I can't install any GUI via gems, please help

Hello! I am new at the forum, but i have a huge problem. For the last
weeks i have been learning some about ruby, i bought a book and coded
like hell(i mainly develop in C# otherwise). It's been going on very
good so far (i think), and i think it's really funny! But i would like
to try on to work with a GUI.

I have tried to install

but nothing works, rubygems install it correctly etc. But then i get the
same error on all of the GUI's when i try to require them. "Cant find
the module blabla". And i have done as the troubleshoots says in alot of
installationguides, i have reinstalled, try to changed paths etc. But
nothing works.
But it's not a problem to install other things with gems. But GUI is
just messed up.

(Oh, and also. If i try to require 'rubygems' in my code i get error for
some reason, but gems works just fine.)
Somebody got an idea? Thanks alot


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.


When you say that you get an error, including the exact error message
in your post and the backtrace you get from it will really help us
help you.

Just saying "I have a problem" and not giving us the proper background
we can't help you.

Please include:

1) ruby -v
2) gem env
3) A simple test script that recreates the issue
4) the exact output you're getting.

If 3 and 4 are longer than a post, please use a paste service like


Again, help us help you.


On Sep 27, 10:24 am, Alexander Ljungstrom <a...@nightcrawler.se> wrote:

Hello! I am new at the forum, but i have a huge problem. For the last
weeks i have been learning some about ruby, i bought a book and coded
like hell(i mainly develop in C# otherwise). It's been going on very
good so far (i think), and i think it's really funny! But i would like
to try on to work with a GUI.

I have tried to install

but nothing works, rubygems install it correctly etc. But then i get the
same error on all of the GUI's when i try to require them. "Cant find
the module blabla". And i have done as the troubleshoots says in alot of
installationguides, i have reinstalled, try to changed paths etc. But
nothing works.
But it's not a problem to install other things with gems. But GUI is
just messed up.

(Oh, and also. If i try to require 'rubygems' in my code i get error for
some reason, but gems works just fine.)
Somebody got an idea? Thanks alot

Luis Lavena

Luis Lavena wrote:

Somebody got an idea? Thanks alot


When you say that you get an error, including the exact error message
in your post and the backtrace you get from it will really help us
help you.

Just saying "I have a problem" and not giving us the proper background
we can't help you.

Please include:

1) ruby -v
2) gem env
3) A simple test script that recreates the issue
4) the exact output you're getting.

If 3 and 4 are longer than a post, please use a paste service like


Again, help us help you.

You've got absolutely right. Sorry about the lack of information. I use
Windows XP if it is at any help.

1.) Ruby-v :: ruby 1.9.1p129 <2009-05-12 revision 23412> [i386-mingw32]
2.) Rubygems Evironment:
-RUBY VERSION: 1.9.1 <2009-05-12 patchlevel 129> [i386-mingw32]
-INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: C:/ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1
-RUBY EXECUTABLE: C:/ruby19/bin/ruby.exe
  - ruby
  - x86-mingw32
  - C:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1
  - C:/Document and Settings/OSDEALLJ08/.gem/ruby/1.9.1
  - :update_sources => true
  - :verbose => true
  - :benchmark => false
  - :backtrace => false
  - :bulk_treshold => 1000
  - http://gems.rubyforge.org

Here is a simple textscript for "wxruby" that generates the error.
First a popup-warning: http://i35.tinypic.com/2i2m4x.png - It is in
Swedish, the translation is: "This program could not be started because
msvcrt-ruby18.dll could not be found. This problem can be fixed by
reinstalling this program".
Or something simular (I do not know the exact translation)

When i click "OK" the DOS-prompt generates the following error.
It sais "Det går inte att hitta den angivna modulen" - Translation: "The
specified module cannot be found" - Or something simular, but it
complains about the module cannot be found.

That loaderror happends for ALL the gui-libs i try to include.
Please help me, i really wanna continue with ruby.
Thanks alot for the answers!


On Sep 27, 10:24�am, Alexander Ljungstrom <a...@nightcrawler.se> > wrote:

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

This happends nomather the script i write, whenever i require a GUI i
get this error. The module can't be find, and then the strange output.


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

The issue is that you're using a binary gem that was compiled for Ruby
1.8, and you're using Ruby 1.9

If you see the contents of Ruby\bin folder, you will see 'msvcrt-
ruby191.dll', which is the runtime library for Ruby 1.9.1

This happens because binaries produced for Ruby 1.8 are linked to the
runtime library, and 1.9.x differs in API from 1.8.x

In the case of wxRuby, I recommend you look here:


Which seems to indicate an special gem for 1.9

I recommend getting in touch with GUI authors and find out how to
obtain binaries for 1.9.x or how to build them, since you're using the
new version of RubyInstaller, which is GCC powered and, in combination
with DevKit you can build binaries.

Hope that helps,


On Sep 27, 12:53 pm, Alexander Ljungstrom <a...@nightcrawler.se> wrote:

Luis Lavena wrote:
> On Sep 27, 10:24 am, Alexander Ljungstrom <a...@nightcrawler.se> > > wrote:

>> Somebody got an idea? Thanks alot
>> /Alex

> Alex,

> When you say that you get an error, including the exact error message
> in your post and the backtrace you get from it will really help us
> help you.

> Just saying "I have a problem" and not giving us the proper background
> we can't help you.

> Please include:

> 1) ruby -v
> 2) gem env
> 3) A simple test script that recreates the issue
> 4) the exact output you're getting.

> If 3 and 4 are longer than a post, please use a paste service like
> pastie:


> Again, help us help you.

You've got absolutely right. Sorry about the lack of information. I use
Windows XP if it is at any help.

1.) Ruby-v :: ruby 1.9.1p129 <2009-05-12 revision 23412> [i386-mingw32]
2.) Rubygems Evironment:
-RUBY VERSION: 1.9.1 <2009-05-12 patchlevel 129> [i386-mingw32]
-INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: C:/ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1
-RUBY EXECUTABLE: C:/ruby19/bin/ruby.exe
- ruby
- x86-mingw32
- C:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1
- C:/Document and Settings/OSDEALLJ08/.gem/ruby/1.9.1
- :update_sources => true
- :verbose => true
- :benchmark => false
- :backtrace => false
- :bulk_treshold => 1000

Here is a simple textscript for "wxruby" that generates the error.
First a popup-warning:http://i35.tinypic.com/2i2m4x.png- It is in
Swedish, the translation is: "This program could not be started because
msvcrt-ruby18.dll could not be found. This problem can be fixed by
reinstalling this program".
Or something simular (I do not know the exact translation)

When i click "OK" the DOS-prompt generates the following error.http://i35.tinypic.com/2d6winl.png
It sais "Det går inte att hitta den angivna modulen" - Translation: "The
specified module cannot be found" - Or something simular, but it
complains about the module cannot be found.

That loaderror happends for ALL the gui-libs i try to include.
Please help me, i really wanna continue with ruby.
Thanks alot for the answers!

Luis Lavena

Luis Lavena wrote:

Hope that helps,

Thanks for the good answer. Unfortanly my entire ruby-setup is really
messed up at the moment, alot of gems (outdated), strange things and
several different installations have apparently knocked my beloved ruby
to death. :-/

Is there any way to uninstall ruby + all gems and everything that have
anything to do with ruby? Cause as i said, my ruby doesn't feel good.

By the way, thanks alot as you help me so much!


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Uninstall ruby from the Control Panel -> Program files
Delete all contents from C:\Ruby (of where-ever your installation is)(important)
Reinstall ruby.
It's that easy :slight_smile:


-----Original Message-----
From: alex@nightcrawler.se [mailto:alex@nightcrawler.se]
Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2009 10:21 AM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: I can't install any GUI via gems, please help.

Luis Lavena wrote:
> Hope that helps,

Thanks for the good answer. Unfortanly my entire ruby-setup is really
messed up at the moment, alot of gems (outdated), strange things and
several different installations have apparently knocked my beloved ruby
to death. :-/

Is there any way to uninstall ruby + all gems and everything that have
anything to do with ruby? Cause as i said, my ruby doesn't feel good.

By the way, thanks alot as you help me so much!

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.