How to download file from web site

Okay, it's easy to download a file from an FTP server with Net::FTP. Given a URL like this: "" is there a way using pure Ruby to download this file?

harp:~ > cat a.rb
require 'open-uri'
uri = ''

open(uri) do |fin|
   open(File.basename(uri), 'w') do |fout|
     while(buf =
       fout.write buf

harp:~ > ruby a.rb

harp:~ > new RMagick-1.15.3.tar.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ahoward ahoward 1048764 Mar 3 08:00 RMagick-1.15.3.tar.gz



On Sat, 3 Mar 2007, Timothy Hunter wrote:

Okay, it's easy to download a file from an FTP server with Net::FTP. Given a URL like this: "" is there a way using pure Ruby to download this file?

be kind whenever possible... it is always possible.
- the dalai lama

You might be surprised to learn that there is also Net::HTTP...

And then there's open-uri



On 03.03.2007 15:47, Timothy Hunter wrote:

Okay, it's easy to download a file from an FTP server with Net::FTP. Given a URL like this: "" is there a way using pure Ruby to download this file?

Thanks again, Ara!

··· wrote:

On Sat, 3 Mar 2007, Timothy Hunter wrote:

Okay, it's easy to download a file from an FTP server with Net::FTP. Given a URL like this: "" is there a way using pure Ruby to download this file?

harp:~ > cat a.rb
require 'open-uri'
uri = ''

open(uri) do |fin|
  open(File.basename(uri), 'w') do |fout|
    while(buf =
      fout.write buf

harp:~ > ruby a.rb

harp:~ > new RMagick-1.15.3.tar.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ahoward ahoward 1048764 Mar 3 08:00 RMagick-1.15.3.tar.gz


He asks naively...

  Why is this so complicated, e.g., the 8192 buffered write, etc.?


··· wrote:

require 'open-uri'
uri = ''

open(uri) do |fin|
  open(File.basename(uri), 'w') do |fout|
    while(buf =
      fout.write buf

Bil Kleb

no way - thank you! i'm preparing a class right now, here's one of many
examples i've got put together:


On Sun, 4 Mar 2007, Timothy Hunter wrote:


Thanks again, Ara!

# gem install RMagick @
   require "rubygems"
   require "RMagick"
# converts all images named on the command-line into thumbnails
   ARGV.each do |path|
     path = File.expand_path path
     dirname, basename = File.split path
     base, ext = basename.split %r/[.]/, 2

     img = path

     thumb = img.thumbnail 96, 96
     thumb_path = File.join dirname, "#{ base }.thumb.#{ ext }"
     thumb.write thumb_path

     puts thumb_path

thanks for rmagick.

be kind whenever possible... it is always possible.
- the dalai lama

So you don't try to slurp a very large file into Ruby's memory I'm guessing.

James Edward Gray II


On Mar 4, 2007, at 10:10 AM, Bil Kleb wrote: wrote:

require 'open-uri'
uri = ''
open(uri) do |fin|
  open(File.basename(uri), 'w') do |fout|
    while(buf =
      fout.write buf

He asks naively...

Why is this so complicated, e.g., the 8192 buffered write, etc.?

well, this will do it too

   def wget src, dst
     open(dst,'w'){|b| open(src){|a| b.write}}

but if you

   wget 'http://host/huge_giant_output.cgi', 'big.out'

and then start 1000 of them in threads you might eat a lot of memory

the 8192 thing is just being robust in the face of potential giant docs. not
an issue for html probably but the OP was talking about downloading tar.gz
files, so those could be big. we've got plenty of them that are > 10GB for
download on our servers....




On Mon, 5 Mar 2007, Bil Kleb wrote: wrote:

require 'open-uri'
uri = ''

open(uri) do |fin|
  open(File.basename(uri), 'w') do |fout|
    while(buf =
      fout.write buf

He asks naively...

Why is this so complicated, e.g., the 8192 buffered write, etc.?

be kind whenever possible... it is always possible.
- the dalai lama

Bil Kleb wrote:

require 'open-uri'
uri = ''

open(uri) do |fin|
  open(File.basename(uri), 'w') do |fout|
    while(buf =
      fout.write buf

He asks naively...

Why is this so complicated, e.g., the 8192 buffered write, etc.?

It does seem too low-level, doesn't it? Especially in the same snippet with open(uri), which abstracts so much.

Didn't the rio library[1] have a way to abstract this operation?

This is from the docs:

Copy a web-page to a file rio(''\) > rio('afile')

I suppose it's using the same buffering technique underneath that abstraction.

[1] (never used it myself)

··· wrote:

       vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

You're welcome!

The reason I'm asking these questions is because I'm working on a Ruby program to download and install ImageMagick, all its delegate libraries, and RMagick, on OS X, starting from scratch and not using MacPorts.

BTW, I saw your comment about the rmagick gem. You're right, it's screwy. I'm hoping to mothball it in RMagick 2.0.0, if I can figure out a way to replace my autoconf-generated configure script with pure Ruby.

··· wrote:

On Sun, 4 Mar 2007, Timothy Hunter wrote:


Thanks again, Ara!

no way - thank you! i'm preparing a class right now, here's one of many
examples i've got put together:

# gem install RMagick @
  require "rubygems"
  require "RMagick"
# converts all images named on the command-line into thumbnails
  ARGV.each do |path|
    path = File.expand_path path
    dirname, basename = File.split path
    base, ext = basename.split %r/[.]/, 2

    img = path

    thumb = img.thumbnail 96, 96
    thumb_path = File.join dirname, "#{ base }.thumb.#{ ext }"
    thumb.write thumb_path

    puts thumb_path

thanks for rmagick.


reminds me of an RCR i've had in mind:

   io.relay another_io, bufsize

seems like a nice one huh?



On Mon, 5 Mar 2007, Joel VanderWerf wrote:

Bil Kleb wrote: wrote:

require 'open-uri'
uri = ''

open(uri) do |fin|
  open(File.basename(uri), 'w') do |fout|
    while(buf =
      fout.write buf

He asks naively...

Why is this so complicated, e.g., the 8192 buffered write, etc.?

It does seem too low-level, doesn't it? Especially in the same snippet with open(uri), which abstracts so much.

Didn't the rio library[1] have a way to abstract this operation?

This is from the docs:

Copy a web-page to a file rio(''\) > rio('afile')

I suppose it's using the same buffering technique underneath that abstraction.

[1] (never used it myself)

be kind whenever possible... it is always possible.
- the dalai lama

I just spent about a day fixing my RMagick install (on Mac OS X), that had become horribly broken, so releasing something like this would make you a hero in my eyes.

James Edward Gray II


On Mar 3, 2007, at 9:39 AM, Timothy Hunter wrote:

The reason I'm asking these questions is because I'm working on a Ruby program to download and install ImageMagick, all its delegate libraries, and RMagick, on OS X, starting from scratch and not using MacPorts.

Yes, although I'm not sure whether "relay" is immediately clear to everyone - especially non native speakers. I briefly thought of "copy_to" but that is not correct in every case, i.e. not always it is actually a copy. What about "forward_to"? Hm...

Kind regards



On 04.03.2007 20:50, wrote:

On Mon, 5 Mar 2007, Joel VanderWerf wrote:

Bil Kleb wrote: wrote:

require 'open-uri'
uri = ''

open(uri) do |fin|
  open(File.basename(uri), 'w') do |fout|
    while(buf =
      fout.write buf

He asks naively...

Why is this so complicated, e.g., the 8192 buffered write, etc.?

It does seem too low-level, doesn't it? Especially in the same snippet with open(uri), which abstracts so much.

Didn't the rio library[1] have a way to abstract this operation?

This is from the docs:

Copy a web-page to a file rio(''\) > rio('afile')

I suppose it's using the same buffering technique underneath that abstraction.

[1] (never used it myself)

reminds me of an RCR i've had in mind:

  io.relay another_io, bufsize

seems like a nice one huh?

James Edward Gray II wrote:


On Mar 3, 2007, at 9:39 AM, Timothy Hunter wrote:

The reason I'm asking these questions is because I'm working on a Ruby program to download and install ImageMagick, all its delegate libraries, and RMagick, on OS X, starting from scratch and not using MacPorts.

I just spent about a day fixing my RMagick install (on Mac OS X), that had become horribly broken, so releasing something like this would make you a hero in my eyes.

James Edward Gray II

Ouch! Sorry you had trouble. Email me when you have a problem, James. I'll be glad to do what I can to help.

BTW, just last week I updated my "Installing RMagick on OS X HOWTO" here:\. I guess it's too late to help you but maybe it'll help somebody else.

No worries. It wasn't your fault. I broke it.

James Edward Gray II


On Mar 3, 2007, at 11:53 AM, Timothy Hunter wrote:

James Edward Gray II wrote:

On Mar 3, 2007, at 9:39 AM, Timothy Hunter wrote:

The reason I'm asking these questions is because I'm working on a Ruby program to download and install ImageMagick, all its delegate libraries, and RMagick, on OS X, starting from scratch and not using MacPorts.

I just spent about a day fixing my RMagick install (on Mac OS X), that had become horribly broken, so releasing something like this would make you a hero in my eyes.

James Edward Gray II

Ouch! Sorry you had trouble. Email me when you have a problem, James. I'll be glad to do what I can to help.

Here is a shell script I wrote a while ago to build ruby/imagemagick/rmagick on OSX without using macports. Feel free to use it if you want.


# Install Ruby & IMageMagick & RMagick on Macintosh OS X 10.4.7 (Intel)
# Stock Apple Developer Tools (2.3)

# Readline
tar xzvf readline-${READLINE_VERSION}.tar.gz
pushd readline-${READLINE_VERSION}
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install

# Ruby


tar xfz ruby-${RUBY_VERSION}.tar.gz

pushd ruby-${RUBY_VERSION}
sudo make install

# Ruby Gems


tar xfz rubygems-${GEM_VERSION}.tgz

pushd rubygems-${GEM_VERSION}
sudo ruby setup.rb

# ImageMagick


tar xfz libpng-${LPNG_VERSION}.tar.gz

pushd libpng-${LPNG_VERSION}
sudo make install


tar xfz jpegsrc.v${JPEG_VERSION}.tar.gz

pushd jpeg-${JPEG_VERSION}
sudo make install
sudo make install-lib


tar xfz tiff-${TIFF_VERSION}.tar.gz

pushd tiff-${TIFF_VERSION}
sudo make install



tar xfz ImageMagick-${IM_VERSION}.tar.gz

pushd ImageMagick-${IM_VERSION_MAJOR}
sudo make install

sudo gem install rmagick


-- Ezra Zygmuntowicz-- Lead Rails Evangelist
-- Engine Yard, Serious Rails Hosting
-- (866) 518-YARD (9273)


On Mar 3, 2007, at 9:53 AM, Timothy Hunter wrote:

James Edward Gray II wrote:

On Mar 3, 2007, at 9:39 AM, Timothy Hunter wrote:

The reason I'm asking these questions is because I'm working on a Ruby program to download and install ImageMagick, all its delegate libraries, and RMagick, on OS X, starting from scratch and not using MacPorts.

I just spent about a day fixing my RMagick install (on Mac OS X), that had become horribly broken, so releasing something like this would make you a hero in my eyes.

James Edward Gray II

Ouch! Sorry you had trouble. Email me when you have a problem, James. I'll be glad to do what I can to help.

BTW, just last week I updated my "Installing RMagick on OS X HOWTO" here:\. I guess it's too late to help you but maybe it'll help somebody else.

Ezra Zygmuntowicz wrote:

    Here is a shell script I wrote a while ago to build ruby/imagemagick/rmagick on OSX without using macports. Feel free to use it if you want.

Thanks, Ezra! That's a very nice gift. I'll incorporate all the best parts into my script.

There are a couple of these kinds of bash scripts for installing RMagick floating around. None of them implement my exact set of superstitions about installing ImageMagick[1], so I thought it would be useful to do my own. I'm using Ruby instead of bash, though, since I get very little opportunity to write Ruby code.

[1] "Speed up your RMagick apps in 1 easy step"