I have a rather old code with a very long case/menu, which
acts on user-supplied input. I already fear that I will have
to rewrite it heavily, but before I start I thought I go and
ask here.
A typical line of that case/menu looks like so:
when "foobar","foo","f"
Obviously, I did want the user be able to type foobar, foo, or f
and have the same method or code invoked. Lateron I realized that
this was not optimal, one better approach would have been this:
foo, f -> pointing to foobar, which then invokes do_something()
(The real scenario is a bit more complicated, but the code above
serves as a good trivial example.)
How to solve the above? Using a big hash which keeps all
aliases and only leave a single entry per when line, like so?
# process input here and check on aliases, and then replace
# them pointing to "foobar"?
when "foobar"
when "blafoo"
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