Logfile rotate

Is there a gem that rolls logs for you? if so how and where can I get
it? I have started to write my own, but figured I'd ask.



Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Take a look at the "logging" gem. It has a rolling logfile appender -- rotates logfiles after they get (a) too big or (b) too old. If you are not generating the logfiles from a Ruby app, then that appender is a good place to steal code from.



On Apr 10, 2009, at 8:46 AM, Derek Smith wrote:

Is there a gem that rolls logs for you? if so how and where can I get
it? I have started to write my own, but figured I'd ask.

There is also a standard Ruby library called Logger which can do that:

Derek Smith wrote:


Is there a gem that rolls logs for you? if so how and where can I get
it? I have started to write my own, but figured I'd ask.


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.