If Statement Help

Hi All

Im currently learning ruby and its going well. I have been looking at a
number of “guru” libraries such as DBI, CGI etc to try and learn by example.
I have noticed that a number of if statements have the following syntax eg:

if File.name?

Can someone please explain the ? usage as I have searched all over the
Pragmatic Programmer pages with no answer.


Graeme Matthew
Analyst Programmer
Mercer Investment Consulting
Level 29, 101 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3001, Australia
Tel - 61 3 9245 5352 Fax - 61 3 9245 5330
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That’s just a part of the method name. Run “irb” and paste this
into it:

class Monkey
def hasFleas?
class Rking
def hasFleas?

You will find that Monkeys have fleas while Rking’s decidedly do

Anyway, the point is: Putting a question mark at the end of a
method name is a custom to imply that the method returns a

  • Ryan

On 2002.09.19, Matthew, Graeme Graeme.Matthew@mercer.com wrote:

if File.name?

Can someone please explain the ? usage as I have searched all over the
Pragmatic Programmer pages with no answer.

Hi All

Im currently learning ruby and its going well. I have been looking at a
number of “guru” libraries such as DBI, CGI etc to try and learn
by example.
I have noticed that a number of if statements have the following
syntax eg:

if File.name?

Can someone please explain the ? usage as I have searched all over the
Pragmatic Programmer pages with no answer.

Methods that end with a question mark should return a Boolean value. This
is a coding convention, not a parser-enforced syntax rule.


