How's this for a solution. Note I tried to only use constructs covered
up to the point of the exercise in the book.
numBottles = 99
while numBottles > 2
puts numBottles.to_s + " bottles of beer on the wall, " +
numBottles.to_s + " bottles of beer,"
puts "take one down, pass it around, " + (numBottles-1).to_s + "
bottles of beer on the wall!"
puts ""
numBottles = numBottles - 1
puts numBottles.to_s + " bottles of beer on the wall, " +
numBottles.to_s + " bottles of beer,"
puts "take one down, pass it around, " + (numBottles-1).to_s + " bottle
of beer on the wall!"
puts "Yay!"
-----Original Message-----
From: JB []
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 11:39 PM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: Learn to Program, by Chris Pine
Jan_K wrote:
Does anyone know where I can find the solutions to the exercises in
this book:Learn to Program, by Chris Pine
I'm stuck in "Flow Control" chapter, specificailly the "Extend Deaf
Grandma" exercise.
I'm stuck trying to do the part to make it do '99 bottles of beer on
the wall' song. I get started in what I hope will work and next thing I
know I have way too many variables and nothing makes sense. I even did
something that made it loop the integer 0. I had to Ctrl-c on that one.
Here's what I quit trying at, because no matter how many breaks I took
or whatever, it just wasn't making any sense. :
puts '99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer,'
'take one down, pass it around,'
'98 bottles of beer on the wall!'
song = '99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, take one
down, pass it around,'
song = 99
song2 = '98 bottles of beer on the wall!'
song2 = 99 - 1
last = '1 bottle of beer on the wall'
last = 1
if song2 == last
puts 'Yay!'
if song2 - 1
while song == 1
endputs '99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer,'
'take one down, pass it around,'
'98 bottles of beer on the wall!'
song = '99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, take one
down, pass it around,'
song = 99
song2 = '98 bottles of beer on the wall!'
song2 = 99 - 1
last = '1 bottle of beer on the wall'
last = 1
if song2 == last
puts 'Yay!'
if song2 - 1
while song == 1
I too wish the author had put examples, say on some pages in the back
or something.