Keypressed in Ruby

Hello. I have a small problem with Ruby. I am newbie in rubby and i need
to write something who works like this.

if keypressed = somekey
   do something

i tried to do it using Curses but getch function is waiting everytime
key and i don't want that. I want program to work independently from key
pressing unless the right key is pressed. Any tips for me?

def sitemonitor()
    while true
      puts Curses.getch()
      for i in @listofSite
        if i.updatecheck()
          printf("some msg")


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Quoting Kamil G. (

i tried to do it using Curses but getch function is waiting everytime
key and i don't want that. I want program to work independently from key
pressing unless the right key is pressed. Any tips for me?

With Curses, you have to set the terminal in Cbreak mode, otherwise
you will get data only when a carriage return is pressed. This is
obtained by calling


Then, you may also want getch to be non-blocking. In Curses, this is a
per-window setting - see

ri Curses::Window#nodelay=

To set non-blocking getch for your main window, the instruction to use


Remember to close the screen before exiting the program, with


Hope this helps



Subject: Keypressed in Ruby
  Date: Fri 23 Nov 12 01:08:33PM +0900

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