I use emacs and run an inferior irb process within emacs (inf-ruby.el).
Works great with version 1.6.7. I just switched to version 1.7.3, and
now everything I enter gets repeated back to me before the value is
printed (see below). The command line I’m using to invoke irb is
"d:/ruby/bin/irb --inf-ruby-mode" (the same as worked with 1.6.7). Do I
need some other command line parameters, or is something broken, or what?
irb(main)0> 2+2
OS: Windows XP Pro, sp1
Emacs: GNU Emacs 21.2.1 (i386-msvc-nt5.1.2600) of 2002-03-19
ruby-mode.el: 1.59 ($Date: 2002/11/03 11:04:35 $)
inf-ruby.el: 1.6 (2002/09/07 14:35:46)
version of irb that doesn’t work: 0.9 (02/07/03)
version of irb that does work: 0.7.4 (01/05/08)
I can uninstall ruby 1.7.3, install 1.6.7, and everything works.
Uninstall 1.6.7, reinstall 1.7.3, and I get the echo problem again. So
the emacs, ruby-mode.el, inf-ruby.el, are actually the same both times,
it’s just the version of irb that is changing (so my subject line should
actually be: irb broken in 1.7.3? not inf-ruby.el).
Ruby (and irb) aren’t on my PATH, so I edited inf-ruby.el to change
ruby-program-name to “d:/ruby/bin/irb --inf-ruby-mode”, but that was the
only change (and it works with 1.6.7 but not 1.7.3). Could that be the
Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote:
In message “inf-ruby.el broken in version 1.7.3?” > on 02/11/28, Jeff de Vries jdevries@pfrog.com writes:
I use emacs and run an inferior irb process within emacs (inf-ruby.el).
Works great with version 1.6.7. I just switched to version 1.7.3, and
now everything I enter gets repeated back to me before the value is
printed (see below). The command line I’m using to invoke irb is
“d:/ruby/bin/irb --inf-ruby-mode” (the same as worked with 1.6.7). Do I
need some other command line parameters, or is something broken, or what?
It works for me. Could you give me more info?
Platform, ruby version (including date), inf-ruby version, etc.