Logging when files are required/loaded

Hi all,

I am wondering if there is a quick and dirty way of displaying via
"puts" the relative path name of files as required or loaded within the
console. It would be useful for debugging. Presently I have a line at
the top of my files something like:

puts "Loading somefile.rb..."

This has been invaluable for diagnosing most errors.

Obviously, in a dynamic language this seems silly. Somehow I know the
ability to do this in a few lines of code is build straight into ruby.

Thanks much.


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Sure, it is a matter of aliasing:

     $ irb
     irb(main):001:0> def require_with_puts(filename) puts filename; require_without_puts(filename); end
     => nil
     irb(main):002:0> alias require_without_puts require
     => nil
     irb(main):003:0> alias require require_with_puts
     => nil
     irb(main):004:0> require 'rubygems'
     => true

-- fxn


On Jan 11, 2008, at 3:04 AM, Mario T. Lanza wrote:

I am wondering if there is a quick and dirty way of displaying via
"puts" the relative path name of files as required or loaded within the
console. It would be useful for debugging. Presently I have a line at
the top of my files something like:

puts "Loading somefile.rb..."

This has been invaluable for diagnosing most errors.

Obviously, in a dynamic language this seems silly. Somehow I know the
ability to do this in a few lines of code is build straight into ruby.

Thanks! I new this would be quite easy.


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.