HTTP.get problem

I'm new to ruby, and I've run into a problem while reading 'Programming
Ruby'. The 'Basic Input and Output' chapter has this example (I've added the
'puts' statements):

require 'net/http'

   h ='', 80)
puts 'before get'
   resp, data = h.get('/index.html', nil)
puts 'after get'
   if resp.message == "OK"
     data.scan(/<img src="(.*?)"/) { |x| puts x }

The above code hangs (but terminates ok with ctl-break) after 'before get',
and never reaches 'after get'. There is something up with my machine,
because a coworker can run this fine on his.

Things I've tried :

1. 'ping
<> ' from the same command prompt. This
works fine.
2. try with other web sites. No difference
3. uninstalled, registry cleanup (CCleaner), reboot and
reinstalled ruby versions 182-14 and 182-15. No difference.
4. 'gem list ---remote' output gets to 'Updating Gem source
index for::/' and then hangs just like the above code.
5. Turned off firewall (ZoneAlarm) and anti-spyware (Microsoft).
No difference.
6. Added exception handling. No difference.

Any suggestions?


ruby --version

ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25) [i386-mswin32]

what does open-uri do?

Ken Kaplan wrote:

Things I've tried : [...]

5. Turned off firewall (ZoneAlarm) - No difference.

I would have suspected that, first.
You *closed* ZA ? (Not recommended ever, while online, BTW)

You should have an entry under programs for:
  Ruby interpreter 1,8,2,0
For this script you need: Allow connect (Internet)
  I have "?Ask" Server (Local/Internet)

OK, you say it's not a firewall problem.

Any suggestions?

ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25) [i386-mswin32]

Here's a trace log of what should happen on your
version of Ruby.

Try running this modified version of your script and
report which trace line number you reach.
If the last 10-20 lines of your trace vary from mine,
post them here and someone who understands this stuff
may be able to help.


$tr_line = 1
$tr_func = lambda do | ev, fi, li, ty, bi, cl |
  printf("%04d %14s:%4d %26s %-8s %s\n",
          $tr_line, File.basename(fi), li, ty, ev, cl)
  $tr_line += 1

require 'net/http'

h ='', 80)

resp, data = h.get('/index.html', nil)

puts 'after get'
if resp.message == "OK"
  data.scan(/<img src="(.*?)"/) { |x| puts x }


I think i was getting same thing, found the post:

anoth theory: my ISP's throttling/filtering me back.


Thank you for your help, kind sir.

daz wrote:

You *closed* ZA ? (Not recommended ever, while online, BTW)

Yes, it was painful to turn it off, but I'm getting desperate.

daz wrote:

Try running this modified version of your script and
report which trace line number you reach.

I reach line 272. Unfortunately, except for the file names we picked, my
trace file (\) is identical to yours
(\) up to line 0272, where mine hangs and
yours continues. (Here's the diff file:\. Here's the script: ).

It hangs when writing the get request string to a TCPsocket object.

Does anyone know why this might fail without raising an exception? Any
suggestions appreciated...


ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25) [i386-mswin32]
thread started with this email:

I have not been following this thread closely so excuse me if I repeat advice from others. Since you are running windows and it looks like your are trying to access a raw socket maybe you have some kind of security setting that prevents raw socket access? I seem to recall some security update/recommended patch/tweak that prevented raw socket access from arbitrary programs.


On Jul 9, 2005, at 10:25 AM, Ken Kaplan wrote:


Thank you for your help, kind sir.

daz wrote:

You *closed* ZA ? (Not recommended ever, while online, BTW)

Yes, it was painful to turn it off, but I'm getting desperate.

daz wrote:

Try running this modified version of your script and
report which trace line number you reach.

I reach line 272. Unfortunately, except for the file names we picked, my
trace file (\) is identical to yours
(\) up to line 0272, where mine hangs and
yours continues. (Here's the diff file:\. Here's the script: ).

It hangs when writing the get request string to a TCPsocket object.

Does anyone know why this might fail without raising an exception? Any
suggestions appreciated...


ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25) [i386-mswin32]
thread started with this email:

- Bill

Ken Kaplan wrote:


It hangs when writing the get request string to a TCPsocket object.

Does anyone know why this might fail without raising an exception?
Any suggestions appreciated...

I can't help, unfortunately.
I added -

  h.set_debug_output $stdout # right after

and got -

  opening connection to
  <- "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"
  -> "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
  -> "Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 01:36:29 GMT\r\n"

and (from your trace, thanks) you will be getting -

  opening connection to

(It's surprising that it doesn't time out, though.)

All I can suggest is that you try with a local server.
If you set this going in the background, you should
get a response from your browser at :



require 'webrick'
include WEBrick

# Browser address:

s = :Port => 80 )

class HelloServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
  def do_GET(req, res)
    # show request in response !
    res.body = req.to_s
    res['Content-Type'] = "text/plain"
s.mount('/webrick', HelloServlet)

trap("INT") { s.shutdown }
puts ' '*30 << '**********************************'
puts ' '*30 << '== Ctrl+Break to close server =='
puts ' '*30 << '**********************************'

Then, if everything is OK of course, you could access
it from another Ruby session with your modified script:

require 'net/http'

h ='', 80)
h.set_debug_output STDOUT
resp, data = h.get('/webrick/xyz', nil)

puts '*'*30
if resp.message =~ /\AOK/
  print data
  puts 'ERROR ...'
  p resp.message
puts '*'*30

It does seem like a problem you've got locally rather than
Ruby's Net library. Please post back if you find the cause
or suspect 'Net' is at fault.

Good luck,


I think you guys are having the same problem with windows and zone alarm that some people were having on the rails list. Zone alarm keeps ruby from working with sockets correctly. The only way they fixed this was by uninstalling zone alarm. Just turning it off didn't work but uninstalling it let ruby have its sockets back.



On Jul 9, 2005, at 9:40 PM, daz wrote:

Ken Kaplan wrote:


It hangs when writing the get request string to a TCPsocket object.

Does anyone know why this might fail without raising an exception?
Any suggestions appreciated...

I can't help, unfortunately.
I added -

  h.set_debug_output $stdout # right after

and got -

  opening connection to
  <- "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"
  -> "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
  -> "Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 01:36:29 GMT\r\n"

and (from your trace, thanks) you will be getting -

  opening connection to

(It's surprising that it doesn't time out, though.)

All I can suggest is that you try with a local server.
If you set this going in the background, you should
get a response from your browser at :

require 'webrick'
include WEBrick

# Browser address:

s = :Port => 80 )

class HelloServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
  def do_GET(req, res)
    # show request in response !
    res.body = req.to_s
    res['Content-Type'] = "text/plain"
s.mount('/webrick', HelloServlet)

trap("INT") { s.shutdown }
puts ' '*30 << '**********************************'
puts ' '*30 << '== Ctrl+Break to close server =='
puts ' '*30 << '**********************************'

Then, if everything is OK of course, you could access
it from another Ruby session with your modified script:

require 'net/http'

h ='', 80)
h.set_debug_output STDOUT
resp, data = h.get('/webrick/xyz', nil)

puts '*'*30
if resp.message =~ /\AOK/
  print data
  puts 'ERROR ...'
  p resp.message
puts '*'*30

It does seem like a problem you've got locally rather than
Ruby's Net library. Please post back if you find the cause
or suspect 'Net' is at fault.

Good luck,


-Ezra Zygmuntowicz
Yakima Herald-Republic Newspaper

Ezra Zygmuntowicz wrote:

I think you guys are having the same problem with windows and zone
alarm that some people were having on the rails list. Zone alarm
keeps ruby from working with sockets correctly. The only way they
fixed this was by uninstalling zone alarm. Just turning it off didn't
work but uninstalling it let ruby have its sockets back.


Thanks for the tip, Ezra.

This Jeff Nadeau blog entry is very interesting:
Describes the Ruby under Windows problem !! (Thanks, Jeff)

Anyone clued enough to contact him ?

Others with the problem:


I'm using ZA 2.6.362 (went back to an old version for a different
reason a while back) on 98se and it's OK.

Which Windows and ZA do you have ?


Problem fixed!

Ezra Zygmuntowicz wrote:

I think you guys are having the same problem with windows and zone
alarm that some people were having on the rails list. Zone alarm
keeps ruby from working with sockets correctly. The only way they
fixed this was by uninstalling zone alarm. Just turning it off didn't
work but uninstalling it let ruby have its sockets back.


Bingo. I uninstalled ZoneAlarm and now I can HTTP#put to my heart's content.
I can also run gem --remote.

daz wrote:

Which Windows and ZA do you have ?

I've got winxp sp2 with all the latest updates, and ZoneAlarm Suite 5-5-094,
with all their latest updates. The other computer that didn't have this
problem had the same winxp and ZoneAlarm updates, except that I had the paid
version and he had the free version.

I'll be trying it again with the free version, and contacting ZoneAlarm for
a workaround. I'll post again to this thread if I find one.

Thanks, folks.
