Instance_eval && class_eval


I'm just studing some metaprogramming and came across some problems.
The following code:


class D
  instance_eval do
    define_method("i_method") do
      print "\nin i_method"
    def ii_method
      print "\nin ii_method"
  class_eval do
    define_method("c_method") do
      print "\nin c_method"
    def cc_method
      print "\nin cc_method"


results in

in i_method
in ii_method
in c_method
in cc_method
metaruby2.rb:163: undefined method `i_method' for D:Class (NoMethodE

so why is

D.i_method wrong and correct?

BTW, I know the right way of solving this, but I'm somehow missing
something which would explain it to me in a consitent manner

here the solution:
class D
  (class << self; self; end).instance_eval do #class_eval also does
the job
    define_method( :iii_method ) do
      print "\nin iii_method"


which works fine.


define_method defines an instance method both in the instance_eval and class_eval sections of your code. To be able to call


method needs to be a class instance method of D (i.e. a method of the singleton class of D herself).

-- fxn


On Oct 21, 2006, at 12:55 PM, Artur Merke wrote:

Artur Merke wrote:

so why is
D.i_method wrong and correct?

I'm not surprised by that. I'm surprised that standard def...end syntax
inside instance_eval behaves differently from being in the class scope,
when the self object in both cases is the same.

irb(main):001:0> class Foo
irb(main):002:1> p "Defining aa in #{self}##{self.object_id}"
irb(main):003:1> def aa; p :aa; end
irb(main):004:1> instance_eval{
irb(main):005:2* p "Defining bb in #{self}##{self.object_id}"
irb(main):006:2> def bb; p :bb; end
irb(main):007:2> }
irb(main):008:1> end
"Defining aa in Foo#1699170"
"Defining bb in Foo#1699170"
=> nil
=> nil
=> nil

Xavier Noria schrieb:

define_method defines an instance method both in the instance_eval
and class_eval sections of your code. To be able to call


method needs to be a class instance method of D (i.e. a method of the
singleton class of D herself).

yes (see also my solution I provided at the end of my msg), but this
was not the question,

the question was (and still is), why(!)

def a


define_method(:a) do

behave differently in instance_eval (and not in class_eval and anywhere
else) ...




On Oct 21, 2006, at 12:55 PM, Artur Merke wrote:

I'm not surprised by that. I'm surprised that standard def...end syntax
inside instance_eval behaves differently from being in the class scope,
when the self object in both cases is the same.

def is a keyword and it don't use self to know where the method must be
defined but it use an "internal" variable the "current" class.

irb(main):001:0> class Foo

here you have

                    self = current class = Foo

irb(main):002:1> p "Defining aa in #{self}##{self.object_id}"
irb(main):003:1> def aa; p :aa; end
irb(main):004:1> instance_eval{

in instance_eval you have
                      self = Foo
                      current class = Foo singleton class

irb(main):005:2* p "Defining bb in #{self}##{self.object_id}"
irb(main):006:2> def bb; p :bb; end

Guy Decoux

Ah yes, I see it now. I join the question, a posteriori looks like within instance_eval we are in the context of the singleton class of D, because D.ii_method works. But puts self does not seem to output that one there

   irb(main):010:0> class D; instance_eval do; puts self; end; end
   => nil
   irb(main):011:0> class D; puts (class << self; self; end); end
   => nil

so I don't understand it either.

-- fxn


On Oct 21, 2006, at 2:45 PM, Artur Merke wrote:

the question was (and still is), why(!)

def a


define_method(:a) do

behave differently in instance_eval (and not in class_eval and anywhere
else) ...


Is the existence of that "current" class vs self documented somewhere or do you know it from the sources? Does it have a name in jargon? What about the fact that instance_eval switches current to the singleton class of self? I saw it works for objects which are not classes as well (which is a redundant exercise to reinforce this):

   class A

   a =
   b =

   a.instance_eval do
     def croak
       puts "croak!"



   tmp/foo.rb:13: undefined method `croak' for #<A:0x1e6374> (NoMethodError)

so the "current" class is the singleton class of the object a as well.

-- fxn


On Oct 21, 2006, at 3:40 PM, ts wrote:

> I'm not surprised by that. I'm surprised that standard def...end syntax
> inside instance_eval behaves differently from being in the class scope,
> when the self object in both cases is the same.

def is a keyword and it don't use self to know where the method must be
defined but it use an "internal" variable the "current" class.

Is the existence of that "current" class vs self documented somewhere
or do you know it from the sources? Does it have a name in jargon?

ruby_class : it's in the source, this mean that it's documented :slight_smile:

What about the fact that instance_eval switches current to the
singleton class of self? I saw it works for objects which are not
classes as well (which is a redundant exercise to reinforce this):

Well a class can be seen as an object or as a class, i.e. with a class
you can define a singleton method or a method.

#instance_eval work with any object, and in this case a class is just an
  object like any other and def will define a singleton method

#class_eval work only with classes (and modules) and in this case def will
  define instance methods.

Guy Decoux