Irb question - variable definitions when calling irb from a script problem

Dear all,

I have written a script containing some quite lengthy definitions of an
array full
of parameters and methods for it. This works fine, but now I'd like
to change some value in the array and use some method of the script on it.
I do not know which value of the parameters will be changed nor
really, which method out of several will be used in advance, so I'd
like to use irb to do that interactively.
I can call irb from the script, but then it does not remember that
in the script, I had defined array[4544]="my nice parameter value"
anymore, same thing if I start irb directly and use require "myscript.rb".

Is there some workaround that permits to make a variable definition in a
script "interactively global" ?

Best regards,

Axel wrote:

I can call irb from the script, but then it does not remember that in the script, I had defined array[4544]="my nice parameter value"
anymore, same thing if I start irb directly and use require "myscript.rb".

By default IRB.start starts the IRB instance in its new custom context that will not have local variables from your context defined.

In ruby-breakpoint I'm using this overloaded version to specify a context:

module IRB # :nodoc:
  class << self; remove_method :start; end
  def self.start(ap_path = nil, main_context = nil, workspace = nil)
    $0 = File::basename(ap_path, ".rb") if ap_path

    # suppress some warnings about redefined constants
    old_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil
    $VERBOSE = old_verbose

    if @CONF[:SCRIPT] then
      irb =, @CONF[:SCRIPT])
      irb =

    if workspace then
      irb.context.workspace = workspace

    @CONF[:IRB_RC].call(irb.context) if @CONF[:IRB_RC]
    @CONF[:MAIN_CONTEXT] = irb.context

    old_sigint = trap("SIGINT") do
      rescue RubyLex::TerminateLineInput
        # ignored
        catch(:IRB_EXIT) do
    trap("SIGINT", old_sigint)

It's used as IRB.start(nil, binding).