How to do instance_eval with arguments

I'm prototyping a DSL and came across a situtation where I have a lambda
that I would like to give to instance_eval, but the lambda takes
arguments. Instance_eval will not supply any arguments when evaluating
the lambda and I don't see a straightforward way around this.

Any suggestions?

Here's a test case ...

class Dummy
  def f

def instance_eval_with_args(obj, *args, &block)
  # Magic goes here to evaluate +block+ in the scope of
  # +obj+, yet pass a list of argument values to the block.

class TestInstanceEvalWithArgs < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def test_instance_eval_with_args
    # Create a block that returns the value of an argument and a value
    # of a method call to +self+. This is the basic functionality I
    block = lambda { |a| [a, f] }

    assert_equal [:arg_value, :dummy_value],
      instance_eval_with_args(, :arg_value, &block)


-- Jim Weirich

Posted via

This is what 1.9's Object#instance_exec does:

One way to implement it in 1.8:

# The following script was annotated with my xmp filter


On Thu, Feb 09, 2006 at 07:33:53AM +0900, Jim Weirich wrote:

I'm prototyping a DSL and came across a situtation where I have a lambda
that I would like to give to instance_eval, but the lambda takes
arguments. Instance_eval will not supply any arguments when evaluating
the lambda and I don't see a straightforward way around this.

Any suggestions?

class Object
  def instance_exec(*args, &block)
    mname = "__instance_exec_#{Thread.current.object_id.abs}"
    class << self; self end.class_eval{ define_method(mname, &block) }
      ret = send(mname, *args)
      class << self; self end.class_eval{ undef_method(mname) } rescue nil
# your test case
class Dummy
  def f

def instance_eval_with_args(obj, *args, &block)
  # Magic goes here to evaluate +block+ in the scope of
  # +obj+, yet pass a list of argument values to the block.
  obj.instance_exec(*args, &block)

require 'test/unit'
class TestInstanceEvalWithArgs < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def test_instance_eval_with_args
    # Create a block that returns the value of an argument and a value
    # of a method call to +self+. This is the basic functionality I need.
    block = lambda { |a| [a, f] }

    assert_equal [:arg_value, :dummy_value],
      instance_eval_with_args(, :arg_value, &block)
# >> Loaded suite -
# >> Started
# >> .
# >> Finished in 0.000561 seconds.
# >>
# >> 1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

Mauricio Fernandez



In message "Re: how to do instance_eval with arguments" on Thu, 9 Feb 2006 07:33:53 +0900, Jim Weirich <> writes:

I'm prototyping a DSL and came across a situtation where I have a lambda
that I would like to give to instance_eval, but the lambda takes
arguments. Instance_eval will not supply any arguments when evaluating
the lambda and I don't see a straightforward way around this.

Any suggestions?

CVS HEAD (1.9) has instance_exec method that works exactly what you


Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote:

<> writes:
>I'm prototyping a DSL and came across a situtation where I have a lambda
>that I would like to give to instance_eval, but the lambda takes
>arguments. Instance_eval will not supply any arguments when evaluating
>the lambda and I don't see a straightforward way around this.
>Any suggestions?

CVS HEAD (1.9) has instance_exec method that works exactly what you

Excellent! I think Matz's time machine is every bit as good as


-- Jim Weirich

[1] Guido

Posted via\.

Mauricio Fernandez wrote:

Any suggestions?


One way to implement it in 1.8:

[... solution elided ...]

Thanks! That should be good enough for my prototype ... at least until
1.9 features become standard.


On Thu, Feb 09, 2006 at 07:33:53AM +0900, Jim Weirich wrote:

-- Jim Weirich

Posted via\.