Load wrap=true and adding methods to classes in the prog being called

Dear Rubyists,

class String
def quote() “’”+self+"’" end

puts “blabla”.quote


load ‘foo.rb’, true

foo.rb executes ok,
bar.rb gives “undefined method `quote’ for “blabla”:String
(NoMethodError)” which I do understand since the script is now beeing
executed under an anonymous module.

Is there a way to still protect the namespace of the caller prog, but
not having this effect? (i.e. still being able in the called prog to add
methods to classes defined elsewhere, and whithout these methods
poluting the caller…)

Thanks very much!


Is there a way to still protect the namespace of the caller prog, but
not having this effect? (i.e. still being able in the called prog to add
methods to classes defined elsewhere, and whithout these methods
poluting the caller...)

See the module import_module, ruby_behaviors ... in RAA

Guy Decoux