Hi, I'd like to use an "attr_accessor" but when its attribute is
modified it should be executed more code than just an assignament.
I handle it in this way (not cool):
class MyClass1 < Father
attr_reader :my_param
def my_param= (value) @my_param = value @modified = true
...more code...
As you see I can't use "attr_accessor :my_param" since if I use it I
should also redefine "my_param=" method.
I have lots of MyClassX classes inheriting from "Father" and I'want @modified to be an attribute of Father and each soon class has its own
attributes, and when any attribute is modified I want @modified to
become true, so I'm looking for something as:
class Father
# Attributes: @modified (false by default)
def **any_attribute**= (value)
@**ny_attribute** = value @modified = true
class MyClass1 < Father
attr_accessor :my_param1, :my_param2
Is it possible in saome way? mybe using "no_method_name" method?
Hi, I'd like to use an "attr_accessor" but when its attribute is
modified it should be executed more code than just an assignament.
I handle it in this way (not cool):
class MyClass1 < Father
def self.attr_accessor(name)
module_eval %{
attr_reader :#{name}
def #{name}= (value)
@#{name} = value @modified = true
...more code...
On Apr 23, 4:49 am, "Iñaki Baz Castillo" <i...@aliax.net> wrote:
Just an issue: the above code don't allow multiple attributes definition:
attr_accessor :atr, atr2
=> `attr_accessor': wrong number of arguments (2 for 1) (ArgumentError)
I don't remember now what must I do to take all the possible arguments
as an array, could you point it to me please?
thanks a lot.
2008/4/23, Trans <transfire@gmail.com>:
On Apr 23, 4:49 am, "Iñaki Baz Castillo" <i...@aliax.net> wrote:
> Hi, I'd like to use an "attr_accessor" but when its attribute is
> modified it should be executed more code than just an assignament.
> I handle it in this way (not cool):
> class MyClass1 < Father