Installing gems for a single user

I'm used to using gems locally where I can install them systemwide. But
in a shared hosting environment, where there might be several systemwide
gems installed by the host, there may be gems I want to install just in
my home directory. Does RubyGems support this? In a way that your Ruby
program can access both the systemwide and local gems?




  mkdir ~/.gems
  export GEM_HOME=/home/jennyw/.gems
  gem install rubyforge-0.0.1.gem

And you should be able to `gem list`, `gem install`, etc.
In scripts where you don't have control over the environment and RubyGems is
already loaded, use:


For other concrete examples, you might scan:



On Fri, Jul 14, 2006 at 12:43:03AM +0900, jennyw wrote:

I'm used to using gems locally where I can install them systemwide. But
in a shared hosting environment, where there might be several systemwide
gems installed by the host, there may be gems I want to install just in
my home directory. Does RubyGems support this? In a way that your Ruby
program can access both the systemwide and local gems?

jennyw wrote:

I'm used to using gems locally where I can install them systemwide. But
in a shared hosting environment, where there might be several systemwide
gems installed by the host, there may be gems I want to install just in
my home directory. Does RubyGems support this? In a way that your Ruby
program can access both the systemwide and local gems?

My solution: compile and install Ruby in ~/software (or similar) and
use *that* Ruby for everything, including gems. No permission
