Ldap - openldap

Actually the MS ldap api is part of windows (the platform sdk) already
and has been for some time.
AD just typically includes updated versions of it (compared to the one
that comes with NT4, W2k, XP, 2003…)


-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Roberts [mailto:sroberts@uniserve.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 8:02 AM
To: ruby-talk ML; rubytuzdayz@yahoo.com
Cc: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: ldap - openldap

Quoteing rubytuzdayz@yahoo.com, on Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 12:25:01AM

To install ruby-ldap, I need an ldap server/sdk …Where do I get the
windows binaries for the (open) ldap server?

I’ve never used ruby-ldap, but I’ve used the openldap sdk on windows.

I didn’t find binaries of the sdk, though you can find server binaries
easily enough.

But, like me, you don’t need the server, probably, just the sdk.

Download the openldap source, it comes with Dev Studio project files.
Build only the projects you need (libber, libldap, another?) from the
mega-project (the clients and servers need sasl, and other libraries you
might not have).

Hope that helps a little.

+++ OR +++

MS’s ActiveDirectory comes with an LDAP API based on the UofMich RFCs.
It’s almost identical to the OpenLdap APIs. If nobody has done it yet,
the ruby ldap should compile against the MS ldap APIs on windows, it
solves a lot of problems (like your problem!).


Quoteing Patrick.Bennett@inin.com, on Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 10:54:39PM +0900:

Actually the MS ldap api is part of windows (the platform sdk) already
and has been for some time.

The msdn docs suggested that the ldap api is part of the Active
Directory client apis, but who am I to try interpret MS’s maze of s/w,
sdks, and apis?

But that reminds me. If you use the ldap api, and immediately segv, its
because your copy of msdev has a dll stub library with the “wrong
ordinals”. Get a recent copy of the platform sdk, and use it. Recent
copies of ms dev might also have the ordinal bug fixed.



AD just typically includes updated versions of it (compared to the one
that comes with NT4, W2k, XP, 2003…)

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Roberts [mailto:sroberts@uniserve.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 8:02 AM
To: ruby-talk ML; rubytuzdayz@yahoo.com
Cc: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: ldap - openldap

Quoteing rubytuzdayz@yahoo.com, on Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 12:25:01AM

To install ruby-ldap, I need an ldap server/sdk …Where do I get the
windows binaries for the (open) ldap server?

I’ve never used ruby-ldap, but I’ve used the openldap sdk on windows.

I didn’t find binaries of the sdk, though you can find server binaries
easily enough.

But, like me, you don’t need the server, probably, just the sdk.

Download the openldap source, it comes with Dev Studio project files.
Build only the projects you need (libber, libldap, another?) from the
mega-project (the clients and servers need sasl, and other libraries you
might not have).

Hope that helps a little.

+++ OR +++

MS’s ActiveDirectory comes with an LDAP API based on the UofMich RFCs.
It’s almost identical to the OpenLdap APIs. If nobody has done it yet,
the ruby ldap should compile against the MS ldap APIs on windows, it
solves a lot of problems (like your problem!).
