
After "Linux Devices For Ruby", version 0.1.1, released in 2002.07, I am
finally resuming this project. However it is being merged with another
project called "GridFlow", and will be in a directory called

Linux Devices For Ruby is a very small collection of ioctl() wrappers so
that some kernel interfaces become easier to use. In particular, there is
a generic wrapper (class methods ressembling Module#attr), and from there,
there is support for Linux Parallel Port (/dev/lp), OSS Sound PCM
(/dev/dsp), and OSS Sound Mixer (/dev/mixer). All those are implemented as
modules (that is, secondary superclasses) that you graft onto any object
of class IO that is bound to such a kernel device; e.g.:

require "linux/ParallelPort"
f = "/dev/lp", "w"
f.sync = false
f.extend Linux::ParallelPort
p f.status

and so on

note that the exact naming of the modules will change in the process.
I suggest to stick with LDFR 0.1.1 until GridFlow 0.8.0 is released, and
then make any required compatibility changes.

The GridFlow project (doc, cvs, tar, etc) is accessible at:


Mathieu Bouchard -=- Montréal QC Canada -=-