Is there a difference between load "file" and eval content

I am just wondering is there any differnece between these two

There is file.rb

1. use load to execute contents of file.rb
load "file.rb"

2. use eval to execute contents of file.rb
c ='file.rb') {|f| }

Load is more conventional but eval is more flexible (source can be
modifyed before evaluated).

Are there any hidden gotchas?



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Damjan Rems wrote:

I am just wondering is there any differnece between these two

#load uses the $LOAD_PATH, just as #require does:

irb(main):001:0> load "fileutils.rb"
=> true
irb(main):002:0> FileUtils
=> FileUtils

However, #load doesn't check if something is already loaded:

irb(main):003:0> load "fileutils.rb"
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb:93: warning: already initialized constant OPT_TABLE
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb:1163: warning: already initialized constant S_IF_DOOR
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb:1513: warning: already initialized constant METHODS
=> true

$ qri load
------------------------------------------------------------ Kernel#load
      load(filename, wrap=false) => true


      Loads and executes the Ruby program in the file _filename_. If the
      filename does not resolve to an absolute path, the file is searched
      for in the library directories listed in +$:+. If the optional
      _wrap_ parameter is +true+, the loaded script will be executed
      under an anonymous module, protecting the calling program's global
      namespace. In no circumstance will any local variables in the
      loaded file be propagated to the loading environment.

       vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

Damjan Rems wrote:

I am just wondering is there any differnece between these two

There is file.rb

1. use load to execute contents of file.rb
load "file.rb"

2. use eval to execute contents of file.rb
c ='file.rb') {|f| }

Load is more conventional but eval is more flexible (source can be
modifyed before evaluated).

Are there any hidden gotchas?


Yes, there IS a difference, and yes, there ARE gotchas.

1. The load way:
module Alpha
  load 'file.rb'
class Beta
  load 'file.rb'
class Gamma
  include Alpha

2. The eval way:
module Alpha
  c ='file.rb') {|f| }
  eval c
class Beta
  c ='file.rb') {|f| }
  eval c
class Gamma
  include Alpha

In 1., the contents of file.rb are loaded in *global* namespace. But
that's not the whole story. When file.rb defines a method my_method,
you'll end up with *four* methods: a public main#my_method, a private
Alpha#my_method, a private Beta#my_method and a private Gamma#my_method.
Not quite a "least surprise".

2.'s behaviour is more intuitive. You'll get a public Alpha#my_method, a
public Beta#my_method and a public Gamma#my_method. But if file.rb has
any load (or require) of its own, that stuff will be loaded in your
script's global namespace...

And there's my problem. I'm using two different libraries both
containing (directly or indirectly) modules or classes with the same
name. To avoid name conflicts, I would like my script to wrap them (or
at least one of them) in their own namespace. But such a thing seems to
be impossible if those modules/classes are placed far away in a long
chain of required libraries. Is there any way out of this library hell?


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Meindert Meindertsma wrote:

And there's my problem. I'm using two different libraries both
containing (directly or indirectly) modules or classes with the same
name. To avoid name conflicts, I would like my script to wrap them (or
at least one of them) in their own namespace. But such a thing seems to
be impossible if those modules/classes are placed far away in a long
chain of required libraries. Is there any way out of this library hell?

Found this one in another thread:

Moreover, there is already brilliant Script[1] library, which allows to
do such kind of things right now.

1. Script


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