Hi i am having two arrays and i have append into a hash like this.Please
help me.
{:name=>"Network management",:url=>"http://www.examplw.com"},
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
You need to provide more information before anyone can help you. Your
intentions aren't clear from this message. What exactly are you trying
to do?
On Mar 25, 10:34 am, Nike Mike <thillaibo...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi i am having two arrays and i have append into a hash like this.Please
help me.
\{:name=>"Network management",:url=>"http://www.examplw.com"\},
Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
Something like
a = Array.new
(1..10).each do |x|
a << { :name => x, :value => rand()}
{:value=>0.275365921616629, :name=>1},
{:value=>0.908041472109624, :name=>2},
{:value=>0.456925255668977, :name=>3},
{:value=>0.960411659941877, :name=>4},
{:value=>0.322421277822909, :name=>5},
{:value=>0.566391285531641, :name=>6},
{:value=>0.658230197869362, :name=>7},
{:value=>0.319688834896862, :name=>8},
{:value=>0.0955639492351847, :name=>9},
{:value=>0.794232897318298, :name=>10}
It would be clearer if you specified with a code example the input
data and the expected output (btw, the above is not correct syntax).
But I'll take a stab:
irb(main):001:0> first_array = ["Databases", "Network Management", "Security"]
=> ["Databases", "Network Management", "Security"]
irb(main):002:0> second_array = ["http://databases", "http://network",
=> ["http://databases", "http://network", "http://security"]
irb(main):004:0> first_array.zip(second_array).inject() {|result,
(k,v)| result << {k => v}; result}
=> [{"Databases"=>"http://databases"}, {"Network
Management"=>"http://network"}, {"Security"=>"http://security"}]
Is that what you want?
On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Nike Mike <thillaibooks@gmail.com> wrote:
Lee Jarvis wrote:
On Mar 25, 10:34�am, Nike Mike <thillaibo...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi i am having two arrays and i have append into a hash like this.Please
help me.
{:name=>"Network management",:url=>"http://www.examplw.com"},
Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
You need to provide more information before anyone can help you. Your
intentions aren't clear from this message. What exactly are you trying
to do?
How to create mutiple hash like this
Sorry, I meant this:
irb(main):005:0> first_array.zip(second_array).inject() {|result,
(k,v)| result << {:name => k, :url => v}; result}
=> [{:url=>"http://databases", :name=>"Databases"},
{:url=>"http://network", :name=>"Network Management"},
{:url=>"http://security", :name=>"Security"}]
2010/3/25 Jesús Gabriel y Galán <jgabrielygalan@gmail.com>:
On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Nike Mike <thillaibooks@gmail.com> wrote:
Lee Jarvis wrote:
On Mar 25, 10:34�am, Nike Mike <thillaibo...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi i am having two arrays and i have append into a hash like this.Please
help me.
{:name=>"Network management",:url=>"http://www.examplw.com"},
Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
You need to provide more information before anyone can help you. Your
intentions aren't clear from this message. What exactly are you trying
to do?
How to create mutiple hash like this
It would be clearer if you specified with a code example the input
data and the expected output (btw, the above is not correct syntax).
But I'll take a stab:
irb(main):001:0> first_array = ["Databases", "Network Management", "Security"]
=> ["Databases", "Network Management", "Security"]
irb(main):002:0> second_array = ["http://databases", "http://network",
=> ["http://databases", "http://network", "http://security"]
irb(main):004:0> first_array.zip(second_array).inject() {|result,
(k,v)| result << {k => v}; result}
=> [{"Databases"=>"http://databases"}, {"Network
Management"=>"http://network"}, {"Security"=>"http://security"}]
irb(main):001:0> first_array = ["Databases", "Network Management", "Security"]
=> ["Databases", "Network Management", "Security"]
irb(main):002:0> second_array = ["http://databases", "http://network",
=> ["http://databases", "http://network", "http://security"]
Sorry for the third post in a row, but this is much better done like this:
irb(main):006:0> first_array.zip(second_array).map {|(k,v)| {:name =>
k, :url => v}}
=> [{:url=>"http://databases", :name=>"Databases"},
{:url=>"http://network", :name=>"Network Management"},
{:url=>"http://security", :name=>"Security"}]