Howto add automatically a soap header in soap4r?

Hi all,
I must access a webservices that expect the SOAP action as a soap header. I want to add this soap header automatically but I dont know where to hook in.
My actual solution is to create a header and remove it after consuming. The code looks like this:

require 'SystemDriver.rb'
require 'soap/header/simplehandler'

# define the action soap header
class ActionHandler < SOAP::Header::SimpleHandler
   HeaderName =‘’,'Action’)

   def initialize(action)
     @m_action = action

   def on_simple_outbound

# create the connection / interface
endpoint_url = "http://localhost:1500"
obj = endpoint_url )

# enable debug output
obj.wiredump_dev = STDERR if $DEBUG

ns = ''

# getIdentity
# create action soap header
actionHandler = ns + '/getIdentity' )
# add action soap header
obj.headerhandler.add( actionHandler )
# do the request
emptyRequest = nil
puts 'getIdentity: ' + obj.getIdentity(emptyRequest).identityString
puts ''
# remove action soap header for reusing the connection / interface
obj.headerhandler.delete( actionHandler )