> Hi,
> At Tue, 5 Oct 2004 03:51:20 +0900,
> trans. (T. Onoma) wrote in [ruby-talk:114847]:
> > I see. So this kind of thing just can't happen I take it. (Hmm... I think
> > we discussed this kind of thing on core once.) It would be nice if we
> > could pass in locals to the binding:
> >
> > eval(tb, a) { |a| cool = a.call(cool) }
> >
> > It might also be nice if this could be done without "stepping on toes"
> > (i.e. overwriting binding's locals).
> eval("proc{|cool|}", tb).call(a.call(eval("cool", tb)))
What are you?
(Note: if this statement doesn't cross the language barrier well, just know
that it is a big compliment!)
I agree. That's a very clever hack.
class T
def initialize
@x = 1
attr_reader :x
def get_binding
cool = "matz"
return binding()
=> nil
t = T.new
=> #<T:0x400bee3c @x=1>
tb = t.get_binding
=> #<Binding:0x400b85a0>
eval "cool",tb
=> "matz"
a = proc { |s| s.upcase }
=> #<Proc:0x400b0abc@(irb):33>
eval("proc{|cool|}", tb).call(a.call(eval("cool", tb)))
=> nil
eval "cool",tb
=> "MATZ"
So basically, what you have is a getter:
eval("proc{|cool|}", tb).call(a.call(eval("cool", tb)))
and a setter. We could even abstract them (baby steps here; I realize
this opens up all sorts of possibilities):
def tb.(v)
def tb.=(v,x)
(Using = also gives us the assignment chaining semantics).
Very nifty!
-- Markus
On Fri, 2004-10-08 at 03:51, trans. (T. Onoma) wrote:
On Friday 08 October 2004 01:49 am, nobu.nokada@softhome.net wrote: