Include vs. extend

I was under the impression that include and extend were basically module-level and object-level versions of the same thing, that including a module at the class level had the same effect as extending an object. But it seems there is a big difference:

class Foo
   include Enumerable
class Bar
   def initialize
     extend Enumerable
(class <<;self;end).ancestors #=> [Foo, Enumerable, Object, Kernel]
(class <<;self;end).ancestors #=> [Enumerable, Bar, Object, Kernel]

This makes a whole world of difference when you want to wrap certain methods with additional functionality. In such cases you *have* to use extend (or ugly techniques like aliasing the old method). Why the difference? In what cases should I use include and what cases should I use extend?


Hi --

I was under the impression that include and extend were basically module-level and object-level versions of the same thing, that including a module at the class level had the same effect as extending an object. But it seems there is a big difference:

class Foo
include Enumerable
class Bar
def initialize
   extend Enumerable
(class <<;self;end).ancestors #=> [Foo, Enumerable, Object, Kernel]
(class <<;self;end).ancestors #=> [Enumerable, Bar, Object, Kernel]

This makes a whole world of difference when you want to wrap certain methods with additional functionality. In such cases you *have* to use extend (or ugly techniques like aliasing the old method). Why the difference? In what cases should I use include and what cases should I use extend?

It's understood that if you extend an object, it's because you *want*
to put the module ahead of the object's class in the method look-up
path. Otherwise, you'd put the functionality you want in the class
:slight_smile: By the same token, it would be very unusual to put extend in

Basically you use extend when you want to control behavior via modules
on a per-object basis. A common use is for classes:

   module M
     def meth
       puts "Hi"

   class C
     extend M

   C.meth # Hi

obj.extend(Mod) is equivalent to:

   class << obj
     include Mod

(or very nearly equivalent; there may be some arcane difference I'm
not remembering). So it's all really include operations -- but, when
done with extend, the class doing the including is a singleton class.



On Tue, 11 Jul 2006, Daniel DeLorme wrote:

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Ruby for Rails => RUBY FOR RAILS, the Ruby book for
                                                     Rails developers => D[avid ]A[. ]B[lack's][ Web]log => me

In the first case, the proxy that refers to the Enumerable module is
inserted between Foo class and Object class. In the second case, an
instance of a Bar class during initialization receives a new class
which is the same proxy object and this proxy's superclass is Bar
class. BTW, check out this book at It has a
very nice chapter about internal structure of Ruby object model.



On 7/10/06, Daniel DeLorme <> wrote:

I was under the impression that include and extend were basically module-level
and object-level versions of the same thing, that including a module at the
class level had the same effect as extending an object. But it seems there is a
big difference:

class Foo
   include Enumerable
class Bar
   def initialize
     extend Enumerable
(class <<;self;end).ancestors #=> [Foo, Enumerable, Object, Kernel]
(class <<;self;end).ancestors #=> [Enumerable, Bar, Object, Kernel]

This makes a whole world of difference when you want to wrap certain methods
with additional functionality. In such cases you *have* to use extend (or ugly
techniques like aliasing the old method). Why the difference? In what cases
should I use include and what cases should I use extend?

