Is this how you start a hash?

I'm looking at the code below but still not clear about how this hash
forms! The author of a ruby book I read claimed that the code forms
hash. Is it?

#not complete code, if you try to use it, it won't work!

require 'yaml'
require 'wordplay'

class Bot
attr_reader :name

def initialize(options)
@name = options[:name] || "Unnamed Bot"
  @data = YAML.load([:data_file]))
  raise "Can't load bot data"

So, when you created hash, don't you have to initialize it with an empty
hash? For example: @name = {}?

Also when I try to use a snippet in irb:
@name = options[:name] || "Unnamed Bot"
NameError: undefined local variable or method `options' for main:Object
  from (irb):1

options is also in, it's acting like adding more element to
a hash. Am I right? Though irb tells a different story as if it's not
how you starting a hash.

I'm confused!


from :0
Posted via

Yes, you'd normally create a new has with either or hash = {}. The method above is expecting that an already populated Hash be passed as its argument (internally referred to as the options variable). So here's how you'd use the Bot class: => 'My Bot', :data_file => '/tmp/file.yml')

Maybe this helps you see the Hash more clearly:{:name => 'My Bot', :data_file => '/tmp/file.yml'})

or even:

my_options = {:name => 'My Bot', :data_file => '/tmp/file.yml'}

Hope this helps.


On Mar 18, 2009, at 7:50 PM, Power One wrote:

I'm looking at the code below but still not clear about how this hash
forms! The author of a ruby book I read claimed that the code forms
hash. Is it?

#not complete code, if you try to use it, it won't work!

require 'yaml'
require 'wordplay'

class Bot
attr_reader :name

def initialize(options)
@name = options[:name] || "Unnamed Bot"
@data = YAML.load([:data_file]))
raise "Can't load bot data"

So, when you created hash, don't you have to initialize it with an empty
hash? For example: @name = {}?

Also when I try to use a snippet in irb:
@name = options[:name] || "Unnamed Bot"
NameError: undefined local variable or method `options' for main:Object
from (irb):1
from :0

options is also in, it's acting like adding more element to
a hash. Am I right? Though irb tells a different story as if it's not
how you starting a hash.

I'm confused!
Posted via\.

Power One wrote:

Also when I try to use a snippet in irb:
@name = options[:name] || "Unnamed Bot"
NameError: undefined local variable or method `options' for main:Object
  from (irb):1
  from :0

h = {:name => "Joe", :age => 20}
name = h[:name]
puts name


h = {:age => 30}
name = h[:name] || "Unamed Bot"
puts name

Unamed Bot


Posted via\.

I'm looking at the code below but still not clear about how this hash
forms! The author of a ruby book I read claimed that the code forms
hash. Is it?

#not complete code, if you try to use it, it won't work!

require 'yaml'
require 'wordplay'

class Bot
attr_reader :name

def initialize(options)
@name = options[:name] || "Unnamed Bot"
@data = YAML.load([:data_file]))
raise "Can't load bot data"

Not sure what the author was getting at but YAML#load will probably return a
hash from the data file. The usage of options implies that a hash is passed
as an argument

So, when you created hash, don't you have to initialize it with an empty
hash? For example: @name = {}?

@name looks like it's supposed to be a string which is initialized from the
options hash, the || notation means that if options[:name] doesn't exist
then it will default to "Unnamed Bot".

Also when I try to use a snippet in irb:
@name = options[:name] || "Unnamed Bot"
NameError: undefined local variable or method `options' for main:Object
from (irb):1
from :0

You will need to initialize the hash in this case, or use variables, but it
might be best if your using irb to use constants such as;
@name = "Robocop"

options is also in, it's acting like adding more element to
a hash. Am I right? Though irb tells a different story as if it's not
how you starting a hash.

No it's not adding elements to the options hash, it is reading them. That
line returns a hash to @data (which is probably the one you want) based on
the contents of the file referred to by options[:data_file].

I'm confused!

Aren't we all?


On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Power One <> wrote:

Posted via\.

The UNIX system has a command, nice ... in order to be nice to the other
users. Nobody ever uses it." - Andrew S. Tanenbaum

This helps me a lot! :slight_smile:

Plus from now on, if something looks like an array but without the index
(ex: options[3]), then I can safely assumed it's a form of hash but in a
reading stage.

Thank guys!

lists wrote:


On Mar 18, 2009, at 7:50 PM, Power One wrote:

attr_reader :name

Yes, you'd normally create a new has with either or hash =
{}. The method above is expecting that an already populated Hash be
passed as its argument (internally referred to as the options
variable). So here's how you'd use the Bot class: => 'My Bot', :data_file => '/tmp/file.yml')

Maybe this helps you see the Hash more clearly:{:name => 'My Bot', :data_file => '/tmp/file.yml'})

or even:

my_options = {:name => 'My Bot', :data_file => '/tmp/file.yml'}

Hope this helps.

Posted via\.

This helps me a lot! :slight_smile:

Plus from now on, if something looks like an array but without the index
(ex: options[3]), then I can safely assumed it's a form of hash but in a
reading stage.

Thank guys!

No, you can assume that it is the method sent to the object referenced by options.

options = lambda {|x| x.to_s.reverse }

=> #<Proc:0x00007f8ce288b9b0@(irb):1>


=> "3"


=> "hsah"


=> "oof"

For lambdas or Procs, this is the same as"hash"), etc.


Rob Biedenharn


On Mar 18, 2009, at 11:50 PM, Power One wrote:

lists wrote:

On Mar 18, 2009, at 7:50 PM, Power One wrote:

attr_reader :name

Yes, you'd normally create a new has with either or hash =
{}. The method above is expecting that an already populated Hash be
passed as its argument (internally referred to as the options
variable). So here's how you'd use the Bot class: => 'My Bot', :data_file => '/tmp/file.yml')

Maybe this helps you see the Hash more clearly:{:name => 'My Bot', :data_file => '/tmp/file.yml'})

or even:

my_options = {:name => 'My Bot', :data_file => '/tmp/file.yml'}

Hope this helps.

Posted via\.

Power One wrote:

Plus from now on, if something looks like an array but without the index
(ex: options[3]), then I can safely assumed it's a form of hash but in a
reading stage.

Any object can implement its own method with whatever semantics it
likes, not just Arrays and Hashes. The method is used for lots of
different purposes in the Ruby standard classes:

# Testing individual bits in an integer
irb(main):001:0> 15[2]
=> 1

# Substrings
irb(main):002:0> "abcdefg"["cd"]
=> "cd"
irb(main):003:0> "abcdefg"[/d./]
=> "de"

# Filename globbing
irb(main):004:0> Dir["/etc/*"]
=> ["/etc/fstab", "/etc/X11", "/etc/acpi", "/etc/alternatives",
"/etc/apm" ...]

# Procs
irb(main):005:0> adder = lambda { |x,y| x+y }
=> #<Proc:0xb7d968d8@(irb):7>
irb(main):006:0> adder[4,5]
=> 9

And you can define your own:

  class Bot
    def (key)
    def =(x,y)


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