I suppose I should also toss you some advice about your original
Uh, you do realize that your posting looks like you want to hire
someone to write spam bots and other evil right? Now, I'm a pretty
morally flexible guy if the pay is right, but some people might object
to helping pass out more girl-on-girl porn ads.
So, if your company is serious and not in the incest porn ads business
or pumping the latest penny stocks, then I'd revise your posting to
reflect your company's true purpose. Simply say something like, "Yes
we do direct e-mail marketing, but we try to be a legitimate opt-in
only service. We don't push penny stock, penis pills, teenage girls,
or incest." That would probably make people feel more comfortable
contacting you.
Now, you might ask, "Why would anyone care what we do? We pay damn
good and it's coding in their favorite language. What's the big
deal?" Again, I know nothing of your character and your business. I
have to assume that if you're doing something in the gray area of the
law, then there's also probably a good chance that other aspects of
your business are in the gray area too. If I go work for IBM or
another firm then I'm at least gonna get a solid check and reasonable
health benefits. If I go work for someone in the gray areas I could
get screwed, late paychecks, cheated out of my taxes, and other shady
deals I've witnessed first hand.
In addition, working for a spammer could potentially damage my career
as many other potential employers might not want to hire someone who's
worked in such a field. There's plenty of coders out there who could
care less as long as there's pay, but you should keep this in mind.
Some people are looking for both a Ruby job AND a Ruby job they can
proudly put on their resume. I doesn't look good writing, "Wrote
Ruby programs to troll bulletin boards in order to sell penny stocks to
poor people who are victims of incest."
Anyway, that was my first reaction when I read it. Just some friendly
advice which might help you land a Ruby coder.
Zed A. Shaw
On Wed, 19 Oct 2005 09:41:58 +0900 "jfry" <> wrote:
Hey there,
I am trying to find and hire a ruby programmer and would love some
advice. I posted the following message on 10/12 and was surprised not
to get any responses.
We pay very competitive wages and are open to contract or FT for the
right person, here in the San Francisco Bay Area or someone working
remotely elsewhere. Any suggestions from others about where to look?
(I've posted to our local craigslist of course as well). Is there any
sort of ruby jobs site? I haven't found anything yet.
Or alternately...any comments or suggestions for the ad that we put
Thanks in advance for your help...and if you think you might be a good
fit, or know someone who is, drop me a line.
Jeff Fry