
I’m looking for an installer/packager to use for my project. Is there a
standard way to package a project for release? Is raa-install a packager, or
just a script to retrieve packages from the RAA? Ideally, in my mind, Ruby
should have something like Debian’s dpkg, which allows for easy installation,
removal and upgrading of packages, which would tie in with some sort of
mirror system, like CPAN - is there anything like this in existance, or in
planning? I’m sure this has been brought up before, I was just wondering if
the answers have changed since last time I read anything about it.

Tim Bates


raa-install currently allows for easy installation (and upgrading) of
projects - usually in conjunction with packages using Minero Aoki’s
install.rb, which is pretty much the de facto installation tool for
ruby used by most projects.

There is a guide to using the combination here:

Removal, dependencies - not yet, but possible.

I believe people are working on mirrors, but I don’t know what the
status is.



On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 06:08:56PM +0900, Tim Bates wrote:

I’m looking for an installer/packager to use for my project. Is there a
standard way to package a project for release? Is raa-install a packager, or
just a script to retrieve packages from the RAA? Ideally, in my mind, Ruby
should have something like Debian’s dpkg, which allows for easy installation,
removal and upgrading of packages, which would tie in with some sort of
mirror system, like CPAN - is there anything like this in existance, or in
planning? I’m sure this has been brought up before, I was just wondering if
the answers have changed since last time I read anything about it.

Tim Bates

Does anyone know of a Gantt chart Ruby program?