Hi people
I have just managed to install Junebug wiki. When first running it
(./wiki run), I got:
`load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant Mongrel::Camping
I had to edit:
..and put in:
require 'mongrel/camping'
Does anyone know if this is a problem with my Ruby Gems setup or the
old Apt-get vs. Compiling Ruby problem? Or just a bug in Junebug? I am
running an Ubuntu/PPC system.
If you could create a machine that copies hamburgers — you put one
hamburger in and two equally good hamburgers come out the other side —
it would be unethical not to do so and make it freely available.
It's a bug in Junebug, a recent change in Mongrel made that needed.
On 3/24/07, Leslie Viljoen <leslieviljoen@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi people
I have just managed to install Junebug wiki. When first running it
(./wiki run), I got:
`load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant Mongrel::Camping
I had to edit:
..and put in:
require 'mongrel/camping'
Does anyone know if this is a problem with my Ruby Gems setup or the
old Apt-get vs. Compiling Ruby problem? Or just a bug in Junebug? I am
running an Ubuntu/PPC system.
If you could create a machine that copies hamburgers — you put one
hamburger in and two equally good hamburgers come out the other side —
it would be unethical not to do so and make it freely available.
Chris Carter
It's a bug in Junebug, a recent change in Mongrel made that needed.
Ah, thanks. I put it in the Junebug wiki for the next guy.
If you could create a machine that copies hamburgers — you put one
hamburger in and two equally good hamburgers come out the other side —
it would be unethical not to do so and make it freely available.