I suspect syntax got me this time


    I have created a class with a class method. I am trying to call it
from a different class and I get the "uninitialized constant" error.
Could some body help me out.

Class with class method

# To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
# and open the template in the editor.

require "log4r/logger"

class XELogger < Log4r::Logger

  def XELogger.get(fullname)
      return self.superclass.get(fullname)
    rescue NameError
      return Log4r::Logger.new(fullname , nil , true , false)


Calling class

# To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
# and open the template in the editor.

#require "rubygems"
require "webrick"
require "log4r"
require "monitor"
#require "XELogger"
require "rexml/document"

class XmlEngine < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::FileHandler

  include MonitorMixin

  # this is a BigNum
  @@serialVersionUID = 1

# @xmlParser
# @htmlParsers
# @strDriverDefault
# @strUrlDefault
# @strBaseLocation
# @strFormatFile
# @fileXmlEngineFormat
# @fileBaseLocation
# @sessionLanguage
# @strReplaceWhat
# @strReplaceWith
# @isResource = false

# @configXMLEngine

# These loggers (xmlEngine and reloadXml) should be instantated before
they can
# used.

  @@log4rXmlEngine = XELogger.get['xmlEngine']
# @@log4rReloadXml = XELogger.get('reloadXml')

  # Constructor
  # ToDo: Assign this argument to the instance variable
  def initialize(connectionProvider)

# ToDo: Needs testing
  def loadParams
    @replaceHashtable = Hash.new # Hash with a string as key and Array
as value

    @htmlReplaceVector = Array.new # Array of ReplaceElement objects
    @htmlReplaceVector.push(ReplaceElement.new("&", "&amp;")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("\"", "&quot;")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("\n", " ")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("\r", " ")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("<", "&lt;")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new(">", "&gt;")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new( "®", "&reg;")).
        push(ReplaceElement.new( "€", "&euro;")).
          push(ReplaceElement.new( "ñ", "&ntilde;")).
          push(ReplaceElement.new( "Ñ", "&Ntilde;"))
    @replaceHashtable[:html] = @htmlReplaceVector

    @foReplaceVector = Array.new
    @foReplacement.push(ReplaceElement.new("&", "&#38;")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("<", "&#60;")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new(">", "&#62;")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("\\", "&#92")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("º", "&#186")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("ª", "&#170")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("®", "&#174;")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("€", "&#8364;")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("\n", "&#10;"))
    @replaceHashtable[:fo] = @foReplaceVector

    @htmlPreformattedReplaceVector = Array.new
      push(ReplaceElement.new("\"", "&quot;")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("<", "&lt;")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new(">", "&gt;")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("\n", "<BR>")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("\r", " ")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("®", "&reg;"))
    @replaceHashtable[:htmlPreformatted] = @htmlPreformattedVector

    @htmlHelpReplaceVector = Array.new
    @htmlHelpReplaceVector.push(ReplaceElement.new("\n", "<BR>")).
      push(ReplaceElement("\r", ""))
    @replaceHashtable[:htmlHelp] = @htmlHelpReplaceVector

    @htmlPreformattedTextareaReplaceVector = Array.new
      push(ReplaceElement.new("\"", "&quot;")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("<", "&lt;")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new(">", "&gt;")).
      push(ReplaceElement.new("®", "&reg;"))
    @replaceHashtable[:htmlPreformattedTextarea] =

    @htmlJavascriptReplaceVector = Array.new
    @htmlJavascriptReplaceVector.push(ReplaceElement.new("'", "\\'")).
      push(ReplaceElement("\"", "&quot;")).
      push(ReplaceElement("\n", "\\n"))
    @replaceHashtable[:htmlJavascript] = @htmlJavascriptReplaceVector


  # Simili to Java Servlet's lifecycle method init.
  def init()
    @hasXmlTemplate = Hash.new # Vector of XmlTemplates
    @stcRead = Stack.new # Stack of Xml Templates not Read
    @formatHashtable = Hash.new # Hash table with String as key and
                                  # FormatCouple as value
    # ToDo instantiate XmlParser
# @xmlParserFormat =


  # This mesage reads a file that defines a XmlTemplate without any
  def readXmlTemplate(strXmlTemplateFile)


  # This function reads a file that defines a XmlTemplate with a vector
  # discard
  def readXmlTemplate(strXmlTemplateFile, *discard)
    # synchronize {put the code to be synchronized here}

  # This function adds the xmltemplate to the list of xmltemplates and
read all
  # the XmlTemplates.
  def readAllXmlTemplates(strXmlTemplateName, strXmlTemplateFile,


  # This function add the XmlTemplate to the list of XmlTemplates or
return an
  # existing XmlTemplate if it was found in the list.
  def addXmlTemplate(strXmlTemplateName, strXmlTemplateFile, *discard)


  # This function reads the XmlTemplate
  def readFile(xmlTemplate)


  def do_GET(request,response)
    puts "here in do_get"

  def do_POST(request,response)
    puts "here in do_post"

  def connect


  def closeConnections


  def destroy


  # Will configure log4r from the xml configure file passed
  # The file object can be just the name of the file if the
  # file is in the same folder, if otherwise file object
  # should be a complete path to file's location.
  # ToDo: Needs Tesing.
  def self.configureLog4r(file)
    if file !=nil

# Courtesy of:

# do
# if __FILE__ == $0 && ARGV.length < 1
# @i
# configureLog4r(nil)
# @strFile


# puts "main"
# else if __FILE__ == $0 && ARGV.length > 1
# end
# end

  # XmlEngineNP: classes for compatibilizing with the Reports version
  def readReportConfiguration(strReportFile)


  def readReportConfiguration(strReportFile, *discard)


# # Log4r::Logger's get method throws a NameError when it cannot find
# # specified log file. This method will help create a new log file
# # one doesn't exist. ToDo: Create a subclass of Logger class and
# # the Logger class's get method.
# def fetchLogger(_name)
# begin
# return @newLogFile = Log4r::Logger.get(_name)
# rescue NameError
# return @newLogFile = Log4r::Logger.new(_name , nil , true ,
# end
# end

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Venkat Akkineni wrote:

    I have created a class with a class method. I am trying to call it
from a different class and I get the "uninitialized constant" error.

You need to show the *exact* error message you get, and point out which
line of the source this corresponds to. Posting hundreds of lines of
irrelevant source is not a good idea. Keep removing lines until you have
a 10-line program which still has the problem.

# To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
# and open the template in the editor.

#require "rubygems"
require "webrick"
require "log4r"
require "monitor"
#require "XELogger"
require "rexml/document"

You commented out 'require "XELogger"' above. So if the constant (class)
XELogger is defined in that file, and the error message is saying that
constant XELogger is unknown, why are you surprised?


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.