Include semantics broken?

This seems very odd to me:

module A
   module B

module X
   include A
   module Y
     B # => uninitialized constant X::Y::B (NameError

If I move the "include A" either up one line (before "module X"), or down one line (after "module Y"), then it works as expected. Since include is supposed to import all the constants from one module to the other, then surely this should make the constants of A available to anything defined within X?

My intent, in doing this, is to include A's semantics only where they are relevant...

This may or may not be the way it's supposed to work--but for me, it does violate POLS.

Bob Sidebotham

Bob Sidebotham wrote:

This seems very odd to me:

module A
  module B

module X
  include A
  module Y
    B # => uninitialized constant X::Y::B (NameError

If I move the "include A" either up one line (before "module X"), or down one line (after "module Y"), then it works as expected. Since include is supposed to import all the constants from one module to the other, then surely this should make the constants of A available to anything defined within X?

My intent, in doing this, is to include A's semantics only where they are relevant...

This may or may not be the way it's supposed to work--but for me, it does violate POLS.

Bob Sidebotham

You can tell ruby to start from the "root"-namespace by prefixing with a ::. See below:

module A
   module B

module X
   include A
   module Y
     ::a::B # => uninitialized constant X::Y::B (NameError




Brian Schröder