Idiomatic ruby

Is there a right way and a wrong way to code in Ruby?

I just started coding some in Ruby last Friday. Since then, I've written several small scripts on Windows using WMI with Ruby. My scripts work fine, I just worry that I'll develop bad habits or that I'm not programming idiomatic Ruby. Is there such as thing as idiomatic Ruby? Python hackers call idiomatic Python 'Pythonic' and code that is not Pythonic is frowned upon. They are rather rigid, but I like Python OK.

My goal now is to port much of my Python code to Ruby as a learning experience. So, should I post code here for comments and suggestions? Or, is it safe to assume if my Ruby scripts work as I expect them to that they are OK?

Many thanks,


Is there such as thing as idiomatic Ruby?


Python hackers call idiomatic Python 'Pythonic' and code that is not
Pythonic is frowned upon. They are rather rigid, but I like Python

I think you'll find the Ruby community more flexible. There's more
than one way to do it here.

So, should I post code here for comments and suggestions?

Absolutely, that's what ruby-talk is for.



On Tue, Mar 07, 2006 at 05:43:40AM +0900, rtilley wrote:

Is there a right way and a wrong way to code in Ruby?

<laughs> Yes. Go to your room! :wink:

Naturally, there are non-ideal ways to use any language. Ruby is no different.

That said, if your code is working that's the most important thing. We won't come and taking your keyboard away for ugly code.

My goal now is to port much of my Python code to Ruby as a learning experience. So, should I post code here for comments and suggestions?

I think posting an early project or two is a great idea. We can probably give a tip or two that will prevent mistakes down the line.

Welcome to Ruby!

James Edward Gray II


On Mar 6, 2006, at 2:43 PM, rtilley wrote:

Here's a place to start:

This is probably enough for the list to look over. What do you guys think -- idiomatic Ruby or not? Also, if I'm doing anything that's not safe (should I close 'mgmt' or 'net' somehow) please let me know.

Thanks again for the feedback.

require 'win32ole'

# Get running process names, ids and paths (if present)
mgmt = WIN32OLE.connect("winmgmts:\\\\.")
mgmt.InstancesOf("win32_process").each do |p|
   puts + "\t" +
   p.processid.to_s + "\t" +


# Get the IP, Mac Address and Gateway of Active Network Interfaces.
net = WIN32OLE.connect("winmgmts:\\\\.")
net.InstancesOf("win32_networkadapterconfiguration").each do |i|
   if i.ipenabled == false
     #puts "Interface Disabled"
     puts i.ipaddress
     puts i.defaultipgateway
     puts i.macaddress

Edward Faulkner wrote:

So, should I post code here for comments and suggestions?

Absolutely, that's what ruby-talk is for.

Thanks guys... I'll post something when I have enough for y'all to look over.

I would use string interporlation here:
puts "#{}\t#{p.processid}\t#{p.executablepath}"


On Mar 6, 2006, at 4:38 PM, rtilley wrote:

mgmt.InstancesOf("win32_process").each do |p|
  puts + "\t" +
  p.processid.to_s + "\t" +

This is probably enough for the list to look over. What do you guys
think -- idiomatic Ruby or not? Also, if I'm doing anything that's not
safe (should I close 'mgmt' or 'net' somehow) please let me know.

Thanks again for the feedback.

require 'win32ole'

# Get running process names, ids and paths (if present)
mgmt = WIN32OLE.connect("winmgmts:\\\\.")
mgmt.InstancesOf("win32_process").each do |p|
   puts + "\t" +
   p.processid.to_s + "\t" +

I would do:
mgmt.InstancesOf("win32_process").each do |p|
   puts "#{}\t#{p.processid}\t#{p.executablepath}"


# Get the IP, Mac Address and Gateway of Active Network Interfaces.
net = WIN32OLE.connect("winmgmts:\\\\.")
net.InstancesOf("win32_networkadapterconfiguration").each do |i|
   if i.ipenabled == false
     #puts "Interface Disabled"
     puts i.ipaddress
     puts i.defaultipgateway
     puts i.macaddress

I would use i only for (small) integers, but it's a question of taste of


Han Holl


On 3/6/06, rtilley <> wrote:

This is probably enough for the list to look over. What do you guys
think -- idiomatic Ruby or not? Also, if I'm doing anything that's not
safe (should I close 'mgmt' or 'net' somehow) please let me know.

Thanks again for the feedback.

require 'win32ole'

# Get running process names, ids and paths (if present)
mgmt = WIN32OLE.connect("winmgmts:\\\\.")
mgmt.InstancesOf("win32_process").each do |p|
   puts + "\t" +
   p.processid.to_s + "\t" +

Note that you can use print with several arguments - that way you
don't need to create the complete string in mem and then write it (not
a performance problem in this small piece of code but I may be in
other circumstances). You can do

print, "\t",
  p.processid, "\t",
  p.executablepath, "\n"

There are tons of other ways including printf etc.


# Get the IP, Mac Address and Gateway of Active Network Interfaces.
net = WIN32OLE.connect("winmgmts:\\\\.")
net.InstancesOf("win32_networkadapterconfiguration").each do |i|
   if i.ipenabled == false
     #puts "Interface Disabled"
     puts i.ipaddress
     puts i.defaultipgateway
     puts i.macaddress

This looks pretty neat. Some minor remarks: don't compare booleans -
just use them. In your case

if i.ipenabled
  puts i.ipaddress, i.defaultgateway, i.macaddress
  puts "disabled"

Or the other way round if you prefer:

unless i.ipenabled
  puts "disabled"

Kind regards



2006/3/6, rtilley <>:

Have a look: Robert K. | Flickr

Actually to be idiotically idiomatic <g>:

puts %w[ name processid executablepath ].map { |x| p.send(x) }.join("\t")


On Mar 6, 2006, at 4:43 PM, Logan Capaldo wrote:

On Mar 6, 2006, at 4:38 PM, rtilley wrote:

mgmt.InstancesOf("win32_process").each do |p|
  puts + "\t" +
  p.processid.to_s + "\t" +

I would use string interporlation here:
puts "#{}\t#{p.processid}\t#{p.executablepath}"

Logan Capaldo wrote:


On Mar 6, 2006, at 4:43 PM, Logan Capaldo wrote:

> On Mar 6, 2006, at 4:38 PM, rtilley wrote:
>> mgmt.InstancesOf("win32_process").each do |p|
>> puts + "\t" +
>> p.processid.to_s + "\t" +
>> p.executablepath.to_s
>> end
> I would use string interporlation here:
> puts "#{}\t#{p.processid}\t#{p.executablepath}"

Actually to be idiotically idiomatic <g>:

puts %w[ name processid executablepath ].map { |x| p.send(x) }.join


puts %w}name processid executablepath}.inject(""){|s,x|
s+p.send(x)+"\t" }.chop