
Is there any continuing interest in a Ruby implementation of the iCalendar RFC?

Ted (stercor) (Ruby newbie, calendar oldie)

I’d love to see one. I’m interested in sending out automated
iCalendar invites through Ruby.

“Ted” ted@datacomm.com wrote in message news:KMS-402561833-6080@volvo.datacomm.com


Is there any continuing interest in a Ruby implementation of the iCalendar RFC?

Ted (stercor) (Ruby newbie, calendar oldie)

I started working on some iCalendar classes a while back (to do some
data handling between Apple iCal and Microsoft Outlook) … maybe I’ll
get around to polishing them a bit and putting them up for folks to use.

– Dossy


On 2002.11.15, Jason Wong jasonfax@hotmail.com wrote:

I’d love to see one. I’m interested in sending out automated
iCalendar invites through Ruby.

“Ted” ted@datacomm.com wrote in message news:KMS-402561833-6080@volvo.datacomm.com

Is there any continuing interest in a Ruby implementation of the iCalendar RFC?

Ted (stercor) (Ruby newbie, calendar oldie)

Dossy Shiobara mail: dossy@panoptic.com
Panoptic Computer Network web: http://www.panoptic.com/
“He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly – then you can let go and quickly move on.” (p. 70)