How to reduce Ruby runtime error?

Hi my friends,

I am thinking of how can I reduce Ruby runtime error. Not like
languages such as C or Pascal, Ruby is typeless. This is a good thing,
especially in design time. However, I found that my application is not
stable due to this feature.

For example, a routine is expecting a string, and this string turned out
to be nil at runtime, an error occurred. In Delphi, for example, it is
impossible that a string becomes a nil, it will be an empty string.

How can I better utilize Ruby’s typeless feature yet avoid such anonying
runtime problem?



Xiangrong Fang

You can always check types explicitly if you
really want to:

raise "Expecting an array" if not x.is_a? Array

Or you could test for nil:

raise "Argument was nil" if x.nil?

You can test for methods available (“duck typing”)
rather than actual class:

raise "Object has no 'push' method" if not x.respond_to? :push

You can check for the “magic” conversion methods such as
to_str and to_ary:

if not x.is_a? String
  x = x.to_str if x.respond_to? :to_str
  raise "Wanted a string"

Not recommended: You could convert a nil value on entry
into the method:

x = [] if x.nil?

Not recommended: You could modify the NilClass so that a
nil value acted the way you want:

class NilClass
  def +(value)
    value       # nil + x always equals x

I’m sure there are other ways.



----- Original Message -----
From: “Xiangrong Fang”
To: “ruby-talk ML”
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 11:05 AM
Subject: How to reduce Ruby runtime error?

Hi my friends,

I am thinking of how can I reduce Ruby runtime error. Not like
languages such as C or Pascal, Ruby is typeless. This is a good thing,
especially in design time. However, I found that my application is not
stable due to this feature.

For example, a routine is expecting a string, and this string turned out
to be nil at runtime, an error occurred. In Delphi, for example, it is
impossible that a string becomes a nil, it will be an empty string.

How can I better utilize Ruby’s typeless feature yet avoid such anonying
runtime problem?

Hal Fulton

lots of people already gave you thery ideas, I’ll add my 2c even if
this is mayn not really be what you need.
using the StrongTyping module from raa you can do something like this

  def foo(a, b)
     expect(a, String, b, Numeric)

maybe this could help…


il Wed, 16 Jul 2003 01:05:20 +0900, Xiangrong Fang ha scritto::

How can I better utilize Ruby’s typeless feature yet avoid such anonying
runtime problem?

Actually I consider it better not to check the type. You should get used to
looking at the stack trace to see what is wrong.

Generally you’ll get some kind of method missing error. Then you puts the
type of the object being passed in, run your tests again, and check the

I think about it this way: if the object passed in implements the correct
interface then it should be allowed to be passed in, regardless of whether
it is an instance_of? or kind_of? a certain object.

If you need to prevent a certain kind of class from being passed in (such as
the Nil class in your example) check for it at the beginning of your method
like so:

raise “cannot accept nil argument” if object.nil?

I would consider it preferable to exclude based on type rather than include
based on type.


John Long

-----Original Message-----
From: Hal E. Fulton []
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 11:21 AM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: How to reduce Ruby runtime error?

----- Original Message -----
From: “Xiangrong Fang”
To: “ruby-talk ML”
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 11:05 AM
Subject: How to reduce Ruby runtime error?

Hi my friends,

I am thinking of how can I reduce Ruby runtime error. Not like
languages such as C or Pascal, Ruby is typeless. This is a
good thing,
especially in design time. However, I found that my
application is not
stable due to this feature.

For example, a routine is expecting a string, and this
string turned out
to be nil at runtime, an error occurred. In Delphi, for
example, it is
impossible that a string becomes a nil, it will be an empty string.

How can I better utilize Ruby’s typeless feature yet avoid
such anonying
runtime problem?

You can always check types explicitly if you
really want to:

raise "Expecting an array" if not x.is_a? Array

Or you could test for nil:

raise "Argument was nil" if x.nil?

You can test for methods available (“duck typing”)
rather than actual class:

raise "Object has no 'push' method" if not x.respond_to? :push

You can check for the “magic” conversion methods such as
to_str and to_ary:

if not x.is_a? String
  x = x.to_str if x.respond_to? :to_str
  raise "Wanted a string"

Not recommended: You could convert a nil value on entry
into the method:

x = [] if x.nil?

Not recommended: You could modify the NilClass so that a
nil value acted the way you want:

class NilClass
  def +(value)
    value       # nil + x always equals x

I’m sure there are other ways.


Hal Fulton

Hi Hal,

Thank you for the suggestions. The last thing I want to do is to raise
exceptions! If I raised exception, the program is broken. I will have to
deal with that manually.

Let me give you an example. I have a input line:

line = “a b”

I used a=line.split(" "), it becomes a=[“a”, “b”], that’s what I want.
However, in real environment, some time the input is:

line = “c”

then, a=[“c”]. In this case, if my program write somethin like

if a[1].upcase == “GOOD” then…

a[1] is nil, and you can’t do “upcase” with it!

It is too tiring to find out all such possible errors, and raise

Actually, your “Not Recommended” ideas is better for me:

Not recommended: You could convert a nil value on entry
into the method:

x = [] if x.nil?

Not recommended: You could modify the NilClass so that a
nil value acted the way you want:

class NilClass
  def +(value)
    value       # nil + x always equals x

I want my program to be robust. So the above recommendation is a good
idea. I don’t know why it is “not recommended”?

Is it possible to “overload” the Nil class so that it is polymophic? for

if the method upcase is called, nil act like string, if the expression
a = 2 + nil is executed, nil act like zero? That will be fantastic.

Thanks for your help.



On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 01:20:49 +0900 “Hal E. Fulton” wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: “Xiangrong Fang”
To: “ruby-talk ML”
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 11:05 AM
Subject: How to reduce Ruby runtime error?

Hi my friends,

I am thinking of how can I reduce Ruby runtime error. Not like
languages such as C or Pascal, Ruby is typeless. This is a good thing,
especially in design time. However, I found that my application is not
stable due to this feature.

For example, a routine is expecting a string, and this string turned out
to be nil at runtime, an error occurred. In Delphi, for example, it is
impossible that a string becomes a nil, it will be an empty string.

How can I better utilize Ruby’s typeless feature yet avoid such anonying
runtime problem?

You can always check types explicitly if you
really want to:

raise "Expecting an array" if not x.is_a? Array

Or you could test for nil:

raise "Argument was nil" if x.nil?

You can test for methods available (“duck typing”)
rather than actual class:

raise "Object has no 'push' method" if not x.respond_to? :push

You can check for the “magic” conversion methods such as
to_str and to_ary:

if not x.is_a? String
  x = x.to_str if x.respond_to? :to_str
  raise "Wanted a string"

Not recommended: You could convert a nil value on entry
into the method:

x = [] if x.nil?

Not recommended: You could modify the NilClass so that a
nil value acted the way you want:

class NilClass
  def +(value)
    value       # nil + x always equals x

I’m sure there are other ways.


Hal Fulton

Xiangrong Fang

From: “Xiangrong Fang”
To: “ruby-talk ML”
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 11:05 AM
Subject: How to reduce Ruby runtime error?

Hi my friends,

I am thinking of how can I reduce Ruby runtime error. Not like
languages such as C or Pascal, Ruby is typeless. This is a good thing,
especially in design time. However, I found that my application is not
stable due to this feature.

For example, a routine is expecting a string, and this string turned out
to be nil at runtime, an error occurred. In Delphi, for example, it is
impossible that a string becomes a nil, it will be an empty string.

How can I better utilize Ruby’s typeless feature yet avoid such anonying
runtime problem?
I’m sure there are other ways.

Unittesting can help you early-catching such situations.

My AEditor project uses unittesting, status at this moment:
336 tests, 1161 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

I am myself using Rubyunit. Instead I recommend Test::Unit.


On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 02:20:49 +0900, Hal E. Fulton wrote:

----- Original Message -----

Simon Strandgaard

Hi John,

My last post seems not appear yet – usually it appears very fast. So I
repeat myself briefly:

I want my program to be robust. I don’t want to check it after my
program is running in production environment. I want it to be
self-curable, i.e., tolerate these errors.

Is it possible to “overload” the Nil class so that it is polymophic? for

if the method upcase is called, nil act like string, if the expression
a = 2 + nil is executed, nil act like zero? That will be fantastic.

Thanks for your help.



On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 01:43:45 +0900 “John W. Long” wrote:

Actually I consider it better not to check the type. You should get used to
looking at the stack trace to see what is wrong.

Generally you’ll get some kind of method missing error. Then you puts the
type of the object being passed in, run your tests again, and check the

I think about it this way: if the object passed in implements the correct
interface then it should be allowed to be passed in, regardless of whether
it is an instance_of? or kind_of? a certain object.

If you need to prevent a certain kind of class from being passed in (such as
the Nil class in your example) check for it at the beginning of your method
like so:

raise “cannot accept nil argument” if object.nil?

I would consider it preferable to exclude based on type rather than include
based on type.

John Long

-----Original Message-----
From: Hal E. Fulton []
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 11:21 AM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: How to reduce Ruby runtime error?

----- Original Message -----
From: “Xiangrong Fang”
To: “ruby-talk ML”
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 11:05 AM
Subject: How to reduce Ruby runtime error?

Hi my friends,

I am thinking of how can I reduce Ruby runtime error. Not like
languages such as C or Pascal, Ruby is typeless. This is a
good thing,
especially in design time. However, I found that my
application is not
stable due to this feature.

For example, a routine is expecting a string, and this
string turned out
to be nil at runtime, an error occurred. In Delphi, for
example, it is
impossible that a string becomes a nil, it will be an empty string.

How can I better utilize Ruby’s typeless feature yet avoid
such anonying
runtime problem?

You can always check types explicitly if you
really want to:

raise "Expecting an array" if not x.is_a? Array

Or you could test for nil:

raise "Argument was nil" if x.nil?

You can test for methods available (“duck typing”)
rather than actual class:

raise "Object has no 'push' method" if not x.respond_to? :push

You can check for the “magic” conversion methods such as
to_str and to_ary:

if not x.is_a? String
  x = x.to_str if x.respond_to? :to_str
  raise "Wanted a string"

Not recommended: You could convert a nil value on entry
into the method:

x = [] if x.nil?

Not recommended: You could modify the NilClass so that a
nil value acted the way you want:

class NilClass
  def +(value)
    value       # nil + x always equals x

I’m sure there are other ways.


Hal Fulton

Xiangrong Fang

if a[1].upcase == “GOOD” then…

Then maybe you should say “if a[1].kind_of?(String) and “GOOD” == a[1].upcase”

a[1] is nil, and you can’t do “upcase” with it!

It is too tiring to find out all such possible errors, and raise

Yes, but having your code blow an exception when you don’t check the types is
probably a much easier type of thing to debug and fix than the subtle bugs
you can get when you change the behaviour of built-in classes.

class NilClass
  def +(value)
    value       # nil + x always equals x

I want my program to be robust. So the above recommendation is a good
idea. I don’t know why it is “not recommended”?

If you do this, then you begin to lose the distinction between nil and “” or
0. The handy thing with nil is that you can use it to provide an
out-of-bounds value for certain operations. Say for example you have a
server and you want to know how what the change in the number of users is:

def getUsersDelta
server.num_users - @previous_user_count

So you write code that uses this number, doing math on it, etc. Then later,
you realize that unless the server is alive, the “num_users” accessor is
meaningless so you change the function to do this:

def getUsersDelta
if server.isAlive
server.num_users - @previous_user_count

If you modify nil to act like zero, then you have no way of knowing whether or
not you have no change in the number of users, or whether the server has

The other main reason not to change the definition of NilClass though is for
ease of future maintenance. If somebody else, or you 5 years down the road,
look at the code, you might forget that you modified NilClass in another
file of the project. You may look at how you’re dealing with values and
assume that an exception will be thrown in a certain case but because you
modified NilClass the error sneaks by.

Ruby gives you more than enough rope to hang yourself, but keeps us suicide
hotline people busy. :slight_smile:



On Tue July 15 2003 12:53 pm, Xiangrong Fang wrote:

Hi Hal,

Thank you for the suggestions. The last thing I want to do is to raise
exceptions! If I raised exception, the program is broken. I will have to
deal with that manually.

Let me give you an example. I have a input line:

line = “a b”

I used a=line.split(" "), it becomes a=[“a”, “b”], that’s what I want.
However, in real environment, some time the input is:

line = “c”

then, a=[“c”]. In this case, if my program write somethin like

if a[1].upcase == “GOOD” then…

a[1] is nil, and you can’t do “upcase” with it!

If you know in advance that a[1] might not exist, then you can write your
code as

if a[1].to_s.upcase == “GOOD” then …

This also works if a[1] is some object other than a string (e.g. a number).
You will get some sort of string from it.

But Ruby is trying to tell you that it doesn’t make sense to compare “no
object” with a string. So perhaps your code can be cleaned up: e.g.

next unless a[1] # skip this loop iteration unless we have an item

if a[1] and a[1].upcase == “GOOD” then…

Actually, your “Not Recommended” ideas is better for me:

Not recommended: You could convert a nil value on entry
into the method:

x = [] if x.nil?

Or even simpler:

 x ||= "foo"

This is a very common Ruby idiom for “set a default value”

Not recommended: You could modify the NilClass so that a
nil value acted the way you want:

class NilClass
  def +(value)
    value       # nil + x always equals x

I want my program to be robust. So the above recommendation is a good
idea. I don’t know why it is “not recommended”?

Well, it wouldn’t work in your case, because you have not defined a
‘downcase’ method in NilClass.

Is it possible to “overload” the Nil class so that it is polymophic? for

if the method upcase is called, nil act like string, if the expression
a = 2 + nil is executed, nil act like zero? That will be fantastic.

You can, but you have to write it yourself by tediously adding all the
appropriate methods to NilClass, Fixnum, String etc. This is because
operators belong to classes: a+b calls a.+(b), so 2+nil calls Fixnum#+,
whereas nil+2 calls NilClass#+.

You’ll then have code which pollutes the core Ruby classes, which is
probably not a good thing (especially if you end up running your code on a
shared interpreter, e.g. under mod_ruby)




On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 01:53:12AM +0900, Xiangrong Fang wrote:

if a[1].upcase == “GOOD” then…

a[1] is nil, and you can’t do “upcase” with it!

I’d use
(a[1] ||‘’).upcase

‘’ over ‘to_s’
0 over ‘to_i’

etc., to handle nil values.

Is it possible to “overload” the Nil class so that it is polymophic?
for example, if the method upcase is called, nil act like string,
if the expression a = 2 + nil is executed, nil act like zero?
That will be fantastic.

That would be different.
I wouldn’t do it, even in the privacy of my own home :slight_smile:

irb(main):001:0> dat = [3, 4, nil]
=> [3, 4, nil]
irb(main):002:0> {|z| z + 1}
NoMethodError: undefined method `+’ for nil:NilClass

irb(main):003:0> {|z| (z ||0) + 1}
=> [4, 5, 1]

irb(main):004:0> dat = [‘three’, ‘four’, nil]
=> [“three”, “four”, nil]
irb(main):005:0> {|z| z + ‘*’}
NoMethodError: undefined method `+’ for nil:NilClass

irb(main):006:0> {|z| (z ||‘’) + ''}
=> ["three
", “four*”, “*”]



“Xiangrong Fang” wrote:

This happens in Java as well. Let me use its jargon.

One documents whether a returned object can be null or not. For instance
the persistence layer’s read_user_by_id(id) may decide to indicate that
the requested user does not exist returning a null object. And in that
case the contract has to say so.

In that case, if the caller invokes without checking whether
the readed user object was null or not, that’s his fault.

Otherwise, a method that returns nulls in a non well specified way might
need revision. If a method should return always a string and does not
do it, we’ve got a bug.

And as a last resort, you can wrap your application in a big try/catch
to avoid aborts in production.

– fxn


On Tuesday 15 July 2003 19:06, Xiangrong Fang wrote:

My last post seems not appear yet – usually it appears very fast. So
I repeat myself briefly:

I want my program to be robust. I don’t want to check it after my
program is running in production environment. I want it to be
self-curable, i.e., tolerate these errors.

Is it possible to “overload” the Nil class so that it is polymophic?
for example,

if the method upcase is called, nil act like string, if the
expression a = 2 + nil is executed, nil act like zero? That will be

I already realized that I am suiciding, that’s why I asked you people
for help. What I am asking in essence is that since ruby is typeless, it
should act like truely typeless. An array of string can return nil, then
nil should act like string. I just ask if the ruby language itself has
such mechanism.

I repeat: Thanks for all the suggestion regarding unit test and
exceptions. Acutally I have already used if/then, or rescue to catch
these runtimes. What I am complaining is that if I have to always do
this in ruby programming, I might be losing all the productivity I
gained from the excellent language. Unfortunately, it is happening… I
am porting a piece of code from ruby to a dll writen in delphi.

I remembered Dave Thomas in his posting or the pickaxe said that Ruby is
a good lanugage for prototyping, is it really only prototyping? I hope



On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 02:22:59 +0900 Ben Giddings wrote:

The other main reason not to change the definition of NilClass though is for
ease of future maintenance. If somebody else, or you 5 years down the road,
look at the code, you might forget that you modified NilClass in another
file of the project. You may look at how you’re dealing with values and
assume that an exception will be thrown in a certain case but because you
modified NilClass the error sneaks by.

Ruby gives you more than enough rope to hang yourself, but keeps us suicide
hotline people busy. :slight_smile:

Xiangrong Fang wrote:

Hi John,

My last post seems not appear yet – usually it appears very fast. So I
repeat myself briefly:

I want my program to be robust. I don’t want to check it after my
program is running in production environment. I want it to be
self-curable, i.e., tolerate these errors.

As has been mentioned before, unit testing is highly reccomended.
It helps you determine that your code will a) “do the right thing”
for a range of allowable input, and b) properly react to certain
border conditions where throwing an exception would be appropriate.

Is it possible to “overload” the Nil class so that it is polymophic? for

if the method upcase is called, nil act like string, if the expression
a = 2 + nil is executed, nil act like zero? That will be fantastic.

If nil is an acceptable input value then you could use to_s or to_i
to get the desired type.

s = some_value.to_s.upcase


a = 2 + some_value.to_i

But be mindful that this will hide any nil input; if you’re OK with
that then go ahead. (Actually, it hides more than just nil.)

Also, take to heart what others have said about changing the default
behavior of core Ruby objects. If you are adding a method to Nil
then it is unlikley to inadvertently affect other code, but if Nil
no longer behaves like Nil, then you have to deal with POGS (Principle
of Guaranteed Surprise).



Thanks for your help.


class Object
def method_missing(id, *args)
STDERR.puts “Missing method #{self.class}##{id}(#{args.collect{|i|i.inspect}.join(”, “)}) called from #{caller[0]}”
return nil

Now, whenever you try to call a non-existant method, you’ll get an
informative complaint, but the call will succeed and return nil. This is
evil, of course, and you really should fix the problem, but it will work.
For example:

nil + 2


Missing method NilClass#upcase() called from (irb):8:in irb_binding' Missing method NilClass#+(2) called from (irb):9:in irb_binding’


On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 02:06:53 +0900, Xiangrong Fang wrote:

Hi John,

My last post seems not appear yet – usually it appears very fast. So I
repeat myself briefly:

I want my program to be robust. I don’t want to check it after my
program is running in production environment. I want it to be
self-curable, i.e., tolerate these errors.

Is it possible to “overload” the Nil class so that it is polymophic? for

if the method upcase is called, nil act like string, if the expression
a = 2 + nil is executed, nil act like zero? That will be fantastic.

Thanks for your help.


Nucleon, RLU #278930,

If you destroy me, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
– Obi-Wan

I already realized that I am suiciding, that’s why I asked you people
for help. What I am asking in essence is that since ruby is typeless, it
should act like truely typeless.

Ruby is not typeless. It is dynamically typed. Big difference.

An array of string can return nil, then
nil should act like string.

An Array is a container; it holds references to objects. A single array
might have a mix of strings, integers, FooBars, Nil, whatever. The
array itself is not of any type other than Array.


Well, remember that if an invalid value is being
passed to a method, it’s really the fault of the
code upstream.

An exception is a way of informing you that something
is wrong, rather than stumbling along with data that
are “probably” OK.

I don’t think this is a bug of Ruby. I think it is
a feature.

If a core method that usually returns a string actually
returns a nil value, it is doing so for a reason – it
is conveying information to you. It is better to act on
that information earlier rather than later.

John and Simon are correct in what they say. (Others,

Testing the type of an argument is a last-ditch effort.
Changing nil to behave like a string or integer is
probably even less desirable. For one thing, it defeats
the purpose of the nil value. If we wanted nil to act
like a null string, we could just use a null string

Unit testing is an excellent way of ensuring code
coverage and catching unusual conditions.



----- Original Message -----
From: “Xiangrong Fang”
To: “ruby-talk ML”
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: How to reduce Ruby runtime error?

I already realized that I am suiciding, that’s why I asked you people
for help. What I am asking in essence is that since ruby is typeless, it
should act like truely typeless. An array of string can return nil, then
nil should act like string. I just ask if the ruby language itself has
such mechanism.

I repeat: Thanks for all the suggestion regarding unit test and
exceptions. Acutally I have already used if/then, or rescue to catch
these runtimes. What I am complaining is that if I have to always do
this in ruby programming, I might be losing all the productivity I
gained from the excellent language. Unfortunately, it is happening… I
am porting a piece of code from ruby to a dll writen in delphi.

I remembered Dave Thomas in his posting or the pickaxe said that Ruby is
a good lanugage for prototyping, is it really only prototyping? I hope

Hal Fulton

You won’t lose your productivity.

The topic has been broadly discussed in comp.lang.*. Do a search in on “Why dynamic typing” and “Newbie: argument
checking in Smalltalk”

My own opinion is, that your own suggestion about nils behaving like
various other objects won’t lead to a robust program. (Maybe I still
don’t get what you meant by robust? :wink:

A robust program won’t ignore errors. It will detect them and behave
in a deterministic way. Unit tests are the best way towards robust
programs I know of. The second best is to use some assertion concept
based on exceptions. Start with some basic exception handling and
focus on error detection instead of error handling. After reducing the
total amount of errors you will easily find the places where error
handling makes sense and where it does not.



Xiangrong Fang wrote:

I repeat: Thanks for all the suggestion regarding unit test and
exceptions. Acutally I have already used if/then, or rescue to catch
these runtimes. What I am complaining is that if I have to always do
this in ruby programming, I might be losing all the productivity I
gained from the excellent language.