Logging irb stdin & stdout to file but still remain showing


I search the ruby-talk and find a few discussion on redirecting the
STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR. However, I still couldn't get it to work on
redirecting the IO to file and also to the console. I am working on

Here is what I want to do,
1. run irb,
2. run a command like :
   log "c:\irb_log.txt"
3. continue on irb and run other command, all the stdin, stdout and
stderr will be logging into the irb_log.txt and still showing on screen.
4. run nolog, :it will stop loggin the stdin, stdout and stderr.

Anyone has any idea how to do this?
I have try to redirect the output like STDOUT.repopen("c:\tmp.log",
"w"), but i will not get the output on the console.

Thanks in advance.


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Shin guey Wong wrote:

Anyone has any idea how to do this?
I have try to redirect the output like STDOUT.repopen("c:\tmp.log",
"w"), but i will not get the output on the console.

No answer? well, I just found an ugly hack on myself....
heres the code, just put it in the .irbrc file and you will get those 2
functions, log, nolog for free...:stuck_out_tongue:

For the STDIN, I am really no idea how to get it, I had to hack the IRB
to get it work, here, I only get the STDIN from the Readline(if the user
didn't enable readline in IRB, they will never get the stdin log in the

Did anyone has better idea on accomplish this? How to get the STDIN from
the IRB history?

module Kernel
def log(file_name, attr)
  $irb_log_file = File.open(file_name, attr)

def nolog
  if ($irb_log_file )
  $irb_log_file = nil

class << STDOUT
    alias :old_write :write
    def write(*args)
      if ($irb_log_file)
        $irb_log_file.write args

class << STDERR
    alias :old_write :write
    def write(*args)
      if ($irb_log_file)
        $irb_log_file.write args

module IRB
  class ReadlineInputMethod < InputMethod
    alias :old_gets :gets
    def gets
      l = old_gets
        $irb_log_file.puts @prompt << l

Here is how you use it:



log 'c:\irb.log', 'w'

=> #<File:c:\irb.log>

puts 'hehe'

=> nil

puts 'hello'

=> nil


=> nil

And the log file:
=> #<File:c:\irb.log>

puts 'hehe'

=> nil

puts 'hello'

=> nil


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

I don't have the answer but I think it can be done by overriding the
conf settings.

Open up IRB and type conf
I am on a mac and I see

The StdioOutputMethod rdoc only shows a print method
And all the code does is pass the args to STDOUT.print. If your log
class has a print method try setting your conf.output_method to an
instance of it.

The ReadLineInput is the same but with more methods.
Once you figure this part out you can drop it in your irbrc file it
will load every time you start up irb.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shin guey Wong <sgwong513@hotmail.com>
Date: Dec 12, 2007 9:58 AM
Subject: Logging irb stdin & stdout to file but still remain showin
To: ruby-talk ML <ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org>


I search the ruby-talk and find a few discussion on redirecting the
STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR. However, I still couldn't get it to work on
redirecting the IO to file and also to the console. I am working on

Here is what I want to do,
1. run irb,
2. run a command like :
   log "c:\irb_log.txt"
3. continue on irb and run other command, all the stdin, stdout and
stderr will be logging into the irb_log.txt and still showing on screen.
4. run nolog, :it will stop loggin the stdin, stdout and stderr.

Anyone has any idea how to do this?
I have try to redirect the output like STDOUT.repopen("c:\tmp.log",
"w"), but i will not get the output on the console.

Thanks in advance.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

I thought Windows didn't have STDIN/OUT/ERR.


Giles Bowkett

Podcast: http://hollywoodgrit.blogspot.com
Blog: http://gilesbowkett.blogspot.com
Portfolio: http://www.gilesgoatboy.org
Tumblelog: http://giles.tumblr.com

Really? Why?

James Edward Gray II


On Dec 16, 2007, at 10:07 AM, Giles Bowkett wrote:

I thought Windows didn't have STDIN/OUT/ERR.

> I thought Windows didn't have STDIN/OUT/ERR.

Really? Why?

I don't know, I just picked up that impression somewhere.


Giles Bowkett

Podcast: http://hollywoodgrit.blogspot.com
Blog: http://gilesbowkett.blogspot.com
Portfolio: http://www.gilesgoatboy.org
Tumblelog: http://giles.tumblr.com