vudmaska.com> wrote in message news:<40BE0774.7050205@vudmaska.com>...
Lothar Scholz wrote:
>Hello Geiregat,
>> Hello
>> I finally started written my home page (not that interesting)
>> It's written in ruby (ok I'm listening)
>> Now I'm looking for a host that supports modruby since my home page is
>> written using modruby. I can't seem to find any in my country (Belgium)
>Go and get a virtual server if you have less traffic or a dedicated
>server if you expect a lot. There is nothing like a working shared modruby
rootr.net might get you started...they are in hong kong.;Paul
I'll second the recommendation for rootr.net. modruby is included in
all packages, and they start at (if I recall correctly) about $9 a
month. Not as blazing-fast as some other services if you're in North
America, but certainly not slow. Plus, their support team has saved
my behind several times after I typed some dumb thing or other.
I use rootr.net for my brother's band's website. The only downside is that
the connections can tend to get a slow during certain times at night
(normally around midnight to 3am EST). The SSH connection speed also tends
to be a little sluggish by about a second or two. For the price my brother's
band is paying and for the things we get access to, ruby/perl, we are quite
pleased. The folks at rootr.net have also responded within 1 business day
for any questions we've had and we have never had a problem.
The only other bad thing about rootr.net is that the error/access log files
never seem to be rotated, ever. And by default everyone's error/access log
goes into the default for Apache. Last time I check it still had stuff from
2002 in it. ;( I haven't requested for them to put the error/access logs for
my brother's bands website in their virtual host directory, but I thought
I'd point this out.
Good luck w/it!
-----Original Message-----
From: David F. Dembinski [mailto:dave@davedembinski.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 12:04 PM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: looking for host supporting modruby
Paul Vudmaska <paul@vudmaska.com> wrote in message
Lothar Scholz wrote:
>Hello Geiregat,
>> Hello
>> I finally started written my home page (not that interesting)
>> It's written in ruby (ok I'm listening)
>> Now I'm looking for a host that supports modruby since my home page
>> written using modruby. I can't seem to find any in my country
>Go and get a virtual server if you have less traffic or a dedicated
>server if you expect a lot. There is nothing like a working shared
rootr.net might get you started...they are in hong kong.;Paul
I'll second the recommendation for rootr.net. modruby is included in
all packages, and they start at (if I recall correctly) about $9 a
month. Not as blazing-fast as some other services if you're in North
America, but certainly not slow. Plus, their support team has saved
my behind several times after I typed some dumb thing or other.
Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.692 / Virus Database: 453 - Release Date: 5/28/2004
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.692 / Virus Database: 453 - Release Date: 5/28/2004
I want to throw out a plug for FutureQuest.net - They don't suppport mod_ruby, but they *do* support eruby transparently. If it's just a "homepage" you're doing, the speed difference probably won't be noticeable. Also, they're in North America, so that kind of speed difference may *be* noticeable. Also, FutureQuest's email support has always gotten back to me in under 20 minutes, even on late sunday nights.
Zach Dennis wrote:
I use rootr.net for my brother's band's website. The only downside is that
the connections can tend to get a slow during certain times at night
(normally around midnight to 3am EST). The SSH connection speed also tends
to be a little sluggish by about a second or two. For the price my brother's
band is paying and for the things we get access to, ruby/perl, we are quite
pleased. The folks at rootr.net have also responded within 1 business day
for any questions we've had and we have never had a problem.The only other bad thing about rootr.net is that the error/access log files
never seem to be rotated, ever. And by default everyone's error/access log
goes into the default for Apache. Last time I check it still had stuff from
2002 in it. ;( I haven't requested for them to put the error/access logs for
my brother's bands website in their virtual host directory, but I thought
I'd point this out.Good luck w/it!
-----Original Message-----
From: David F. Dembinski [mailto:dave@davedembinski.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 12:04 PM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: looking for host supporting modrubyPaul Vudmaska <paul@vudmaska.com> wrote in message
news:<40BE0774.7050205@vudmaska.com>...Lothar Scholz wrote:
Hello Geiregat,
I finally started written my home page (not that interesting)
It's written in ruby (ok I'm listening)
Now I'm looking for a host that supports modruby since my home pageis
written using modruby. I can't seem to find any in my country
Go and get a virtual server if you have less traffic or a dedicated
server if you expect a lot. There is nothing like a working sharedmodruby
rootr.net might get you started...they are in hong kong.
I'll second the recommendation for rootr.net. modruby is included in
all packages, and they start at (if I recall correctly) about $9 a
month. Not as blazing-fast as some other services if you're in North
America, but certainly not slow. Plus, their support team has saved
my behind several times after I typed some dumb thing or other.---
Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.692 / Virus Database: 453 - Release Date: 5/28/2004---
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.692 / Virus Database: 453 - Release Date: 5/28/2004