How to write this in ruby


So i need to make this java application into a ruby application, but im
very new to ruby (first day). I played around a bit and made a couple of
server apps.. hello server world.. and a simple chat, but i need
something where the server takes information from one client, and passes
it to a second client, after making a few changes.

Altho not shown in the code this application is a server for a game of
checkers, it takes the move that player 1 makes, inverts it and sends it
to player 2.

i been reading around on how to do this, if someone can help or point to
where i should focus my research, i would be greatful.



public class GameServer{

   private Player players[];
   private ServerSocket server;
   private int currentPlayer;

   public GameServer()

     players = new Player[ 2 ];
      currentPlayer = 0;

      // set up ServerSocket
      try {
         server = new ServerSocket( 5000, 2 );
      catch( IOException e ) {
         System.exit( 1 );
   public synchronized void changeTurn(int player, int x, int a, int b,
int c, int d){

     while ( player != currentPlayer ) {
       try {
       catch( InterruptedException e ) {
     currentPlayer = ( currentPlayer + 1 ) % 2;
     players[ currentPlayer ].otherPlayerMoved(x,a,b,c,d);
       currentPlayer = ( currentPlayer + 1 ) % 2;

     notify(); // tell waiting player to continue


   // wait for two connections so game can be played
   public void execute()
      for ( int i = 0; i < players.length; i++ ) {
         try {
            players[ i ] =
               new Player( server.accept(), this, i );
            players[ i ].start();
         catch( IOException e ) {
            System.exit( 1 );

      // Player X is suspended until Player O connects.
      // Resume player X now.
      synchronized ( players[ 0 ] ) {
         players[ 0 ].threadSuspended = false;
         players[ 0 ].notify();


   public boolean gameOver()
      // Place code here to test for a winner of the game
      return false;

   public static void main( String args[] )
      GameServer game = new GameServer();

// Player class to manage each Player as a thread
class Player extends Thread {
   private Socket connection;
   private DataInputStream input;
   private DataOutputStream output;
   private GameServer control;
   private int playerIndex;
   private char mark;
   protected boolean threadSuspended = true;

   public Player( Socket s, GameServer t, int num )
      mark = ( num == 0 ? 'X' : 'Y' );

      connection = s;

      try {
         input = new DataInputStream(
                    connection.getInputStream() );
         output = new DataOutputStream(
                    connection.getOutputStream() );
      catch( IOException e ) {
         System.exit( 1 );

      control = t;
      playerIndex = num;

   public void otherPlayerMoved(int x, int a, int b, int c, int d)
      try {
         output.writeUTF( "Opponent moved" );
      catch ( IOException e ) {

   public void run()
      boolean done = false;

      try {
         output.writeChar( mark );
         output.writeUTF( "Player " +
            ( playerIndex == 0 ? "X connected\n" :
                            "Y connected" ) );

         // wait for another player to arrive
         if ( mark == 'X') {
            output.writeUTF( "Waiting for another player" );

            try {
               synchronized( this ) {
                  while ( threadSuspended )
            catch ( InterruptedException e ) {

               "Other player connected. Your move." );

         // Play game
         while ( !done ) {
           int x = input.readInt();
             int a = input.readInt();
             int b = input.readInt();
             int c = input.readInt();
             int d = input.readInt();


            if ( control.gameOver() ){
               done = true;

      catch( IOException e ) {
         System.exit( 1 );


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