Introducing myself and my interest in ruby

This is just a note introducing myself to the list, and
explaining what I hope to get from the list.

I’m a software systems engineer at Georgia State University.
That basically translates to Unix Systems Administrator, though
my specialty is programming systems utilities. We run Solaris.

Most of my scripts are written in perl, I have one pretty large
scale project I wrote and maintain in php, and for the forseeable
future I’ll probably still be primarily working in perl (most of
the people in our group know at least a little perl, so if I’m
not available the code is not inaccessable to my workgroup).

About a year ago I began looking at ruby, really liked it. It seemed
clean, easy to read, and had all the usual capabilities which attracted
me to perl to begin with. I didn’t pursue it at the time because perl
was adequate for my needs. About two weeks ago I started dabbling in ruby
again, and have decided to write those utilities not likely to be
maintained by anyone else (in other words scripts for my own use)
in ruby so I’ll get a more rounded experience in the language.

The typical script I’ll be writing is the usual administrators utility
where one opens a file (including program output in that category) loops
through the file a line at a time doing regex matches, and does appropriate
stuff based on those matches.

I look forward to browsing this list and asking questions from time to
time. ruby strikes me as a very good scripting language.


This is just a note introducing myself to the list, and
explaining what I hope to get from the list.


I’m a software systems engineer at Georgia State University.
That basically translates to Unix Systems Administrator, though
my specialty is programming systems utilities. We run Solaris.

Most of my scripts are written in perl, I have one pretty large
scale project I wrote and maintain in php, and for the forseeable
future I’ll probably still be primarily working in perl (most of
the people in our group know at least a little perl, so if I’m
not available the code is not inaccessable to my workgroup).

About a year ago I began looking at ruby, really liked it. It seemed
clean, easy to read, and had all the usual capabilities which attracted
me to perl to begin with. I didn’t pursue it at the time because perl
was adequate for my needs. About two weeks ago I started dabbling in ruby
again, and have decided to write those utilities not likely to be
maintained by anyone else (in other words scripts for my own use)
in ruby so I’ll get a more rounded experience in the language.

this is how i started. after three days i gave up perl altogether. after a
week i gave up c++ altogether. after a month or two i gave up c except to
write ruby extensions. after a few more months i gave up idl for image
processing and use classes i wrote using mmap that are simpler and faster.

The typical script I’ll be writing is the usual administrators utility
where one opens a file (including program output in that category) loops
through the file a line at a time doing regex matches, and does appropriate
stuff based on those matches.

I look forward to browsing this list and asking questions from time to
time. ruby strikes me as a very good scripting language.

don’t limit yourself to scripting tasks! i’m currenlty designing an entire
near-realtime satelite image processing system in ruby!


hope you’ll find the group useful - it’s full of really bright and helpful



On Sat, 21 Feb 2004, Larry Felton Johnson wrote:


EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
ADDRESS :: E/GC2 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3328
URL :: Solar-Terrestrial Physics Data | NCEI
TRY :: for l in ruby perl;do $l -e “print "\x3a\x2d\x29\x0a"”;done

Larry Felton Johnson wrote:

I look forward to browsing this list and asking questions from time to
time. ruby strikes me as a very good scripting language.

Welcome aboard! Ruby should be more than capable for the kinds of system
administration tasks you described.

If you weren’t already aware of it, the web site
does a good job of organizing various documentation resources for Ruby.
And of course you can always ask questions on the list.

Hi Larry! Thanks for the introduction and welcome!
Perl was my favorite language for over a decade, with C and then later C++ being
the languages I developed in for runtime speed and for work requirements.

About three years ago I ran across an article in Dr. Dobb’s Journal that immediately
hooked me on Ruby, and I have not turned back to Perl since that time.

Using SWIG (, I have developed runtime-critical algorithms in
C++ and SWIG’d the interface so that I can totally access and control them from Ruby.

And just this last month, I have come across a compiled language that I believe will
completely replace C and C++ for me: The D Language (
It even has a SWIG module for it so that I can easily access D from Ruby!

Now if I could only get our programmers at work to all switch from Perl and Tcl to Ruby
and from C++ to D !!!

– Glenn

Larry Felton Johnson wrote:


This is just a note introducing myself to the list, and
explaining what I hope to get from the list.

I’m a software systems engineer at Georgia State University.
That basically translates to Unix Systems Administrator, though
my specialty is programming systems utilities. We run Solaris.

Most of my scripts are written in perl, I have one pretty large
scale project I wrote and maintain in php, and for the forseeable
future I’ll probably still be primarily working in perl (most of
the people in our group know at least a little perl, so if I’m
not available the code is not inaccessable to my workgroup).

About a year ago I began looking at ruby, really liked it. It seemed
clean, easy to read, and had all the usual capabilities which attracted
me to perl to begin with. I didn’t pursue it at the time because perl
was adequate for my needs. About two weeks ago I started dabbling in ruby
again, and have decided to write those utilities not likely to be
maintained by anyone else (in other words scripts for my own use)
in ruby so I’ll get a more rounded experience in the language.

The typical script I’ll be writing is the usual administrators utility
where one opens a file (including program output in that category) loops
through the file a line at a time doing regex matches, and does appropriate
stuff based on those matches.

I look forward to browsing this list and asking questions from time to
time. ruby strikes me as a very good scripting language.


This is just a note introducing myself to the list, and
explaining what I hope to get from the list.


Yes, welcome to Ruby.


this is how i started. after three days i gave up perl altogether. after a
week i gave up c++ altogether. after a month or two i gave up c except to
write ruby extensions. after a few more months i gave up idl for image
processing and use classes i wrote using mmap that are simpler and faster.

Almost the same story here. After being using C++ for many years, I now
use Ruby for everything. I think/hope I have become a better programmer,
because of several things:

  • I have become more productive… the compile-step is gone.
  • Ruby is more readable than c++… I can quicker navigate through the code.
  • there is shorter from thought to implementation… because of less typing.
  • what is dirty in C++, can be implemented really nice in Ruby.
  • irb… instant feedback is great.
  • test-first development.

On Fri, 20 Feb 2004 09:28:42 -0700, Ara.T.Howard wrote:

On Sat, 21 Feb 2004, Larry Felton Johnson wrote:

Simon Strandgaard

reminder for myself: Simon, its time to switch from gnu-Make to ruby-Rake!

Ara.T.Howard wrote:

don’t limit yourself to scripting tasks! i’m currenlty designing an entire
near-realtime satelite image processing system in ruby!


That’s pretty cool. What can you tell us about this without
violating some kind of confidentiality policy? :slight_smile:

Also, there’s a “real world Ruby” page in the wiki somewhere.
This might make a nice addition.


Hi Larry! Thanks for the introduction and welcome!
Perl was my favorite language for over a decade, with C and then later C++ being
the languages I developed in for runtime speed and for work requirements.

About three years ago I ran across an article in Dr. Dobb’s Journal that immediately
hooked me on Ruby, and I have not turned back to Perl since that time.

Using SWIG (, I have developed runtime-critical algorithms in
C++ and SWIG’d the interface so that I can totally access and control them from Ruby.

And just this last month, I have come across a compiled language that I believe will
completely replace C and C++ for me: The D Language (D Runtime Library).
It even has a SWIG module for it so that I can easily access D from Ruby!

Now if I could only get our programmers at work to all switch from Perl and Tcl to Ruby
and from C++ to D !!!

wow - D looks very cool indeed. thanks for the pointer.



On Thu, 26 Feb 2004, Glenn M. Lewis wrote:

– Glenn

Larry Felton Johnson wrote:

This is just a note introducing myself to the list, and
explaining what I hope to get from the list.

I’m a software systems engineer at Georgia State University.
That basically translates to Unix Systems Administrator, though
my specialty is programming systems utilities. We run Solaris.

Most of my scripts are written in perl, I have one pretty large
scale project I wrote and maintain in php, and for the forseeable
future I’ll probably still be primarily working in perl (most of
the people in our group know at least a little perl, so if I’m
not available the code is not inaccessable to my workgroup).

About a year ago I began looking at ruby, really liked it. It seemed
clean, easy to read, and had all the usual capabilities which attracted
me to perl to begin with. I didn’t pursue it at the time because perl
was adequate for my needs. About two weeks ago I started dabbling in ruby
again, and have decided to write those utilities not likely to be
maintained by anyone else (in other words scripts for my own use)
in ruby so I’ll get a more rounded experience in the language.

The typical script I’ll be writing is the usual administrators utility
where one opens a file (including program output in that category) loops
through the file a line at a time doing regex matches, and does appropriate
stuff based on those matches.

I look forward to browsing this list and asking questions from time to
time. ruby strikes me as a very good scripting language.


EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
ADDRESS :: E/GC2 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3328
URL :: Solar-Terrestrial Physics Data | NCEI
TRY :: for l in ruby perl;do $l -e “print "\x3a\x2d\x29\x0a"”;done

Glenn M. Lewis wrote:

And just this last month, I have come across a compiled language that I
believe will
completely replace C and C++ for me: The D Language
(D Runtime Library).
It even has a SWIG module for it so that I can easily access D from Ruby!

Very nice. LOTY 2004 anyone :slight_smile:

How well does swigging D code into ruby work? I didn’t see anything
about it on the swig site. Do you have a link?

The D links page has link for using swig “to generate code for D” but
that sounds like swigging C/C++ code into D…

External Links - D Programming Language - Digital Mars

Which leads to a question that has been bouncing around in my mind for
several weeks now: What obstacles are there against being able to
compile Ruby? I would guess that eval() would be one, but other than
that, would it be feasible to create a compilable subset of Ruby?



On Feb 26, 2004, at 8:04 AM, Glenn M. Lewis wrote:

And just this last month, I have come across a compiled language that
I believe will
completely replace C and C++ for me: The D Language
(D Runtime Library).
It even has a SWIG module for it so that I can easily access D from

Ara.T.Howard wrote:

don’t limit yourself to scripting tasks! i’m currenlty designing an entire
near-realtime satelite image processing system in ruby!


That’s pretty cool. What can you tell us about this without violating some
kind of confidentiality policy? :slight_smile:

ha! check out the url in my sig for general info…

i can’t elaborate much at the moment as i’m slammed with a deadline but the
design so far is:

  • various job classes utilizing image processing classes that use guy’s mmap
    module (considering some stuff using narray). our algorithims are all
    custom so no packaged lib would work. eg. we aren’t doing an normal image
    ops - we go through pixels and scanlines applying custom algorithims to
    them to detect stuff (nighttime lights of the world). this is the
    scientist’s bag - i avoid it and consider only values 0-255 and issues of
    massive i/o. typical files are 100mb each and explode into about 1.5 GB
    out output. we currently have programs that require 2.5mb of ram. it’s
    absolutely ridiculous…

  • an entire system built around sge (sun grid engine) and seriously heavy
    duty netapps and mass storage units - lots of data

essentially we process incoming satelite data and archive it. in addition
certain clients subscribe to have us do custom data processing/delivery for
them. the current system - isn’t - it’s a massive pile of scripts that call
scripts that call scripts…

1024.times{ puts “scripts that call scripts” }

i jest not.

the central problems are

  • the processing is the ‘science’. eg. it changes almost daily
  • the volumes of data and cpu requirements present all sorts of challenges
  • setting a ‘subscription’ (custom processing for a customer) requires a
    ground-up approach. there is zero reusable code currently
  • the logging is non-existent
  • we can’t use a database (politics)
  • our sysads are horrible

my current work has been

all the above is a literal snapshot of what i’m doing - as is normal around
here i haven’t had much time for docs… sorry.

at the exact moment i’m working on a configurable set of jobs that generates
fire products using nighttime satelite imagery. it’s basically a testbed for
what the near-realtime system might be but i am still very much in the
‘enumerate the problem hotspots and check them off’ phase. i still haven’t
been able to check them all off so my ‘design’ ( a strong term ) is very much
in flux - suggestions (espcially in form of solved.tar.gz) are welcome! :wink:

a year ago i designed a bi-temporal database emulator (ruby classes) and a web
interface to it. that system was almost all ruby and is in production here
are noaa. see

and specifically

for quite a long discussion of the database part. the web interface is,
unfortunately, viewable only from the intranet. it’s based on fastcgi and
postgresql though.

Also, there’s a “real world Ruby” page in the wiki somewhere. This might
make a nice addition.

when time allows…

back to work…




On Sat, 21 Feb 2004, Hal Fulton wrote:

EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
ADDRESS :: E/GC2 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3328
URL :: Solar-Terrestrial Physics Data | NCEI
TRY :: for l in ruby perl;do $l -e “print "\x3a\x2d\x29\x0a"”;done

IIRC lisp has eval() too, and there are plenty of compiler out ther :wink:

I bet you could write a compiler from ruby to at&t asm and let GAS do
the rest :slight_smile:


il Fri, 27 Feb 2004 17:59:07 +0900, Mark Hubbart ha scritto::

Which leads to a question that has been bouncing around in my mind for
several weeks now: What obstacles are there against being able to
compile Ruby? I would guess that eval() would be one, but other than
that, would it be feasible to create a compilable subset of Ruby?

Ara.T.Howard wrote:


On Sat, 21 Feb 2004, Hal Fulton wrote:

Ara.T.Howard wrote:

don’t limit yourself to scripting tasks! i’m currenlty designing an entire
near-realtime satelite image processing system in ruby!


That’s pretty cool. What can you tell us about this without violating some
kind of confidentiality policy? :slight_smile:

ha! check out the url in my sig for general info…

i can’t elaborate much at the moment as i’m slammed with a deadline but the
design so far is:

  • various job classes utilizing image processing classes that use guy’s mmap
    module (considering some stuff using narray). our algorithims are all
    custom so no packaged lib would work. eg. we aren’t doing an normal image
    ops - we go through pixels and scanlines applying custom algorithims to
    them to detect stuff (nighttime lights of the world). this is the
    scientist’s bag - i avoid it and consider only values 0-255 and issues of
    massive i/o. typical files are 100mb each and explode into about 1.5 GB
    out output. we currently have programs that require 2.5mb of ram. it’s
    absolutely ridiculous…

  • an entire system built around sge (sun grid engine) and seriously heavy
    duty netapps and mass storage units - lots of data

essentially we process incoming satelite data and archive it. in addition
certain clients subscribe to have us do custom data processing/delivery for
them. the current system - isn’t - it’s a massive pile of scripts that call
scripts that call scripts…

1024.times{ puts “scripts that call scripts” }

i jest not.

the central problems are

  • the processing is the ‘science’. eg. it changes almost daily
  • the volumes of data and cpu requirements present all sorts of challenges
  • setting a ‘subscription’ (custom processing for a customer) requires a
    ground-up approach. there is zero reusable code currently
  • the logging is non-existent
  • we can’t use a database (politics)
  • our sysads are horrible

my current work has been

all the above is a literal snapshot of what i’m doing - as is normal around
here i haven’t had much time for docs… sorry.

at the exact moment i’m working on a configurable set of jobs that generates
fire products using nighttime satelite imagery. it’s basically a testbed for
what the near-realtime system might be but i am still very much in the
‘enumerate the problem hotspots and check them off’ phase. i still haven’t
been able to check them all off so my ‘design’ ( a strong term ) is very much
in flux - suggestions (espcially in form of solved.tar.gz) are welcome! :wink:

a year ago i designed a bi-temporal database emulator (ruby classes) and a web
interface to it. that system was almost all ruby and is in production here
are noaa. see

and specifically

for quite a long discussion of the database part. the web interface is,
unfortunately, viewable only from the intranet. it’s based on fastcgi and
postgresql though.

Also, there’s a “real world Ruby” page in the wiki somewhere. This might
make a nice addition.

when time allows…

back to work…



I didn’t understand half of it. But that is what makes it way cool! :slight_smile:

“gabriele renzi” schrieb im Newsbeitrag

il Fri, 27 Feb 2004 17:59:07 +0900, Mark Hubbart ha

Which leads to a question that has been bouncing around in my mind for
several weeks now: What obstacles are there against being able to
compile Ruby? I would guess that eval() would be one, but other than
that, would it be feasible to create a compilable subset of Ruby?

The question is, how attractive would this subset be? I mean, there’s a
lot of code around that relys on beeing able to use eval and friends.

IIRC lisp has eval() too, and there are plenty of compiler out ther :wink:

But not all of them compile to native. GNU CLISP compiles to byte code
AFAIK. Dunno what the native compiling compilers support, basically
you’ll have to include the compiler in the runtime. And looking at the
high efforts done at Sun and MS to enhance their VM’s, that shows that
it’s not too easy to be able to come up with such a system that does work
correctly and is fast.

I bet you could write a compiler from ruby to at&t asm and let GAS do
the rest :slight_smile:



The question is, how attractive would this subset be? I mean, there’s
lot of code around that relys on beeing able to use eval and friends.

I understand that. The attraction would not be that you can just
compile any previously written code, but that you can code something
new using the subset, and compile it. The compilable subset (call it
cRuby) wouldn’t be competing with Ruby, but C, C++, etc. For most
things, one would still use good 'ol Ruby :slight_smile:

What cRuby would be useful for:

  • Writing shared libraries that people programming in other languages
    could use
  • Creating multi-platform apps that don’t require a Ruby installation
  • Avoiding C/C++ at all costs :slight_smile:

Some projects simply require using a compilable language. I have not
yet found a compilable language that is easy and fun to use. cRuby
could fill the gap there.

IIRC lisp has eval() too, and there are plenty of compiler out ther :wink:

But not all of them compile to native. GNU CLISP compiles to byte code

From the CLISP manpage:
“Invoked with -c, the specified lisp files are compiled to a bytecode
that can be executed more efficiently.”

has an eval statement, so much as lisp is an eval statement :slight_smile:

Dunno what the native compiling compilers support, basically
you’ll have to include the compiler in the runtime.

Which is the reason for the language subset - within the subset, there
would be no need for including the runtime; it could just be compiled
to machine code.

I bet you could write a compiler from ruby to at&t asm and let GAS do
the rest :slight_smile:

Back when I was using perl, I checked out their Perl->C project. It
could translate perl code into c code. Problem is, it was trying to
make it so that any valid perl code, including evals, could be
translated. A simple “hello world” would get translated into a few
thousand lines of C code. :slight_smile:



On Feb 27, 2004, at 8:24 AM, Robert Klemme wrote:
From my (very limited) experience with it, it doesn’t seem that lisp

Mark Hubbart said:

Which is the reason for the language subset - within the subset, there
would be no need for including the runtime; it could just be compiled
to machine code.

I believe that this approach was used with Squeak Smalltalk. They wrote
the basic Smalltalk system in a subset of smalltalk that could be easily
translated to C. (See the “Brief History” section at


– Jim Weirich

“Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct,
not tried it.” – Donald Knuth (in a memo to Peter van Emde Boas)

first and last sounds much like pyrex[1].

[1]About Pyrex


il Sat, 28 Feb 2004 02:32:13 +0900, Mark Hubbart ha scritto::

What cRuby would be useful for:

  • Writing shared libraries that people programming in other languages
    could use
  • Creating multi-platform apps that don’t require a Ruby installation
  • Avoiding C/C++ at all costs :slight_smile:


From my (very limited) experience with it, it doesn’t seem that lisp
has an eval statement, so much as lisp is an eval statement :slight_smile:

Lisp has always had an eval statement, ever since 1960 when the first
paper on Lisp[1] was published.

CL-USER(6): (eval '(defun f (x) (+ x 1)))
CL-USER(7): (f 3)

, Tobias


On Sat, 28 Feb 2004, Mark Hubbart wrote:

“Mark Hubbart” schrieb im Newsbeitrag

The question is, how attractive would this subset be? I mean, there’s
lot of code around that relys on beeing able to use eval and friends.

I understand that. The attraction would not be that you can just
compile any previously written code, but that you can code something
new using the subset, and compile it. The compilable subset (call it
cRuby) wouldn’t be competing with Ruby, but C, C++, etc. For most
things, one would still use good 'ol Ruby :slight_smile:

What cRuby would be useful for:

  • Writing shared libraries that people programming in other languages
    could use
  • Creating multi-platform apps that don’t require a Ruby installation
  • Avoiding C/C++ at all costs :slight_smile:

I can understand why someone would want to do that. :slight_smile:

Some projects simply require using a compilable language. I have not
yet found a compilable language that is easy and fun to use. cRuby
could fill the gap there.

I see. So someone should start defining the sub set so we can see a bit
clearer where this leads. AFAICS these are not in the subset:


Maybe we would want to remove these as well:


IIRC lisp has eval() too, and there are plenty of compiler out ther

But not all of them compile to native. GNU CLISP compiles to byte

From the CLISP manpage:
“Invoked with -c, the specified lisp files are compiled to a bytecode
that can be executed more efficiently.”

Btw, I guess this is what - at the moment - Ruby does, too, isn’t it?

From my (very limited) experience with it, it doesn’t seem that lisp
has an eval statement, so much as lisp is an eval statement :slight_smile:


Dunno what the native compiling compilers support, basically
you’ll have to include the compiler in the runtime.

Which is the reason for the language subset - within the subset, there
would be no need for including the runtime; it could just be compiled
to machine code.

I’m wondering how much performance that will give us since I am under the
impression that due to the highly dynamic nature of Ruby still a lot of
interpretation has to be done at runtime. Unfortunately we won’t know
prior to realization of the Ruby compiler. :frowning:

The other thing that adds to my scepticism is that there’s a general trend
in computer languages towards managed code and VM’s (Java, C#, clisp?,
…) and I guess there’s a reason for that. Maybe it’s better to extend
the Ruby interpreter towards an intelligent runtime system like the Java
VM (or use that as an underlying system if possible).

I bet you could write a compiler from ruby to at&t asm and let GAS do
the rest :slight_smile:

Back when I was using perl, I checked out their Perl->C project. It
could translate perl code into c code. Problem is, it was trying to
make it so that any valid perl code, including evals, could be
translated. A simple “hello world” would get translated into a few
thousand lines of C code. :slight_smile:

Apparently they made the -v switch default. :-))

Kind regards


On Feb 27, 2004, at 8:24 AM, Robert Klemme wrote:

Indeed, it does :slight_smile: I wasn’t thinking so much of translation to C, but
that would probably be much easier, and would be much better than not
having anything. And, it could pave the way for modifying a C compiler
to support the subset. (I hope I’m not being completely naive :slight_smile:

If there was a compiler, then it would be perfect for projects like
Rubyx and ROS. It would make it so that more people would be able to
participate, since they could leverage their Ruby skills towards the



On Feb 27, 2004, at 11:19 AM, gabriele renzi wrote:

il Sat, 28 Feb 2004 02:32:13 +0900, Mark Hubbart ha

What cRuby would be useful for:

  • Writing shared libraries that people programming in other languages
    could use
  • Creating multi-platform apps that don’t require a Ruby installation
  • Avoiding C/C++ at all costs :slight_smile:

first and last sounds much like pyrex[1].

[1]Pyrex - Front Page

actually, I was meaning that as a joke. I haven’t ever gotten beyond
the very basics with lisp. To me, the “code is data is code” thing
makes me feel as if every statement is eval’ed… (“Which part’s the
code, and which part’s the data?” “Run it and figure it out.”) Please
excuse a novice :wink:



On Feb 28, 2004, at 3:46 AM, Tobias Nurmiranta wrote:

On Sat, 28 Feb 2004, Mark Hubbart wrote:

From my (very limited) experience with it, it doesn’t seem that lisp
has an eval statement, so much as lisp is an eval statement :slight_smile:

Lisp has always had an eval statement, ever since 1960 when the first
paper on Lisp[1] was published.