<h3>name of funeral home</h3>
<div>advertising crap</div>
<h3>funeral home 2</h3>
<p>deceased 2</p>
<p>deceased 3</p>
I'm struggling to iterate thru this div, plucking a array or hash where
I can feed a database with each record being a funeral home and person.
I was thinking I could go thru each of the @grab1 elements and process
according to tag type and establish the "record" logic thru simple
knowing that a new record starts with each new h3 tag.
<h3>name of funeral home</h3>
<div>advertising crap</div>
<h3>funeral home 2</h3>
<p>deceased 2</p>
<p>deceased 3</p>
I'm struggling to iterate thru this div..
I [want to insert a record into a table with each] record being a funeral home and person.
I was thinking I could go thru each of the @grab1 elements and process
according to tag type:
These methods seem like the ones you need:
elm.next_sibling (skips the newlines in the html)
How about this:
require "rubygems"
require 'hpricot'
<h3>name of funeral home</h3>
<div>advertising crap</div>
<h3>funeral home 2</h3>
<p>deceased 2</p>
<p>deceased 3</p>
doc = Hpricot(str)
h3_tags = doc.search("h3")
h3_tags.each do |h3|
elm = h3
while elm = elm.next_sibling
break if elm.name != 'p'
puts h3.inner_text
puts "\t #{elm.inner_text}"
name of funeral home
funeral home 2
deceased 2
funeral home 2
deceased 3
<h3>name of funeral home</h3>
<div>advertising crap</div>
<h3>funeral home 2</h3>
<p>deceased 2</p>
<p>deceased 3</p>
I'm struggling to iterate thru this div, plucking a array or hash where
I can feed a database with each record being a funeral home and person.
I was thinking I could go thru each of the @grab1 elements and process
according to tag type and establish the "record" logic thru simple
knowing that a new record starts with each new h3 tag.
I had been fixated on next_child thinking that next_sibling would skip
over the "p" tags. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness to provide a
working code snippet.