How to delete the browser cache through ruby

Hi All,

I am using the below code but it seems not working for IE. ( not sure).
Could anyone please help me how to delete the cache .

I also found the code in the below location but it seems very unclear
which method I need to call etc. Can anyone please step wise tell me if
I need to use the code from

def delete_cache

      @window_os_flag = RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("mswin")

      #@mac_os_flag = RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("darwin")

      @browser_name = page.get_eval("navigator.userAgent")

      if @window_os_flag.to_s == "true"

        if @browser_name.to_s =~ /IE/
          puts "Test is running in window platform with browser IE"
Internet Files/*')
Internet Files/*'),:force => true
Internet Files/*')

        if @browser_name.to_s =~ /Chrome/
          puts "Test is running in window platform with browser
Data/Default/*'),:force => true

        if @browser_name.to_s =~ /Firefox/
          puts "Test is running in window platform with browser Firefox"
=> true





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why you want to do that??
means why you want to clear cache..


Posted via

I think it is probably a better idea to ensure that the cache expires in due
time, rather than trying to clear it programmatically.


Thanks & Regards,
Dhruva Sagar.

On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 15:35, Arihan Sinha <> wrote:

Hi All,

I am using the below code but it seems not working for IE. ( not sure).
Could anyone please help me how to delete the cache .

I also found the code in the below location but it seems very unclear
which method I need to call etc. Can anyone please step wise tell me if
I need to use the code from
del_cache - Utility for deleting Internet Explorer cache files

del_cache - Utility for deleting Internet Explorer cache files

def delete_cache

     @window_os_flag = RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("mswin")

     #@mac_os_flag = RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("darwin")

     @browser_name = page.get_eval("navigator.userAgent")

     if @window_os_flag.to_s == "true"

       if @browser_name.to_s =~ /IE/
         puts "Test is running in window platform with browser IE"

Internet Files/*')

Internet Files/*'),:force => true

Internet Files/*')

       if @browser_name.to_s =~ /Chrome/
         puts "Test is running in window platform with browser
Data/Default/*'),:force => true

       if @browser_name.to_s =~ /Firefox/
         puts "Test is running in window platform with browser Firefox"

=> true



Posted via\.

On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 05:05:24 -0500, Arihan Sinha
<> wrote in

I am using the below code but it seems not working for IE. ( not sure).
Could anyone please help me how to delete the cache .


def delete_cache

     @window_os_flag = RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("mswin")

     #@mac_os_flag = RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("darwin")

     @browser_name = page.get_eval("navigator.userAgent")

     if @window_os_flag.to_s == "true"

       if @browser_name.to_s =~ /IE/
         puts "Test is running in window platform with browser IE"
Internet Files/*')
Internet Files/*'),:force => true

It's a bad idea to delete the temporary files at the filesytem level
like that. You could cause errors in the IE instance. Instead, Take
a look at the Win32API functions that you can use for this:
<Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career.

You can access these functions in Ruby using the Win32API library or
the dl/win32 library, both of which are part of the Ruby stdlib.


Charles Calvert
Moderator -
Submission Address:
Contact Address:

Thanks all.

I tried with sh %{ruby lib/del_cache.rb} and its working fine.


Posted via

Dhruva Sagar wrote:

I think it is probably a better idea to ensure that the cache expires in
time, rather than trying to clear it programmatically.

Thanks & Regards,
Dhruva Sagar.

Actually I am doing some performance testing by retrieving the response
time of the page without cache and with cache. So I need to delete the
cache.If anyone can help me for IE that would be great.



Posted via\.

Charles Calvert wrote in post #955502:

On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 05:05:24 -0500, Arihan Sinha
<> wrote in

I am using the below code but it seems not working for IE. ( not sure).
Could anyone please help me how to delete the cache .


       if @browser_name.to_s =~ /IE/
         puts "Test is running in window platform with browser IE"
Internet Files/*')
Internet Files/*'),:force => true

It's a bad idea to delete the temporary files at the filesytem level
like that. You could cause errors in the IE instance. Instead, Take
a look at the Win32API functions that you can use for this:

You can access these functions in Ruby using the Win32API library or
the dl/win32 library, both of which are part of the Ruby stdlib.

Hi Charles,

it seeems the whole delete_cache.rb is mentioned in this thread ( the
details code in the previous post) but its very confusing which method
need to call. So if you can highlight anything w.r.t that then it would
be great.



Posted via\.

If your Ruby is running the client, you could try deleting the files within the temporary files folder.

26/9/2010 | 12:49 AM.


On 24/9/2010 6:41 PM, Arihan Sinha wrote:

Dhruva Sagar wrote:

I think it is probably a better idea to ensure that the cache expires in
time, rather than trying to clear it programmatically.

Thanks& Regards,
Dhruva Sagar.

Actually I am doing some performance testing by retrieving the response
time of the page without cache and with cache. So I need to delete the
cache.If anyone can help me for IE that would be great.

On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 14:33:08 -0500, Arihan Sinha
<> wrote in

Charles Calvert wrote in post #955502:

On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 05:05:24 -0500, Arihan Sinha
<> wrote in

I am using the below code but it seems not working for IE. ( not sure).
Could anyone please help me how to delete the cache .


       if @browser_name.to_s =~ /IE/
         puts "Test is running in window platform with browser IE"
Internet Files/*')
Internet Files/*'),:force => true

It's a bad idea to delete the temporary files at the filesytem level
like that. You could cause errors in the IE instance. Instead, Take
a look at the Win32API functions that you can use for this:
<Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career.

You can access these functions in Ruby using the Win32API library or
the dl/win32 library, both of which are part of the Ruby stdlib.

it seeems the whole delete_cache.rb is mentioned in this thread ( the
details code in the previous post) but its very confusing which method
need to call. So if you can highlight anything w.r.t that then it would
be great.

You should look at the method main starting on line 122. That's the
loop that you'll need to execute.

BTW, some of the method names (e.g. get_first_info) leave something to
be desired. If you're going to use this code, even just as an
example, I'd rename those methods to something more descriptive.


Charles Calvert
Moderator -
Submission Address:
Contact Address:

Mohit Sindhwani wrote:


On 24/9/2010 6:41 PM, Arihan Sinha wrote:

cache.If anyone can help me for IE that would be great.

If your Ruby is running the client, you could try deleting the files
within the temporary files folder.

26/9/2010 | 12:49 AM.

Thats I am doing. if you chek the code what I've mentioned on the top
you can find that. but it seems not working for IE. I know some code
like as below mentioned in the net which I found but very confusing
which one I need to call

# set TEMPIF=%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
# %TEMPIF%\Content.IE5\Index.DAT

require 'Win32API'

# HashMethods = a Hash that can be accessed with methods
# e.g. h =
# h['street'] = 'Broadway'
# h.street = 'Broadway'
# puts h.street ===> Broadway

require 'delegate'

class MethodHash < SimpleDelegator
    def initialize h = {}
        super h

    def method_missing(method_name, *args)
        name = method_name.to_s
        if name.ends_with?('=')
            self[ name.chop ] = args[0]
            self[ name ]

class String
    def ends_with?(substr)
        len = substr.length
        self.reverse() [0 .. len-1].reverse == substr

    def starts_with?(substr)
        len = substr.length
        self[0 .. len-1] == substr

    alias start_with? starts_with?
    alias begin_with? starts_with?
    alias begins_with? starts_with?
    alias end_with? ends_with?

    # String each() operator reads line-by-line
    # These functions return characters
    def each_char
        self.each_byte{|x| yield x.chr }
    def collect_char
        r =
        self.each_byte{|x| r << x.chr }


// Windows System calls needed to clear cache.

BOOL DeleteUrlCacheEntry(
  LPCTSTR lpszUrlName

HANDLE FindFirstUrlCacheEntry(
  LPCTSTR lpszUrlSearchPattern,
  LPDWORD lpdwFirstCacheEntryInfoBufferSize

BOOL FindNextUrlCacheEntry(
  HANDLE hEnumHandle,
  LPWORD lpdwNextCacheEntryInfoBufferSize

BOOL FindCloseUrlCache(
    IN HANDLE hEnumHandle

    DWORD dwStructSize;
    LPTSTR lpszSourceUrlName;
    LPTSTR lpszLocalFileName;
    DWORD CacheEntryType;
    DWORD dwUseCount;
    DWORD dwHitRate;
    DWORD dwSizeLow;
    DWORD dwSizeHigh;
    FILETIME LastModifiedTime;
    FILETIME ExpireTime;
    FILETIME LastAccessTime;
    FILETIME LastSyncTime;
    LPBYTE lpHeaderInfo;
    DWORD dwHeaderInfoSize;
    LPTSTR lpszFileExtension;
    union {
        DWORD dwReserved;
        DWORD dwExemptDelta;


def main
    w = get_api('wininet',FUNCS)
    i = 0

    info,infosize = get_first_info(w)
    cache = w.FindFirstUrlCacheEntry.Call(nil,info,infosize)
    if cache != 0
            len, source_file_ptr, local_file_ptr = info.unpack 'LLL'
            i += 1
            info,infosize = get_next_info( w, cache )
        end while w.FindNextUrlCacheEntry.Call(cache, info, infosize) !=

def get_first_info(api)
    sizenum = [0,0].pack('L*')
    buf = [1024,0].pack('L*').ljust(1024)
    r = api.FindFirstUrlCacheEntry.Call(nil,nil,sizenum)
    n = sizenum.unpack('L')[0]
    info = sizenum.ljust(n)

def get_next_info(api, handle)
    sizenum = [0,0].pack('L*')
    buf = [1024,0].pack('L*').ljust(1024)
    r = api.FindNextUrlCacheEntry.Call(handle,nil,sizenum)
    n = sizenum.unpack('L')[0]
    info = sizenum.ljust(n)

# Win32 API used in this file is listed here.
# Each system call can be instatiated like this
# DeleteUrlCacheEntry ="wininet",
"DeleteUrlCacheEntry", ['P'], 'V')
# Instead, the functions are defined dynamically from this list:
'FindFirstUrlCacheEntry' => ['ppp','n'],
'FindNextUrlCacheEntry' => ['npp','n'],
'DeleteUrlCacheEntry' => ['n', 'n'],
'FindCloseUrlCache' => ['n', 'n']

# get_api returns a hash with Win32 API system calls
# Usage:
# api = get_api('Kernel32', {'GetLastError'=>['V', 'N'],...})
def get_api(library, function_hash)
    f =
        in_types = types[0].collect_char{|x| x}
        out_type = types[1]
        f[funcname] =, funcname, in_types,

def getLastError
    f ='Kernel32', 'GetLastError', ['V'], 'N')


#if __FILE__ == $0
# n = main
# # print "Deleted #{n} items\n"
# sleep 20

Posted via\.

Charles Calvert wrote in post #956120:

On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 14:33:08 -0500, Arihan Sinha
<> wrote in

       if @browser_name.to_s =~ /IE/

a look at the Win32API functions that you can use for this:
<Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career.

You can access these functions in Ruby using the Win32API library or
the dl/win32 library, both of which are part of the Ruby stdlib.

it seeems the whole delete_cache.rb is mentioned in this thread ( the
details code in the previous post) but its very confusing which method
need to call. So if you can highlight anything w.r.t that then it would
be great.

You should look at the method main starting on line 122. That's the
loop that you'll need to execute.

BTW, some of the method names (e.g. get_first_info) leave something to
be desired. If you're going to use this code, even just as an
example, I'd rename those methods to something more descriptive.

Hi Charles,

I did in a different way. I need to call that in my script so that when
I call, the complete del_cache.rb should run. So I used the below and
its working fine.

require 'rake'
sh %{ruby lib/del_cache.rb}


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