Two suggestions for Kernel#y:
Make it private, like Kernel#p.
Let it take multiple args, like Kernel#p, something like:
y 1,2,3
— 1
— 2
— 3
=> nil
Anyone see any sense in these?
I could add
- Tell everyone about it because it’s very useful
Two suggestions for Kernel#y:
Make it private, like Kernel#p.
Let it take multiple args, like Kernel#p, something like:
y 1,2,3
— 1
— 2
— 3
=> nil
Anyone see any sense in these?
I could add
“Joel VanderWerf” vjoel@PATH.Berkeley.EDU
- Tell everyone about it because it’s very useful
Yes, please tell us more. What is it ?
– shanko
do tell. ‘y’ for yaml?
On Sun, 14 Mar 2004, Joel VanderWerf wrote:
Two suggestions for Kernel#y:
Make it private, like Kernel#p.
Let it take multiple args, like Kernel#p, something like:
y 1,2,3
— 1
— 2
— 3
=> nilAnyone see any sense in these?
I could add
- Tell everyone about it because it’s very useful
EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
ADDRESS :: E/GC2 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3328
URL :: Solar-Terrestrial Physics Data | NCEI
TRY :: for l in ruby perl;do $l -e “print "\x3a\x2d\x29\x0a"”;done
Ara.T.Howard wrote:
Two suggestions for Kernel#y:
Make it private, like Kernel#p.
Let it take multiple args, like Kernel#p, something like:
y 1,2,3
— 1
— 2
— 3
=> nilAnyone see any sense in these?
I could add
- Tell everyone about it because it’s very useful
do tell. ‘y’ for yaml?
ahash = {:a => 1, ‘BB’ => 2, 7 => ‘seven’, ‘d’ => 10}
afloat = Math::PI
anarray = [‘c’, 111,‘Oops’)]
p anarray # for comparison
puts ‘.’*107, ‘’
require ‘yaml’ # <-------------------------#
y anarray
On Sun, 14 Mar 2004, Joel VanderWerf wrote:
wow. very, very cool.
definitely should be changed to
def y(*args)
args.each{|a| super a}
On Sun, 14 Mar 2004, daz wrote:
Ara.T.Howard wrote:
On Sun, 14 Mar 2004, Joel VanderWerf wrote:
Two suggestions for Kernel#y:
Make it private, like Kernel#p.
Let it take multiple args, like Kernel#p, something like:
y 1,2,3
— 1
— 2
— 3
=> nilAnyone see any sense in these?
I could add
- Tell everyone about it because it’s very useful
do tell. ‘y’ for yaml?
Create a bunch of stuff:
ahash = {:a => 1, ‘BB’ => 2, 7 => ‘seven’, ‘d’ => 10}
afloat = Math::PI
anarray = [‘c’, 111,‘Oops’)]Bunch it more:
p anarray # for comparison
puts ‘.’*107, ‘’See what yaml’s y shows
require ‘yaml’ # <-------------------------#
y anarray
EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
ADDRESS :: E/GC2 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3328
URL :: Solar-Terrestrial Physics Data | NCEI
TRY :: for l in ruby perl;do $l -e “print "\x3a\x2d\x29\x0a"”;done
Two suggestions for Kernel#y:
- Make it private, like Kernel#p.
ok, done.
- Let it take multiple args, like Kernel#p, something like:
y 1,2,3
— 1
— 2
— 3
=> nil
and, yes, as well. very good, thank you. checked into syck cvs now.
ruby 1.9 branch shortly.
Ara.T.Howard wrote:
definitely should be changed to
def y(*args)
args.each{|a| super a}
close, instead let’s output multiple inputs as a YAML stream, with each
having their own document:
module Kernel
def y( *x )
puts( if x.length == 1
YAML::dump( *x )
YAML::dump_stream( *x )
end )
private :y
works the same, but allows Kernel#y to dump headless documents if only
one input is sent.
great suggestions, cool, cool…
On Sun, 14 Mar 2004, Joel VanderWerf wrote:
“Ara.T.Howard” schrieb im Newsbeitrag…
Create a bunch of stuff:
ahash = {:a => 1, ‘BB’ => 2, 7 => ‘seven’, ‘d’ => 10}
afloat = Math::PI
anarray = [‘c’, 111,‘Oops’)]Bunch it more:
p anarray # for comparison
puts ‘.’*107, ‘’See what yaml’s y shows
require ‘yaml’ # <-------------------------#
y anarraywow. very, very cool.
Hm. Where’s the difference between “puts obj.to_yaml” and “y obj” apart from
less typing?
Robert Klemme wrote:
Hm. Where’s the difference between “puts obj.to_yaml” and “y obj” apart from
less typing?
Actually, that’s pretty much the definition from yaml.rb:
module Kernel
def y( x )
puts x.to_yaml
Kernel#y and Object#to_yaml are analogous to Kernel#p and
Object#inspect. Both #y and #p are convenient for debugging and irb. And
there’s also #pp, which is nice to have, too.