How to uninstall Ruby 1.9.1p0 in Red Hat Linux

I want to install ruby 1.8.5 version and hence need to uninstall ruby
1.9.1p0 version which is in my system already.
Could anyone help on how to uninstall ruby 1.9.1p0 version?

Thanks in Advance.


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Depends on how it was installed. If you build it from sources you
have a file naming all isntalled files and folders. One way of
uninstalling them is to remove all of them.




2009/4/21 Jayamurugan Jayakumar <>:

I want to install ruby 1.8.5 version and hence need to uninstall ruby
1.9.1p0 version which is in my system already.
Could anyone help on how to uninstall ruby 1.9.1p0 version?

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