I have Ruby 1.8.5 installed in Ubuntu 6.06 (Kernel: 2.6.15-27-686 )
IRB works fine with special characters (like accented a, and tilded n)
but the arrow keys produce the following input:
Up: ^[[A
Right: ^[[C
Down: ^[[B
Left: ^[[D
The other special keys: Insert, Home, Prev Page, Del, End and Nex
Page produce similar results.
I have Ruby 1.8.5 installed in Ubuntu 6.06 (Kernel: 2.6.15-27-686 )
IRB works fine with special characters (like accented a, and tilded n)
but the arrow keys produce the following input:
Up: ^[[A
Right: ^[[C
Down: ^[[B
Left: ^[[D
The other special keys: Insert, Home, Prev Page, Del, End and Nex
Page produce similar results.
Is this your first exposure to Ruby and/or IRB? Did you have Ruby 1.8.4
before this? Did it work? Is this a new problem not seen before? Is Ubuntu
your first Linux? Are you typing on a remote terminal or typing directly
into, say, a Konsole session under X windows?
These are the sorts of questions that spring to mind when trying to offer a
useful answer.
I have Ruby 1.8.5 installed in Ubuntu 6.06 (Kernel: 2.6.15-27-686 )
IRB works fine with special characters (like accented a, and tilded n)
but the arrow keys produce the following input:
Up: ^[[A
Right: ^[[C
Down: ^[[B
Left: ^[[D
The other special keys: Insert, Home, Prev Page, Del, End and Nex
Page produce similar results.
It looks like IRB might not be compiled with readline support. I'm not sure how to check this, however.
it can be caused by either readline or console reasons
u should know more details to solve it
2006/11/13, Michael Glaesemann <grzm@seespotcode.net>:
Aníbal wrote:
> I have Ruby 1.8.5 installed in Ubuntu 6.06 (Kernel: 2.6.15-27-686 )
> IRB works fine with special characters (like accented a, and tilded n)
> but the arrow keys produce the following input:
> Up: ^[[A
> Right: ^[[C
> Down: ^[[B
> Left: ^[[D
> The other special keys: Insert, Home, Prev Page, Del, End and Nex
> Page produce similar results.
It looks like IRB might not be compiled with readline support. I'm
not sure how to check this, however.