
I'm posting from work, but will try to follow up in more
detail when I get home.

For the record, KirbyBase is cool. Jamey has done an amazing
job on it, and it works well and is intuitive.

If you need gigantic tables, if you need SQL, if you need
20K transactions per second -- don't use it. :slight_smile:

But if you need a lightweight, low-profile data storage
mechanism with a good Rubylike interface, then do use it.

Many of the recent developments in it have been driven in part
by me. I have had a few ideas which Jamey was kind enough to
implement. All credit for the code goes to him. I haven't
written a line of the engine.

But Jamey and I have a slight disconnect in our communication
which is almost an object of study in itself.

Aside: I had a CS prof, Tobin Maginnis, with degrees in
psychology. He was always interested in research into the
psychology of human interfaces and of the coding process.
I bet he would love to watch Jamey and me and take notes. :wink:

The thing is, Jamey is a Database Guy. As the sole architect
and coder of KirbyBase, this is a Good Thing.

Me, I'm just a guy who has objects he wants to store and retrieve.
In fact, I have looked at Madeleine and such. I'm not married
to the idea of a database at all, as long as I can store and
retrieve my objects.

As an Object Guy, I don't want too many of the details of the
database to intrude into my code (or especially into my classes).
I want the wires hidden from the audience. I want to pay no
attention to that man behind the curtain. I want it as blackboxy
as it can reasonably be.

For a past example: When I started uaing KB, a select would
return me an array of fields. I would take those fields and use
them to construct an object. It got to be a pain when I wanted to load
an object, change it, and store it back (decomposing it back
into an array before storing).

Eventually I said: Why am I doing this? And Jamey and I hammered
something out. Now when I do a select, I get an object back; and
when I store an object, I don't have to convert it.

Some of my basic principles are:

1. Software should be my servant, not my master.
2. My servant should be smart and read my mind whenever
possible. I don't want to micromanage him.
3. At the same time, if I have very complex or specific needs,
I want him to be able to accept micromanagement.
4. In connection with #2, common or ordinary actions should be
5. In connection with #3, infrequent or extraordinary actions
may be more complex. (Think Zipf's Law. Also remember DHH's
"say no by default.")

This to me is the essence of why I like Ruby (and by extension
why I like Rails).

Now, how does this relate to KirbyBase? I'll get into specifics
later on.

Hal wrote:
[interesting anecdote snipped]

Some of my basic principles are:

1. Software should be my servant, not my master.
2. My servant should be smart and read my mind whenever
possible. I don't want to micromanage him.
3. At the same time, if I have very complex or specific needs,
I want him to be able to accept micromanagement.
4. In connection with #2, common or ordinary actions should be
5. In connection with #3, infrequent or extraordinary actions
may be more complex. (Think Zipf's Law. Also remember DHH's
"say no by default.")

I heartily agree with these principles. In fact I'd go so far as to say these principles can apply to all technology, not just software. Even though I'm a computer engineer and love technology, I still fear that in many ways we are becoming slaves to it, and not the other way around.

So in this way I try my best to pull back at times and look at the big picture to ask myself: "how is this making my life better?" Because sometimes I'm just playing with technology for the sake of playing with technology. This isn't bad in all cases, but it can be if that is all you ever do.

This to me is the essence of why I like Ruby (and by extension
why I like Rails).

Same here.

Now, how does this relate to KirbyBase? I'll get into specifics
later on.

I look forward to reading more.


Well, I didn't get to make this post last night. :-/ Things such as
work, food, and sleep really interfere with coding and posting.

I'll make a few comments now and flesh them out later.

As I said, I'm an Object Guy and Jamey is a Database Guy. What does
that mean?

I was working on an app and using KirbyBase. Because of the work Jamey
had done recently, creating objects from the database records was much

But I noticed something. My fields were all simple types. (After all,
that's how databases work.) But I was taking my smaller objects and
using them to build bigger objects. In most cases, I was storing a key
into another table. So I would look up a record, and four of its fields

would actually be keys into other tables. I'd then look up those four.
I'd then embed my four little objects inside an object corresponding to

the original row.

I had a feeling that I was doing too much work, that some of this could

be done for me.

My thoughts were like this: OK, we have primitive types such as integer

and string. From OOP, I have a habit of thinking of classes as abstract

types (see Bertrand Meyer -- I think).

So if I want an object to have a member which is (e.g.) a Person, why
can't I treat Person just like String and Integer?

In Ruby, we don't think of variables or attributes as being typed. I
make an exception in the case of retrieving objects from databases,
because I am very used to the idea of fields having types. (Although
someday I will comment on that also.)

After all, even in Ruby, we often think to ourselves, "This member
will be a string" -- although if we are not careful, we might assign
any other thing to it. But I won't go off on too much of a tangent

So here I am. I'm thinking: Treat simple types (simple fields) the way
we already do. We store a type for each field. Let's store the complex
types the same way... but in the actual table, just store a key into
another table.

That requires the table name and key field name to be specified
of course. My take: Let's get slightly railsy and assume the class name

lowercased is the table name (e.g. Person => person.tbl). That means we

only have to specify the field name explicitly (and I've been thinking
of a way to eliminate that also, by optionally establishing a known
"key field" for a table).

I was thinking "composite objects." I was thinking "embedding simpler
objects inside more complex ones." I was thinking "this is how I can
easily and transparently marshal my objects."

When I mentioned this to Jamey, he said in effect, "Oh, you want one-
to-one links between database tables." That's Mr. Database talking to
Mr. Object. He was quite right, of course, but it confused me to think
that way.

It was as if my mechanic said, "Oh, you're trying to use this
solenoid/starter assembly to initiate sequential explosions inside your

cylinders with the aid of these spark plugs." To which I would say,
"Uh, I just want to start my car." (As it happens, I really don't know
much about cars or engines. That's a hardware problem.)

So Mr. Database says, "Let's implement one-to-many also." (And he may
have done others also, I don't have a KB install in front of me.)

And my reaction is, well, OK, fine. But first of all, I don't
see a need for it. (Of course, I might discover a need next week.)

Second of all, I am not sure what analogy that would have in object
terms. I suppose it would in effect be embedding an array where all the

objects are objects derived from the rows of the child class. This
bothers me a *little* because all the elements of the array would be
of the same type. If you ever assign something else to that array,
get an error when you try to insert.

Well, there's already some clash between Ruby and the database concept,

because db fields have types, and attributes (as variables) don't have
types. But this seemed like going a step farther to me -- heightening
the clash by creating an array that has to be homogeneous, like a
Pascal array.

Third of all, if you start to have "one-to-one" and "one-to-many" links

and such, you start having to distinguish between them. This makes
instantiation, even in the default case, just a tiny bit more
It's creeping complexity. It's very small, but it adds up (and
multiplies if you're not careful, the way probabilities multiply).

See, there is a sort of "conservation of complexity" in any system. If
I knew more information theory, I could express it better.

Take data compression as an example. I can write a simple, dumb
compression program that will compress most text by a factor of 2 or
better. But that's not very good. An extremely complex algorithm (a
better one, that is) might compress by a factor of 10 or more.

But the net information is the same, don't you see? We have moved the
information from the data into the program. We have a very high-entropy

resultant data file and a very low-entropy program. I have increased
data's entropy at the cost of increasing the entropy of the software.
(My freezer keeps things very cold, but there is hot air coming out the

back of the fridge.)

I can compress the Declaration of Independence into a single byte with
sophisticated enough program, like the one shown here in part:

   if text == 'a'
     puts "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary"
     # lines omitted
     puts "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

You think I'm kidding, and I am. But I'm also not kidding at all.

If I write a C program in 600 lines, I can probably write it in Ruby
in 100 lines. Where did the complexity go? It left my program and went
into the interpreter. That is where it belongs -- under the hood.
Information hiding is how humans manage complexity. The concept of the
black box is a greater human invention than the discovery of fire or
the wheel.

Now, suppose I specify a table with KirbyBase that has two simple
an integer and a string. We do it something like this (I probably am
forgetting the method name):

               :alpha, :Integer,
               :beta, :String)

Fine and dandy, nice and simple.

Now suppose we add another field -- I'll abandon the Greek alphabet and

call it "boss" which will be a Person object.

In an absolutely perfect world, this would be "just another type." The
software would read my mind and do exactly the right thing, and all I
would type is:

               :alpha, :Integer,
               :beta, :String,
               :boss, :Person)

But this leaves some unanswered questions. Here are the questions and
answers -- pardon me for personifying the database software:

  1. "What table will I get this 'person' stuff from?" (Just derive the

     table name from the class name.)
  2. "What field in the child table will I use as a key?" (Hmm, maybe
     have to tell you this one. It might be cool to be able to
designate a
     key field, though.)
  3. "What type is that key field?" (Given the name, you can find it in
     child table's information.)
  4. "What if Person itself is another complex object?" (Relax, just
     the same algorithm recursively. Worst that can happen is there is
     cyclic data, you'll go into an infinite loop, and I'll have to
kill you.)

Now, Jamey's first attempt at this had me writing code in the
MYtablename#kb_create method, calling a method named one_to_one_link or
such. It felt very manual to me, like I was hotwiring my car.

"What's the big deal?" says the mechanic. "All you do is, you grab
these two
wires, not these two, and touch them together for a little while, not
too long,
and..." And I reply: "I don't want to reach for the wires and grab
them, I
don't want to memorize the colors, I don't want to estimate the time
and I don't want to see wires dangling. Keep that under the hood."

In one iteration, perhaps not the present one, a one-to-many
relationship was
stored inside its parent object as a KBResultSet. Ugly to me. If we
must have
one-to-many, let it be just an array. I don't want my choice of
database to
intrude into my objects any more than necessary. Given the right glue,
database should be usable for my objects. KirbyBase is implementing
this glue
pretty well so far, INSIDE the db software where it belongs.

In the one-to-one case (present iteration), the type information is
as an array. This was my suggestion, and in general I like it. But it
is too
complex. We may not reach the ideal shown above, but let's strive
toward it.

When I have Jamey's email in front of me, I'll tell you exactly what I

I was also disturbed a little to see that the class had to inherit from
a KB
class (I forget which one). It's hard to articulate why this bothers
me. It's
one more thing to remember, one more thing to do, and it's not a
totally clean

Also, a word or two about the kb_create method (called automatically
when a row
is retrieved, to turn it into an object). In a perfect world, we should

"normally" not have to define one at all. I'm thinking of ways to make
usually unnecessary. (In the case of "calculated fields," this might be
very best place to put them, however.)

Hope this helps clarify things a little.

And I'm glad to see this discussion happening in public, just in case I
Jamey some really stupid advice. :slight_smile: I'd hate to persuade him into a bad

Hal wrote:

As I said, I'm an Object Guy and Jamey is a Database Guy. What does
that mean?

Sometimes it means we are like the "Odd Couple". Hey, which one of us is Felix?

I was working on an app and using KirbyBase. Because of the work Jamey
had done recently, creating objects from the database records was much

But I noticed something. My fields were all simple types. (After all,
that's how databases work.) But I was taking my smaller objects and
using them to build bigger objects. In most cases, I was storing a key
into another table. So I would look up a record, and four of its fields

would actually be keys into other tables. I'd then look up those four.
I'd then embed my four little objects inside an object corresponding to

the original row.

I had a feeling that I was doing too much work, that some of this could

be done for me.

My thoughts were like this: OK, we have primitive types such as integer

and string. From OOP, I have a habit of thinking of classes as abstract

types (see Bertrand Meyer -- I think).

So if I want an object to have a member which is (e.g.) a Person, why
can't I treat Person just like String and Integer?

In Ruby, we don't think of variables or attributes as being typed. I
make an exception in the case of retrieving objects from databases,
because I am very used to the idea of fields having types. (Although
someday I will comment on that also.)

After all, even in Ruby, we often think to ourselves, "This member
will be a string" -- although if we are not careful, we might assign
any other thing to it. But I won't go off on too much of a tangent

So here I am. I'm thinking: Treat simple types (simple fields) the way
we already do. We store a type for each field. Let's store the complex
types the same way... but in the actual table, just store a key into
another table.

That requires the table name and key field name to be specified
of course. My take: Let's get slightly railsy and assume the class name

lowercased is the table name (e.g. Person => person.tbl). That means we

Only problem with assuming this is that if the person table does not have a custom record class defined (default is a Struct), this won't work. I'll show you an example from my beta below to show you how I ended up working it.

only have to specify the field name explicitly (and I've been thinking
of a way to eliminate that also, by optionally establishing a known
"key field" for a table).

Hal, I considered this, but, again, putting on my "Database Guy" hat, I thought, "What if there is more than one table that wants to link into this table? And what if this other table wants to use a different "key field" to perform that link?"

I was thinking "composite objects." I was thinking "embedding simpler
objects inside more complex ones." I was thinking "this is how I can
easily and transparently marshal my objects."

When I mentioned this to Jamey, he said in effect, "Oh, you want one-
to-one links between database tables." That's Mr. Database talking to
Mr. Object. He was quite right, of course, but it confused me to think
that way.

It was as if my mechanic said, "Oh, you're trying to use this
solenoid/starter assembly to initiate sequential explosions inside your

cylinders with the aid of these spark plugs." To which I would say,
"Uh, I just want to start my car." (As it happens, I really don't know
much about cars or engines. That's a hardware problem.)

So Mr. Database says, "Let's implement one-to-many also." (And he may
have done others also, I don't have a KB install in front of me.)

Hal, I don't know if you have had a chance to take a look at the beta yet, but I basically tried to implement a uniform way to specify one-to-one links, one-to-many links, and calculated fields in the create_table method.

And my reaction is, well, OK, fine. But first of all, I don't
see a need for it. (Of course, I might discover a need next week.)

Second of all, I am not sure what analogy that would have in object
terms. I suppose it would in effect be embedding an array where all the

objects are objects derived from the rows of the child class. This
bothers me a *little* because all the elements of the array would be
of the same type. If you ever assign something else to that array,
get an error when you try to insert.

As a "Database Guy", I have a hard time understanding why this is a big issue. First of all, we aren't really "embedding" an array into the linked field. This field simply holds a reference to a KBResultSet instance, which is just a sub-classed Array with some extra attributes. In fact, the result of every #select in KirbyBase is an instance of KBResultSet. So, if you are link the Order.detail_items field to the Order_Items table, the Order.detail_items field for a particular Order record is going to hold a KBResultSet (i.e. Array) of all records from the Order_Items table that belong to that Order table.

Well, there's already some clash between Ruby and the database concept,

because db fields have types, and attributes (as variables) don't have
types. But this seemed like going a step farther to me -- heightening
the clash by creating an array that has to be homogeneous, like a
Pascal array.

But that array is holding table records, just like the result of any #select. If you object to this array being a KBResultSet instance, it would seem like you would object to the fact that the select method also returns a KBResultSet.

Third of all, if you start to have "one-to-one" and "one-to-many" links

and such, you start having to distinguish between them. This makes
instantiation, even in the default case, just a tiny bit more
It's creeping complexity. It's very small, but it adds up (and
multiplies if you're not careful, the way probabilities multiply).

True, but the flip side is, if you don't allow for specifying different types of links, you paint yourself into a corner down the road *if* you decide to add additional link types.

See, there is a sort of "conservation of complexity" in any system. If
I knew more information theory, I could express it better.

If I write a C program in 600 lines, I can probably write it in Ruby
in 100 lines. Where did the complexity go? It left my program and went
into the interpreter. That is where it belongs -- under the hood.
Information hiding is how humans manage complexity. The concept of the
black box is a greater human invention than the discovery of fire or
the wheel.

I agree completely. My first couple of attempts at adding more complexity to KirbyBase did not honor this concept. I had the user having to type too much code to tell KirbyBase how to define links, calculated fields, etc. Hal and I went back and forth, but I finally "got" what he was saying about this.

Now, suppose I specify a table with KirbyBase that has two simple
an integer and a string. We do it something like this (I probably am
forgetting the method name):

              :alpha, :Integer,
              :beta, :String)

Fine and dandy, nice and simple.

Now suppose we add another field -- I'll abandon the Greek alphabet and

call it "boss" which will be a Person object.

In an absolutely perfect world, this would be "just another type." The
software would read my mind and do exactly the right thing, and all I
would type is:

              :alpha, :Integer,
              :beta, :String,
              :boss, :Person)

But this leaves some unanswered questions. Here are the questions and
answers -- pardon me for personifying the database software:

1. "What table will I get this 'person' stuff from?" (Just derive the

    table name from the class name.)

What if they did not designate a class for the table, but let it default to Struct?

2. "What field in the child table will I use as a key?" (Hmm, maybe
    have to tell you this one. It might be cool to be able to
designate a
    key field, though.)

See my comments on key fields above.

3. "What type is that key field?" (Given the name, you can find it in
    child table's information.)

True, but what if they have not created the Person table yet? How does KirbyBase find the type? If I have KirbyBase wait till runtime to find the type from the child table, now I have to have KirbyBase open the child table everytime it wants to get the type for the boss field, like, for example, when it needs to check that the user is entering the proper field type during a #insert.

4. "What if Person itself is another complex object?" (Relax, just
    the same algorithm recursively. Worst that can happen is there is
    cyclic data, you'll go into an infinite loop, and I'll have to
kill you.)

Ok, so how did I solve this problem. Well, I tried to find a solution that was as simple for the user as possible, but left enough room for further expansion and for the unforseen (see my comments on "key" fields above). So, here is how you would specify the link between the :boss field and the :person table in the beta:

:alpha, :Integer,
:beta, :String,
:boss, { :DataType => :String, :Link => [:person, :person_id] })

This simply says, make a link between the value found in the boss field to the person_id field in the person table. It specifies the field type for boss (:String) and it tells which field to link to (:person_id) within the :person table, therefore we don't have to specify a key field in the :person table. It's a little more work, but, imo, not much, and you only have to do this once, when you create the table. After that, KirbyBase handles everything for you automatically.

Now, Jamey's first attempt at this had me writing code in the
MYtablename#kb_create method, calling a method named one_to_one_link or
such. It felt very manual to me, like I was hotwiring my car.

True. What seemed like a good idea at the time, because I felt like it gave total control of the "guts" to the user, turned out to be too cumbersome for the user. Hal finally got me to see this.

"What's the big deal?" says the mechanic. "All you do is, you grab
these two
wires, not these two, and touch them together for a little while, not
too long,
and..." And I reply: "I don't want to reach for the wires and grab
them, I
don't want to memorize the colors, I don't want to estimate the time
and I don't want to see wires dangling. Keep that under the hood."

In one iteration, perhaps not the present one, a one-to-many
relationship was
stored inside its parent object as a KBResultSet. Ugly to me. If we
must have
one-to-many, let it be just an array. I don't want my choice of
database to
intrude into my objects any more than necessary. Given the right glue,
database should be usable for my objects. KirbyBase is implementing
this glue
pretty well so far, INSIDE the db software where it belongs.

In the one-to-one case (present iteration), the type information is
as an array. This was my suggestion, and in general I like it. But it
is too
complex. We may not reach the ideal shown above, but let's strive
toward it.

Again, Hal may not have yet seen the examples in the beta of the new version yet. If you take a look at the example directory in the beta distribution, I have tried to give a good example of one-to-one links (link_test directory), one-to-many links (link_many_test directory), calculated fields (calculated_test directory), etc.

Of course, Hal may look at those examples and still not like them. I'm interested in hearing his feedback, and everyone else's feedback on the beta. I've tried to strike a good balance between ease of use for the user and allowing for future functionality, but I'm sure when people look at the beta examples, they are going to have lots of great ideas for improvement.

When I have Jamey's email in front of me, I'll tell you exactly what I

I was also disturbed a little to see that the class had to inherit from
a KB
class (I forget which one). It's hard to articulate why this bothers
me. It's
one more thing to remember, one more thing to do, and it's not a
totally clean

I think I did away with this in the beta. You are right, that wasn't a good idea.

Also, a word or two about the kb_create method (called automatically
when a row
is retrieved, to turn it into an object). In a perfect world, we should

"normally" not have to define one at all. I'm thinking of ways to make
usually unnecessary. (In the case of "calculated fields," this might be
very best place to put them, however.)

Yep. My implementation in the beta means you don't have to use the kb_create method to specify link fields, calculated fields, or any of the new functionality. You can specify it all as arguments to the create_table method.

Hope this helps clarify things a little.

And I'm glad to see this discussion happening in public, just in case I
Jamey some really stupid advice. :slight_smile: I'd hate to persuade him into a bad

I'm glad this discussion went public also. Prior to this, Hal was my only feedback person for the new features and I think I was badgering him to death. :slight_smile:

Well, if anyone is still reading this far, thanks!


Jamey Cribbs wrote:

As I said, I'm an Object Guy and Jamey is a Database Guy. What does
that mean?

Sometimes it means we are like the "Odd Couple". Hey, which one of us is Felix?

I'm Felix. :slight_smile: No question about it.

Hal, I considered this, but, again, putting on my "Database Guy" hat, I thought, "What if there is more than one table that wants to link into this table? And what if this other table wants to use a different "key field" to perform that link?"

Good point. Let's let other people weigh in here.

My gut reaction is: Fine, allow other tables to link via other fields, but
let me use the default when I need/want to.

Hal, I don't know if you have had a chance to take a look at the beta yet, but I basically tried to implement a uniform way to specify one-to-one links, one-to-many links, and calculated fields in the create_table method.

That's what I thought... I'll have to play with it some. Hopefully
very soon.

And my reaction is, well, OK, fine. But first of all, I don't
see a need for it. (Of course, I might discover a need next week.)

Second of all, I am not sure what analogy that would have in object
terms. I suppose it would in effect be embedding an array where all the

objects are objects derived from the rows of the child class. This
bothers me a *little* because all the elements of the array would be
of the same type. If you ever assign something else to that array,
get an error when you try to insert.

As a "Database Guy", I have a hard time understanding why this is a big issue. First of all, we aren't really "embedding" an array into the linked field.

No, I still think you are. Given, of course, the fact that all attributes
contain references instead of actually "containing" the object. But that
is beside the point.

This field simply holds a reference to a KBResultSet instance, which is just a sub-classed Array with some extra attributes. In fact, the result of every #select in KirbyBase is an instance of KBResultSet. So, if you are link the Order.detail_items field to the Order_Items table, the Order.detail_items field for a particular Order record is going to hold a KBResultSet (i.e. Array) of all records from the Order_Items table that belong to that Order table.

If KBResultSet is an array, then we are in fact embedding an array.

But maybe it is the word "embed" that you are objecting to. "Holds a
reference to" is technically more correct, of course. But even an Array
is only a collection of references -- when I say that an array contains
the string "Hello", that is technically wrong. It contains a reference
to the string "Hello" -- but that is mere nitpicking to me.

I had forgot that #select always returned KBResultSet, probably because
I always treat the result as an array (which it is, but through

Suppose I have an object with a "widgets" field. If I created an object
(not originating in the db) and then tried to store it, would the widgets
attribute have to be a KBResultSet in advance? Or no? If it did, I would
find that unpleasant.

Well, there's already some clash between Ruby and the database concept,

because db fields have types, and attributes (as variables) don't have
types. But this seemed like going a step farther to me -- heightening
the clash by creating an array that has to be homogeneous, like a
Pascal array.

But that array is holding table records, just like the result of any #select. If you object to this array being a KBResultSet instance, it would seem like you would object to the fact that the select method also returns a KBResultSet.

Actually, I didn't object because I forgot. :slight_smile:

It's different getting stuff *from* the database. I only deal with the
objects in the collection, and they do indeed come back as Foobar objects.

But I would never design an object by saying, "I'll give it this field,
which will normally be a string, and this one, which will normally be
a KBResultSet."

Third of all, if you start to have "one-to-one" and "one-to-many" links

and such, you start having to distinguish between them. This makes
instantiation, even in the default case, just a tiny bit more
It's creeping complexity. It's very small, but it adds up (and
multiplies if you're not careful, the way probabilities multiply).

True, but the flip side is, if you don't allow for specifying different types of links, you paint yourself into a corner down the road *if* you decide to add additional link types.

I guess what I would like is a simple notation for the common, simple
operations; and a complex notation (if necessary) for more complex, rare

I don't want to complicate 100% of the notation because 1% of the time
somebody else is going to need that feature.

I'm still trying to figure out a way to say: "If there's no link type
specified, it's one-to-one. And if there's no field specified, use the
key field on the child table."

But your point is very well taken that there should be the *capability*
of other types of links.

See, there is a sort of "conservation of complexity" in any system. If
I knew more information theory, I could express it better.

If I write a C program in 600 lines, I can probably write it in Ruby
in 100 lines. Where did the complexity go? It left my program and went
into the interpreter. That is where it belongs -- under the hood.
Information hiding is how humans manage complexity. The concept of the
black box is a greater human invention than the discovery of fire or
the wheel.

I agree completely. My first couple of attempts at adding more complexity to KirbyBase did not honor this concept. I had the user having to type too much code to tell KirbyBase how to define links, calculated fields, etc. Hal and I went back and forth, but I finally "got" what he was saying about this.

There's always more than one way to do it.

3. "What type is that key field?" (Given the name, you can find it in
    child table's information.)

True, but what if they have not created the Person table yet? How does KirbyBase find the type? If I have KirbyBase wait till runtime to find the type from the child table, now I have to have KirbyBase open the child table everytime it wants to get the type for the boss field, like, for example, when it needs to check that the user is entering the proper field type during a #insert.

I guess that would be a big problem, one I hadn't thought of at all.

4. "What if Person itself is another complex object?" (Relax, just
    the same algorithm recursively. Worst that can happen is there is
    cyclic data, you'll go into an infinite loop, and I'll have to
kill you.)

Ok, so how did I solve this problem. Well, I tried to find a solution that was as simple for the user as possible, but left enough room for further expansion and for the unforseen (see my comments on "key" fields above). So, here is how you would specify the link between the :boss field and the :person table in the beta:

:alpha, :Integer,
:beta, :String,
:boss, { :DataType => :String, :Link => [:person, :person_id] })

This simply says, make a link between the value found in the boss field to the person_id field in the person table. It specifies the field type for boss (:String) and it tells which field to link to (:person_id) within the :person table, therefore we don't have to specify a key field in the :person table. It's a little more work, but, imo, not much, and you only have to do this once, when you create the table. After that, KirbyBase handles everything for you automatically.

I'm not saying this is "bad." We're far ahead of things like DBM and Marshal
and such.

I'm just saying that (especially for the common case) THIS:

   :boss, { :DataType => :String, :Link => [:person, :person_id] }

is a little too far from

   :boss, :Person

I'm talking subtlety here. I'm talking the difference between having to
look up syntax "sometimes" or "never."

This is just me. Everybody's mind works differently. We all have different
sets of things that we always forget and have to look up.

When I shut my eyes, I can't even remember what the long version looks like.
I'd have to sit and scribble and figure it out.

If I were coding, I would run through a thought process sort of like this:

"OK, field name followed by type. Type, let's see, that's specified as a
hash. And one element tells the data type. Something like
"datatype" => :String. Wait, is that key a string or a symbol? I think
it's a symbol. Is it :datatype or :Datatype? No, wait, I think it's
:DataType. OK, and the other part of the hash tells about the kind of thing
I'm storing. That key is a symbol too. Or are they both strings? No, I'm
pretty sure they're both symbols. This one is some kind of database term,
what is it, :connect or :join or something? No, wait, I think it's
:one_to_one. No, it's :link_one_to_one. No, no, that's wrong, it's just
:link. But wait, it's capitalized, isn't it. OK, so that is associated
with some kind of array. Two elements, I think? No, it must be three. It's
the table name and the field name and the field type. No, that can't be
right. It's just the table name and the field name. Or does the field name
come first? No, I'm sure the table name comes first. OK, here we go."

If I were doing it the other way, I would think: "OK, we have a symbol
for the field name, followed by a symbol for its type."

Granted there might be times I would need something complex enough to
justify the extra work. But (for me) 99% of the time it would be waste.

Now, Jamey's first attempt at this had me writing code in the
MYtablename#kb_create method, calling a method named one_to_one_link or
such. It felt very manual to me, like I was hotwiring my car.

True. What seemed like a good idea at the time, because I felt like it gave total control of the "guts" to the user, turned out to be too cumbersome for the user. Hal finally got me to see this.

Very much a matter of opinion where to draw the line. Again, I do favor
"total control" (as in "total flexibility") -- but I think that most
of the time, you shouldn't have to exercise that total control.

Again, Hal may not have yet seen the examples in the beta of the new version yet. If you take a look at the example directory in the beta distribution, I have tried to give a good example of one-to-one links (link_test directory), one-to-many links (link_many_test directory), calculated fields (calculated_test directory), etc.

I should study them before mouthing off any more.

Of course, Hal may look at those examples and still not like them. I'm interested in hearing his feedback, and everyone else's feedback on the beta. I've tried to strike a good balance between ease of use for the user and allowing for future functionality, but I'm sure when people look at the beta examples, they are going to have lots of great ideas for improvement.

Ultimately it's your software. It's not a democracy, it's a monarchy. :slight_smile:

I appreciate the chance to give feedback to you. We all give feedback to
Matz, too, but he properly ignores most of it. Imagine how Ruby would
look if even HALF the RCRs were accepted.

Also, a word or two about the kb_create method (called automatically
when a row
is retrieved, to turn it into an object). In a perfect world, we should

"normally" not have to define one at all. I'm thinking of ways to make
usually unnecessary. (In the case of "calculated fields," this might be
very best place to put them, however.)

Yep. My implementation in the beta means you don't have to use the kb_create method to specify link fields, calculated fields, or any of the new functionality. You can specify it all as arguments to the create_table method.

Hope this helps clarify things a little.

And I'm glad to see this discussion happening in public, just in case I
Jamey some really stupid advice. :slight_smile: I'd hate to persuade him into a bad

I'm glad this discussion went public also. Prior to this, Hal was my only feedback person for the new features and I think I was badgering him to death. :slight_smile:

No, not at all, quite the reverse. Most of the time if I email an author
and said, "This feature would be nice," he'll say, "Yeah, write up a
proposal and send me an email. I'll open it six months from now and
ignore it."

But you -- when I say, "This feature would be nice," I wait 24-48 hours
and BOOM, it shows up in my inbox.

My only fears were 1) that I was nagging you to death, being the Feature
Creep, and 2) that I might be nudging you into wrong design decisions.

Well, if anyone is still reading this far, thanks!

And thanks from me too.

This is a useful tool already. It's gone from being a manual screwdriver
to being a powered one. Now we are only haggling over the shape of the
rubberized nubs on the handle. :slight_smile:


··· wrote:

Hal Fulton wrote:

Jamey Cribbs wrote:

Hal, I considered this, but, again, putting on my "Database Guy" hat, I thought, "What if there is more than one table that wants to link into this table? And what if this other table wants to use a different "key field" to perform that link?"

Good point. Let's let other people weigh in here.

My gut reaction is: Fine, allow other tables to link via other fields, but
let me use the default when I need/want to.

I think the light bulb came on over my head. :slight_smile:

See my comments near the bottom.

It's different getting stuff *from* the database. I only deal with the
objects in the collection, and they do indeed come back as Foobar objects.

But I would never design an object by saying, "I'll give it this field,
which will normally be a string, and this one, which will normally be
a KBResultSet."

Ok, that makes sense. But, in essence, when you have a field that is really a one-to-many link to another table, all you are really doing is just getting stuff *from* the database, because, behind the scenes, all KirbyBase is doing is doing a select against that child table.

You will never be *assigning* any value to that one-to-many link, because it is just a virtual field. There will never be a "real" value stored in the table for that field. It is always just going to be a virtual field that, when you ask for it's value, goes out and does a select against the child table and returns the selected records.

I guess what I would like is a simple notation for the common, simple
operations; and a complex notation (if necessary) for more complex, rare

I don't want to complicate 100% of the notation because 1% of the time
somebody else is going to need that feature.

I'm still trying to figure out a way to say: "If there's no link type
specified, it's one-to-one. And if there's no field specified, use the
key field on the child table."

I think I get what you are saying. If the field definition looks like this:

:manager, :person

I could have KirbyBase *assume* the following:

1. You want :manager to reference a record (object) in the :person table.
2. The field in :person that :manager should equal will be the :person table's key field (designated in the definition of the :person table).
3. The data type of :manager will be the same as the data type of the key field of the :person table, so go look up that up.

This would be the default behavior. If the user wanted to override KirbyBase's assumptions, they could do that by being more verbose in the create_table method.


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Jamey Cribbs wrote:

> It's different getting stuff *from* the database. I only deal with the
> objects in the collection, and they do indeed come back as Foobar
> objects.
> But I would never design an object by saying, "I'll give it this field,
> which will normally be a string, and this one, which will normally be
> a KBResultSet."
Ok, that makes sense. But, in essence, when you have a field that is
really a one-to-many link to another table, all you are really doing is
just getting stuff *from* the database, because, behind the scenes, all
KirbyBase is doing is doing a select against that child table.

You will never be *assigning* any value to that one-to-many link,
because it is just a virtual field. There will never be a "real" value
stored in the table for that field. It is always just going to be a
virtual field that, when you ask for it's value, goes out and does a
select against the child table and returns the selected records.

That's very interesting, because I was assuming total symmetry
between what I could get out of the database and what I could put in.

I mean, sure, calculated fields are an exception. But I never thought
of your one-to-many as just another calculated or virtual field.

I guess I thought if I stuck five things in the array and did an
insert of the parent object, it would make an entry in the parent
table and five entries in the child table.

If you look at Marshal or YAML, everything goes both ways. True,
there are some things that can't be stored at all. But there is
never any one-way storage.

If one-to-many links are not symmetrical, that's the best reason
of all I'll never use them.

I think I get what you are saying. If the field definition looks like this:

:manager, :person

I could have KirbyBase *assume* the following:

1. You want :manager to reference a record (object) in the :person table.
2. The field in :person that :manager should equal will be the :person
table's key field (designated in the definition of the :person table).
3. The data type of :manager will be the same as the data type of the
key field of the :person table, so go look up that up.

This would be the default behavior. If the user wanted to override
KirbyBase's assumptions, they could do that by being more verbose in the
create_table method.

I think that's very close to my own way of thinking.

I still wish others would express opinions. Is anybody else even
this thread? If not, we could have this discussion in private. I have a

feeling there might be two or three people on this list as smart as
both of us put together.


This is kind of off on a tangent, but has anyone ever considered making an ActiveRecord adapter for KirbyBase? It doesn't seem like it would be too hard. Would anyone be interested if I attempted this? wrote:

Jamey Cribbs wrote:

It's different getting stuff *from* the database. I only deal with the
objects in the collection, and they do indeed come back as Foobar

But I would never design an object by saying, "I'll give it this field,
which will normally be a string, and this one, which will normally be
a KBResultSet."

Ok, that makes sense. But, in essence, when you have a field that is
really a one-to-many link to another table, all you are really doing is
just getting stuff *from* the database, because, behind the scenes, all
KirbyBase is doing is doing a select against that child table.

You will never be *assigning* any value to that one-to-many link,
because it is just a virtual field. There will never be a "real" value
stored in the table for that field. It is always just going to be a
virtual field that, when you ask for it's value, goes out and does a
select against the child table and returns the selected records.
That's very interesting, because I was assuming total symmetry
between what I could get out of the database and what I could put in.

I mean, sure, calculated fields are an exception. But I never thought
of your one-to-many as just another calculated or virtual field.

<Jamey dons Database Guy hat>

Well, I view it as analogous to doing a join in SQL. To get the data from a one-to-many link in SQL you would normally do a JOIN in your SELECT statement. This gives you a result set with the columns from both tables showing up on each record. The data is now no longer normalized, therefore it no longer has the same structure as either of the original tables.

That's kind of how I view a #select in KirbyBase that has a one-to-many link in it. I actually like it bettern than a JOIN in SQL because the data is still normalized, but I don't look at it as something that you could modify and then turn around and update the database with.

<Jamey removes Database Guy hat>

I guess I thought if I stuck five things in the array and did an
insert of the parent object, it would make an entry in the parent
table and five entries in the child table.

I definitely see your point. Again, I was basing the one-to-many link similarly to how SQL works. In SQL, you would not do it the way you just said. You would actually do an INSERT on the parent table, then 5 INSERTS on the child table.

Let me think about what you are saying. Maybe for the future...

If you look at Marshal or YAML, everything goes both ways. True,
there are some things that can't be stored at all. But there is
never any one-way storage.

If one-to-many links are not symmetrical, that's the best reason
of all I'll never use them.

Well, based on your previous comments about my proposed implementation of one-to-many links, I kind of figured you wouldn't be using them anytime soon! :slight_smile:

I still wish others would express opinions. Is anybody else even
this thread? If not, we could have this discussion in private. I have a

feeling there might be two or three people on this list as smart as
both of us put together.

I know. I can't believe others on this list don't find this discussion as exciting as I do! :slight_smile:


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I have been saving the mails and skimming them, hoping to come back and read
them in depth later. Most of what you are talking about is ORM stuff, and
the KirbyBase query model seems somewhat similar to the Kansas query model,
so if nothing else, I'm hoping to catch sight of something useful to me, even
if I get to everything too late to really participate in the discussion.

Kirk Haines


On Monday 12 September 2005 1:36 pm, wrote:

I still wish others would express opinions. Is anybody else even
this thread? If not, we could have this discussion in private. I have a

<Jamey dons Database Guy hat>

Well, I view it as analogous to doing a join in SQL.


Yep, there's our disconnect. My "real job" requires me to use SQL,
but even then I do as little as possible.

That's kind of how I view a #select in KirbyBase that has a one-to-many
link in it. I actually like it bettern than a JOIN in SQL because the
data is still normalized, but I don't look at it as something that you
could modify and then turn around and update the database with.

I just want to store and retrieve objects. If I retrieve an object, I
should be able to change it and store it back. Think YAML.

In fact, the reason I don't use YAML is because of its lack of "high
level" access (select and such), not because of its core model

In the past, I have made much use of DBM to store YAML'd strings. This
is not so bad.

But DBM suffers from a few deficiencies I've listed elsewhere.
is much cooler.

I definitely see your point. Again, I was basing the one-to-many link
similarly to how SQL works. In SQL, you would not do it the way you
just said. You would actually do an INSERT on the parent table, then 5
INSERTS on the child table.

Let me think about what you are saying. Maybe for the future...

SQL is a standard, but to me it's old technology. It was trendy and
cool in the 60s, but then so was the beehive hairdo.

Well, based on your previous comments about my proposed implementation
of one-to-many links, I kind of figured you wouldn't be using them
anytime soon! :slight_smile:

Haha! Well, there is a magic line that I am always looking for. It's
line which, when it is crossed, I start having to look things up
of remembering them. So far, nearly all of KB is below that line (like
nearly all of Ruby).

Just one thing: The one-to-one relationship, is it round-trip or not??

>I still wish others would express opinions. Is anybody else even
>this thread? If not, we could have this discussion in private. I have a
>feeling there might be two or three people on this list as smart as
>both of us put together.
I know. I can't believe others on this list don't find this discussion
as exciting as I do! :slight_smile:

Maybe they have cable TV or something. :smiley:


It sounds interesting to me. Ask Jamey.

Two questions:

1. AR doesn't depend on SQL?
2. Would this allow KB to be a backend db for Rails?


There are (some) other people paying (some) attention.

In a traditional relational database system, what goes in can come out, and
I'm not sure that anyting different is being proposed here (but I may be

Aside: One-to-many links are inherently not symmetrical, and I don't know what
is meant by storing something in the "one-to-many" link.

The one to many link is typically accomplished by keys. If a one to many link
exists, it is because a record in on table contains a key (to indicate
linking) to another table wherein multiple records with the same key are
allowed. Hence you have a record in one table that relates to (or can relate
to) multiple records in the other table.

Is there something different going on in KirbyBase?

Randy Kramer


On Monday 12 September 2005 04:11 pm, Jamey Cribbs wrote:

>If one-to-many links are not symmetrical, that's the best reason
>of all I'll never use them.

I've been following this thread with great interest. I just don't have
anything cogent to add that hasn't yet been said.

I use KirbyBase on a few small personal projects where a relational
database would be overkill; not because the data isn't relational (it
is, in one project), but because I'd rather have the data in ASCII
than in a database. On those projects, data portability and
editability is more important than



On 9/12/05, <> wrote:

Maybe they have cable TV or something. :smiley:

Jim Menard,,

     I am watching this thread with great interest. I don't have much to add at the moment but please keep it up.
-Ezra Zygmuntowicz
Yakima Herald-Republic


On Sep 12, 2005, at 1:46 PM, wrote:

I know. I can't believe others on this list don't find this discussion
as exciting as I do! :slight_smile:

Maybe they have cable TV or something. :smiley:


1. Maybe, maybe not. I get the feeling that it could probably be adapted with a bit of work. Might have to rewrite a lot of code in the process

2. Maybe. It would depend on how full-featured the adapter was I suppose. I was thinking more along the lines of advantages of using ideas from the ActiveRecord impl. of ORM in KirbyBase, since ORM seems to be a lot of what you guys are talking about adding to KirbyBase.

Perhaps I would not even write an activerecord adapter but a KirbyBase ORM modeled on the activerecord style.

So in conclusion, maybe?


On Sep 12, 2005, at 4:46 PM, wrote:

It sounds interesting to me. Ask Jamey.

Two questions:

1. AR doesn't depend on SQL?
2. Would this allow KB to be a backend db for Rails?


Randy Kramer wrote:

> >If one-to-many links are not symmetrical, that's the best reason
> >of all I'll never use them.

There are (some) other people paying (some) attention.

In a traditional relational database system, what goes in can come out, and
I'm not sure that anyting different is being proposed here (but I may be

Traditional relational databases can't return objects, which is
why I'm not thinking solely in terms of traditional relational

Aside: One-to-many links are inherently not symmetrical, and I don't know what
is meant by storing something in the "one-to-many" link.

When you say it in those terms, it does sound nonsensical. That is
why I don't speak in terms of links at all, and why it confuses me
when others do.

I know that one-to-many links are not symmetrical between tables.
What I meant is that their behavior (IMO) should be symmetrical.
If I can select a parent and trigger selects on the child
then I should also be able to do an insert on the parent and trigger
child inserts automagically.

The one to many link is typically accomplished by keys. If a one to many link
exists, it is because a record in on table contains a key (to indicate
linking) to another table wherein multiple records with the same key are
allowed. Hence you have a record in one table that relates to (or can relate
to) multiple records in the other table.

Is there something different going on in KirbyBase?

Yes and no. To me, the essence of what makes KirbyBase cool is:
1. It has a Rubylike interface.
2. It can handle objects (pretty much transparently).

Implementation of point 1 is strong, but that of point 2 is less

In a nutshell, this is how my thinking has progressed:

1. KB is good at fields with simple types. When I do a select, it
me an object (e.g. a Foobar object) where the field names are simple
accessors. Coolness. Life is good.

2. However, many of my objects are more complex. Say I add a new field
"boss" which is a Person. Hmm. The logical place to store this is in a
table Person (or whatever).

3. So I start to handle it manually. Every time I do a select and get
a Foobar object, I then do a select on the table storing Person
Then I manually assign the second result to the proper field in the
Foobar object. Likewise, when I create a Foobar object and I want to
insert it, I have to do two manual inserts.

4. No, no. There is enough knowledge in the system that the software
could do this itself. I am doing the computer's job.

5. So I tell Jamey, "I'd like to be able to handle objects that have
attiributes that are not just integers or strings, but objects in
their own right, with their own accessors." And he says, "Oh, you
want one-to-one links." And I say, "Huh? I want what?"

6. And he says, "If we implement one-to-one links, it makes sense
to implement one-to-many." And I say, "Huh??"

7. And I think: What would a one-to-many databasse relationship look
like in object terms? So I decide it must correspond to an array
inside my Foobar object. And it doesn't sound like something I would
ever really use or see a need for. But to accommodate the case that
I might use 3% of the time, the syntax for the case I use 97% of
the time has to become five times nore complex. (Granted, once I
get into it more deeply, I might be glad to have "one-to-many" and
use it in ways I don't foresee now.)

8. But #7 is almost beside the point. Here's an example.

I'm using a,b,c for simple types such as integer or string, and
alpha,beta,gamma for complex types such as Person or whatever.

  Foobar # Looks like...
    a,b,c # simple fields
    alpha # a Barbar object
    beta # a Bazz object

  Barbar # Looks like...
    d,e # simple
    gamma, # Bazz objects

  Bazz # Looks like...
    f,g # simple

Now I have foo = and I want to store foo.

The traditional way would take FIVE insert operations. That is
FIVE user-written lines of code.

My way would take ONE line, ONE insert operation. You store foo,
and in the process it stores alpha, which involves storing d,e, and
gamma, which involves storing f and g.


In other words, the recursion is handled for you, rather than your
having to manually recurse. Think of the way YAML handles recursion.
What if every "more complex" data type required a separate dump

Likewise, inserting and selecting should work the same way.

  bar = { condition_identifying_unique_object }[0]
  # Now bar.alpha.gamma.f is defined (among others)

The other way would take FIVE selects and FIVE assignment statements,
total of TEN lines of user-writtten code.

Here I am replacing fifteen lines with two. In more complex situations,
the difference would be greater.



On Monday 12 September 2005 04:11 pm, Jamey Cribbs wrote: wrote:

SQL is a standard, but to me it's old technology. It was trendy and
cool in the 60s, but then so was the beehive hairdo.

You know, beehive hairdos are greatly under-rated. Remember how many pencils the principal's secretary was able to store in her hair in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"?

Just one thing: The one-to-one relationship, is it round-trip or not??

Yes, I believe so. What I do is I have KirbyBase automatically return the the first (and only) item in the KBResultSet, which will either be an instance of the record class (i.e. a Person object) or a Struct object if no record class was defined.


Randy Kramer wrote:


On Monday 12 September 2005 04:11 pm, Jamey Cribbs wrote:

If one-to-many links are not symmetrical, that's the best reason
of all I'll never use them.
There are (some) other people paying (some) attention.

In a traditional relational database system, what goes in can come out, and I'm not sure that anyting different is being proposed here (but I may be confused).

Aside: One-to-many links are inherently not symmetrical, and I don't know what is meant by storing something in the "one-to-many" link.

The one to many link is typically accomplished by keys. If a one to many link exists, it is because a record in on table contains a key (to indicate linking) to another table wherein multiple records with the same key are allowed. Hence you have a record in one table that relates to (or can relate to) multiple records in the other table.

Is there something different going on in KirbyBase?

Nope. That's pretty much how it works in KirbyBase.


Me too.



On 9/12/05, Jim Menard <> wrote:

On 9/12/05, <> wrote:

> Maybe they have cable TV or something. :smiley:

I've been following this thread with great interest. I just don't have
anything cogent to add that hasn't yet been said.