Installation: missing, etc

I am trying to set up a website. I’ve installed ruby locally using the
configure --prefix option to point to a local directory (ruby is not
provided on the webserver). Everything seemed to work until I tried to uses
sessions. The shared objects under ‘ruby/lib/1.6/i686-linux’ did not get
installed. In particular, I have no (or even a digest directory!) so
I cannot create a session id. Any suggestions on installation?


I am trying to set up a website. I’ve installed ruby locally using the
configure --prefix option to point to a local directory (ruby is not
provided on the webserver). Everything seemed to work until I tried to uses
sessions. The shared objects under ‘ruby/lib/1.6/i686-linux’ did not get
installed. In particular, I have no (or even a digest directory!) so
I cannot create a session id. Any suggestions on installation?


Does this “require” work for you ?

irb(main):001:0> require ‘digest/md5’
=> true
irb(main):002:0> exit

If you dont get this output then something is wrong
with your installation.


On Fri, 25 Apr 2003 19:28:02 +0000, SLegrand wrote:

Simon Strandgaard