I was going to demo instiki as part of a Ruby talk I'm giving
to our local
PerlMongers group.
cool. I have phobia talking to perl hackers, they seem to know all corners
of cpan :-))
I also downloaded and installed instiki on my Powerbook (OSX
10.3.4) and
it apparently created those directories automatically because
it worked
fine and as advertised. Since I'll be doing the talk using
my Powerbook,
things should be OK, but the idea is that we want everyone in
the audience
to follow along and install instiki on their laptops (some of
which may
not be Powerbooks) if they want. (since about 75% of people
at these sorts
of talks bring their laptops these days and since wifi is
available, I'm
also going to encourage them to install Ruby early-on in the
talk so they
can try things as I go along).Why do these directories have to be created manually on
Linux? Is this something that will be fixed in the next
this happens on linux and win, I think. You can fix it faster by:
1. creating a script to check and create the dir if needed
2. modifying the zip file to include the directory (I think the zip file
didn't include empty dirs)
version and will the next
version be available by Wednesday evening (when our talk
takes place :-)?
As an admin, I would not want the default directory right under the program
directory. In fact, I should be able to specify my own storage dir (for
backup/restore/raid purpose). I think the -t option is handy.
Btw, introduce rpa to your students. Downloading isn't fun, but rpa is. Let
us all remove step #1
kind regards -botp
phil of ptkwt@aracnet.com [mailto:ptkwt@aracnet.com] wrote: