Are there some good websites with lists of Ruby tips and tricks (the kind of
stuff I'd never find out about on my own)? Or maybe some kind of archive for
this newsgroup?
Mike Steiner
Are there some good websites with lists of Ruby tips and tricks (the kind of
stuff I'd never find out about on my own)? Or maybe some kind of archive for
this newsgroup?
Mike Steiner
Mike Steiner wrote:
Are there some good websites with lists of Ruby tips and tricks (the kind of
stuff I'd never find out about on my own)? Or maybe some kind of archive for
this newsgroup?Mike Steiner
The two web archives of this list can be found through and . Also helpful is , because you get to compare various people's clever solutions to specific problems.
The best short ruby reference ever can be found by googling "quickref"--maybe you want to read through that once.
Have fun learning,