Installing on Windows 7 64 bit

I would like to install ruby 1.86 or 1.9 on Windows 7 64 bit but I do
not know if it is compatible nor what are the steps involved to install
it nor if there is any configuration involved.

Could someone kindly provide me with a detail step by step process on
how to install ruby, rails and ruby gems on Windows 7 64 bit. Thanks I
would greatly appreciate it. I would love to learn these languages to


Posted via

I use Ruby on Win7 64-bit at work with no issues.

Step 1) Download and run the installer from here:

Step 2) Also download the DevKit 4.5.0 from that page.

Step 3) Follow the installation steps from this page:

Step 4) Install whatever gems you like as normal, e.g. `gem install


On Nov 27, 8:46 am, Victor Ce <> wrote:

Could someone kindly provide me with a detail step by step process on
how to install ruby, rails and ruby gems on Windows 7 64 bit. Thanks I
would greatly appreciate it. I would love to learn these languages to

I would like to install ruby 1.86 or 1.9 on Windows 7 64 bit but I do
not know if it is compatible nor what are the steps involved to install
it nor if there is any configuration involved.

Ruby will work on all Windows versions and editions since 2001. That
includes 64 bit versions.

However: Ruby itself is still 32 bit, and thus has the 32 bit
limitations (which are largely theoretical limitations, anyway).

Could someone kindly provide me with a detail step by step process on
how to install ruby, rails and ruby gems on Windows 7 64 bit. Thanks I
would greatly appreciate it. I would love to learn these languages to

With Ruby 1.9.x you don't have to install RubyGems: it is part of the
standard library now. So, just download Ruby 1.9.x off of, install it, and then do "gem install rails" as

If you get compilation errors, then you will *have* to install the
devkit, as Phrogz outlined. However, having installed Rails 3.0.3 just
yesterday on JRuby 1.5.5 and Ruby 1.9.2-p0 (both on Windows 7 64 bit),
I didn't see anything that would require compilation of a native gem.


On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Victor Ce <> wrote:

Phillip Gawlowski

Though the folk I have met,
(Ah, how soon!) they forget
When I've moved on to some other place,
There may be one or two,
When I've played and passed through,
Who'll remember my song or my face.