How to overide "include" method?

I tried several way, but didn't found any to override the behavior of
the "include" method.
I would like to override it's behavior to accept a string as an argument
and perform a special include based on that.. so I tried something like

class Module
  def include(module1, *smth) # :doc:
    puts "In my include #{self}"
    if ( module1.is_a? String)
      instance_eval(, module1)
      super module1,*smth

without any success, this method is nether called.

Any ideas?


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# Class methods of classes inherit from instance methods of
# the Class class before they inherit from instance methods of Module.
class Class
  def include(*args)
    p "hi!"

module Bar; end

class Foo
  include Bar #=> "hi!"

p Foo.ancestors
#=> [Foo, Bar, Object, Kernel]


On Nov 18, 8:42 am, Alexandre Mutel <> wrote:

I tried several way, but didn't found any to override the behavior of
the "include" method.

Gavin Kistner wrote:

# Class methods of classes inherit from instance methods of
# the Class class before they inherit from instance methods of Module.

Thanks! Your example is working well until i use it inside a class

But when i'm trying to use it from the irb prompt, but the overloaded
include it's not called...
Is there a way to found from where the method is define? ( with
method(:include).something?), so i know where to define the overload...

For example, if i put the class overloading in a separate file
class Class
  def include(*args)
     p "hi!"

And from the irb :
require "class_includer"
include "test"

The method above is not called. It means that it's implemented elsewhere
in this case (outside a class definition, in the top level).

I tried to overload directly the include method in the irb, but it's not
working as well, very strange... well, i have probably to understand
more how scope on self is working!

So from the top level, where i can overload this "include" method?


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Gavin Kistner wrote:
But when i'm trying to use it from the irb prompt, but the overloaded
include it's not called...
Is there a way to found from where the method is define? ( with
method(:include).something?), so i know where to define the overload...

Apparently not, since method(:include).source_location returns nil.

But you can see that the include at the top level is custom for main,
not the same include from modules:

irb(main):001:0> class Foo; end
=> nil

irb(main):002:0> [ method(:include), method(:include).owner ]
=> [#<Method: main.include>, #<Class:#<Object:0x000001008b8e58>>]

irb(main):003:0> [ Foo.method(:include), Foo.method(:include).owner ]
=> [#<Method: Class(Module)#include>, Module]

So from the top level, where i can overload this "include" method?

Good question. I'm not sure where main fits into the method lookup
flow. (But if someone tells me, I'll add it to the diagram :slight_smile:


On Nov 18, 10:47 am, Alexandre Mutel <> wrote:

Gavin Kistner wrote:

So from the top level, where i can overload this "include" method?

Good question. I'm not sure where main fits into the method lookup
flow. (But if someone tells me, I'll add it to the diagram :slight_smile:

Seems that overriding like this is working :

$x = method(:include)
def self.include(mod)
   puts "Hi"
   $ mod


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In a cleaner way, it seems to work on the irb level:

class << self
  alias :_old_include_method :include
  def include(mod)
    puts "Hi"
    _old_include_method mod


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