dropping trailing '}'

I am making a call through in Ruby 1.8.5.

uri = ...
data = '{}'
headers = ..., data, headers)

Everything seems to work except that the trailing '}' in data is not
getting posted, as determined by the network analyzer WireShark. My
entire posted data is just '{'. Is there some sort of sanitization or
choping that I am unaware of?



Posted via

Wilson Chen wrote:

I am making a call through in Ruby 1.8.5.

uri = ...
data = '{}'
headers = ..., data, headers)

Everything seems to work except that the trailing '}' in data is not
getting posted, as determined by the network analyzer WireShark. My
entire posted data is just '{'. Is there some sort of sanitization or
choping that I am unaware of?

you could either try String#dump to automagically create escape characters, or escape the {} yourself with a backslash.

I have no clue, though, if that is feasible in regard to the receiving end.


Phillip "CynicalRyan" Gawlowski

Rule of Open-Source Programming #11:

When a developer says he will work on something, he or she means

Attached is a test case which proves everything is working OK, for me

$ ruby posttest.rb
Listening on port 38449
<< request >>
POST /foo/bar HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 2

<< end headers >>
Response: #<Net::HTTPServerError 500 Go away readbody=true>

This is ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i486-linux] under Ubuntu 6.06

So I think you're probably misinterpreting your wireshark output, in which
case maybe you should post it. Better still, post tcpdump -s0 -X -n output.



posttest.rb (1.49 KB)


On Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 08:04:00AM +0900, Wilson Chen wrote:

I am making a call through in Ruby 1.8.5.

uri = ...
data = '{}'
headers = ..., data, headers)

Everything seems to work except that the trailing '}' in data is not
getting posted, as determined by the network analyzer WireShark. My
entire posted data is just '{'. Is there some sort of sanitization or
choping that I am unaware of?