How to insert a carriage return in a string


definitely a very newbie question... i have strings, possibly with

carriage returns in my application, and i want to save them with ‘\n’ in
litteral in my file (so that i’m guaranteed this string is on at most one
line), and then get back “\n” when deserializing.

But i don't quite get it for the deserialization part:

irb(main):001:0> myString = ‘a\nb’
irb(main):002:0> myString.gsub(’\n’, “\n”)
irb(main):003:0> myString.gsub(”\n”, “\n”)

obviously i want to get “a\nb” (from “a\nb”). How I am supposed to do that?

thank you,


myString.gsub(/\n/, “\n”)



On Tuesday 15 July 2003 13:46, Emmanuel Touzery wrote:

irb(main):003:0> myString.gsub(“\n”, “\n”)

obviously i want to get “a\nb” (from “a\nb”). How I am supposed to do

You should use doublequotes to build your strings
Check the differences btw " & ’

irb.log(main):001:0> “tmp” ,“w”
irb.log(main):002:0> myString = ‘a\nb’
irb.log(main):003:0> f << myString
irb.log(main):005:0> f.close
irb.log(main):007:0> r=cat tmp #Or

irb.log(main):011:0> myString = “a\nb”
irb.log(main):012:0> “tmp” ,“w”
irb.log(main):013:0> f << myString
irb.log(main):014:0> f.close
irb.log(main):016:0> r=cat tmp #Or

then you can >>>
r.split(“\n”).each {| line | p line }


Emmanuel Touzery wrote:



definitely a very newbie question… i have strings, possibly with
carriage returns in my application, and i want to save them with ‘\n’ in
litteral in my file (so that i’m guaranteed this string is on at most one
line), and then get back “\n” when deserializing.

But i don’t quite get it for the deserialization part:

irb(main):001:0> myString = ‘a\nb’
irb(main):002:0> myString.gsub(‘\n’, “\n”)
irb(main):003:0> myString.gsub(“\n”, “\n”)

obviously i want to get “a\nb” (from “a\nb”). How I am supposed to do that?

thank you,


General Electric - CIAT
Advanced Engineering Center

Rodrigo Bermejo
Information Technologies.
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