Not sure if this will ever be useful, but I thought it would be neat
if i could build a little wrapper class that allowed me to pass in two
objects, then define a conditional lambda and depending on what it
returned, forward requests to one object or the other.
That sounds really complicated, but here is a simple example
a =,2)
a.condition = lambda { |x| }
a + 1
=> 3 = true
=> true
a + 1
=> 2 = false
=> false
a + 1
=> 3
The neat thing is the objects can be lambdas, which can make things a
bit more complex. See the example below.
I put the code online. It was a two minute hack, so I have no idea if
anyone else might find it fun or interesting, but i did, so I figured
I'd share.
Happy fourth to those celebrating it!